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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. https://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/international/raith-rocked-as-lewis-vaughan-ruled-out-for-season-with-fourth-acl-injury-3365930
  2. Left knee according to the report, no sure if thats the one thats had two ops already
  3. There aint enough expletives in the dictionary to express this devastating news,
  4. That'll be Vaughan out for a good while if indeed he can come back, and looks like we wont be signing Gullan either, I hope to hell theres somebody coming in before 11pm Where do we go from here Lucky white heather anyone
  5. On loan or permanent, if the later we should be due a percentage of whatever the fee is
  6. We will know one way or another after 11pm tomorrow night about oor Jamie,
  7. Keatings surely cant be another McGlynn misfit , there has to be a fitness question with him that hes not getting game time, As for Vaughan I'm thinking he's ok or the Courier would've been having another "exclusive" like they did with breaking the news about Spencer's broken foot,
  8. Whats the snake up to these days, course theres always Gary F Locke , if you get rid of Granty Maybe best to keep at it till at least the first quarter is over, or until after you've played us
  9. Grants doing a grand job , he'll definately get you's to the play offs.....................
  10. I was hoping to read on here today that our fears were unwarranted, alas with no-one denying or confirming the rumour , it would appear that the he's had some kind of injury,we can only hope now that its nothing as serious as another ACL Speedy recovery to the lad whatever the problem is
  11. Thats all we can do is hope that he's ok and that its the menisus tear thats got worse and he'll only be out for 6 weeks I await the white smoke coming out of Starks, with baited breath
  12. No backlash or hate intended toward your good self, just wish to god that if this is true, which is looking increasingly like it is . The club should be putting out a statement to that effect
  13. Where did this nasty rumour eminate from, if this turns out to be true where does he go from here, as he surely has to retire from the game and how does the club replace such an important player. Christ he only saw his consultant last week you'd have thought both knees would be checked as well as the initial problem Fingers crossed Its no true , its just a nasty rumour
  14. I kinda laid the blame for the lack of communication at the door of the CEO, but in hindsight how could she do that with no tannoy system or megaphone , was she to shout over the wall against a cacophany of noise from both sets of supporters
  15. If the Kettle does not work It is a 'power failure' as no electric is getting to it
  16. I can imagine the carnage if those gates had been opened, just as one team scored a goal ............. does Ibrox, Hilsborough and Hysel ring any bells
  17. Ok it was our fault the electricity supply into the stadium failed and our fault the street lights went out as well. It was then our fault that the match commander put a halt to the game, are the champions elect happy noo
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