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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. Wouldn't be surprised to see an announcement of new signings 10 mins before kick off
  2. Problem with this is that you could get knocked out in the first round but your opponents for a Saturday game down the line get through. End result being you still lose out on Saturday ticket sales and hospitality takings but you get even less prize money. Lose-lose. Yeah thats the scenario
  3. High time this challenge cup malarky was given the heave, next season we should do our best to get put out first round 25k for runner up doesn't make up for lost gate money ,lost hospitality income etc
  4. If Millers whats come out of left field that''ll be a huge drop in his wages that we cant afford And with that huge debt thats hanging round the club we really need to get outta this league pronto
  5. Annoyingly we're gonna have this same senario trying to sign players for the championship next season, assuming we get there
  6. Vitoria can play as a striker but never gets a game, so why was he signed, whats the point of wasting more money bringing in an ageing front man whos legs are probably gone, and might end up being a bad influence in the dressing room
  7. The net needs casting further afield than just the Scottish leagues , I also think the coaching staff needs to work hard with Bowie and Smith so that we're not in this same position next season
  8. TXrover ......... on the Anderson subject dont forget he was/is a St Johnstone player and they would be paying the bulk of his wages, so if they really have terminated his contract we just couldn't afford him even if injured or not
  9. Why would we need to release him from the loan if his primary contract has been terminated? That negates any further contract. Thats what I was alluding to, Saints releasing him would release us from the loan deal
  10. SAnderson still showing as a signed full time loan player till end of season, unless Saints have released him and so us from the loan deal Which is strange considering hes injured long term and appearing on list of available players
  11. Fecks sake hurry up and announce two new signings so we can change the record lol
  12. We better get Gullan back as there aint any out and out goalscorers going around in the lower leagues apart from the one we lost out on. And I dont see any in the reserve league thats better than who we have, so we really have to start putting away the chances we get
  13. Ah ken its only the middle o Jan, but the clocks ticking an no even a half decent rumour on the table
  14. Half of that amount was probably due to paying medical bills, then you have Gary F Locke & Jackson severance payments , but those aside it's still an almighty dent in any future budget for players Sadly we won't be paying of any manager in the forseeable either
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