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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. The rumour about him in December prompted national media coverage with our major sponsor Val being vehemently against it, what I cant get my head round is why Clyde knowing of the feelings surrounding a move for the said player, decided to get in touch with someone at RRFC and offer the player in the first place
  2. Who the hell is going to buy out the 3 directors knowing fine well they have no control of the pitch they play on. exactly my point
  3. Thats the crux of the matter, never mind buying the club, how much would it take to buy out the 3 Directors even if they were willing to sell Plus they'd need to sort their mess out first
  4. Is that maybe in some way a reason for our continued drop in form
  5. And yet you're advocating PS taking over from McGlynn till the end of season.......... strange to say the least And just out of curiosity, how would someone purportedly living in the States know that little gem, or are you not who you say you are
  6. I can't see it being any Director, so that leaves the CEO, John McGlynn or Smith, certainly wouldn't be Sim
  7. The CEO could have and should have put this approach to bed, she would've been the first point of contact when Clyde got in touch, she knew full well at that point the ramifications of signing said player, yet knowing full well she would be classed as a liar to no less than our biggest sponsor, she went ahead anyway and put the wheels in motion by passing the Clyde approach on to Sim, as Scottydog says shes there to do the best for her employer and whats right for the club , to that end I hold her more culpable than anyone
  8. I still want to know why the CEO is still at the club, after lying to V. McD saying we had no intention of signing DG to then passing on to John Sim that Clyde had got in touch, why did she pass it on to Sim intead of telling Clyde where to go, I also recall McGlynn saying in his interview he didn't want to hang anyone out to dry, just who was he refering to
  9. Ok I'll buck the trend, 3-1 Rovers, Poplatnik hat trick in the last 5 mins
  10. Aye its relegation form, very depressing stuff from a Manager and players that have no fight or fire in their belly, somethings not right in the background and its not just down to the DG fiasco
  11. Thats a fair point, but this slump shows no sign of ending and the Manager is showing no signs of how to stop/fix it, he has no plan B, C, or D,
  12. Just the fact he popped into my head as being free nowt else
  13. We've proven history that ex players dont do well as Managers though
  14. Hardly sacrificed on the alter of expediency, his results and style of play have been honking for months, as for Smith ...... no thanks him and his Mrs should disappear into the sunset at the same time Berra could be a good shout, Steven Glass another, also Jack Ross, Ferguson and McPake you can put straight in the bin
  15. We're not or shouldn't be in any danger of the relegation play offs, so to that end he shouldn't have his contract renewed at seasons end, but if he walks before then thats up to him
  16. Full time thank feck thats over with, changes need to be made
  17. Both should do the decent thing and walk, taking the CEO with them
  18. Thats the only bright spot, but Hamilton and Partick are coming up on the rails and we'll end up around 7th
  19. Total pish, a Manager thats lucks ran oot and doesn't have a clue
  20. Celtic aside, This has got the potential to be our heaviest defeat in a while , hopefully we can get out of it with a draw........ but
  21. Moan, moan, fuckin moan, as if thats gonna change anything, it'll take time, these things just dont happen overnight however much you want it to
  22. A lot of if's but's an maybes regarding contract and signings for next year, how high up we finish this year, the amount of season tickets that are taken up, who will sponsor us, will RTV come back............ hell we dont even know who the Manager will be if McGlynn walks or even if we can afford the current players we've got. All because of one mistake of judgement
  23. Patience like my old Granny used to say is a virtue, board members and to a certain extent managers will only go if they want to Me, I've supported and followed my Team Raith Rovers man and boy and I'll continue to support the team ............. the Board and Management is another matter
  24. At least it wasn't sellotaped on like the one the halfwit had
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