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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. If we can manage to score another I'll breathe a bit easier
  2. Is he still in the property development game wi yon other p***k Short, watch they dont sell the ground out from under yous
  3. With great fecking difficulty, nearly cost us our club the cnut
  4. That'll have put paid to the Cameroon guy or will we be signing him as well
  5. Tremendous bit of foresight and investment from the club, a signing most everyone wanted , and now he's here with the chance to attract the attentions of bigger clubs Welcome back to Raith Rovers
  6. Greece under 21 international Ethanoss Rossdopolouss awaiting international clearance
  7. Gave me the willys seeing that, thank feck Claude Le Fraud isnt there as well
  8. I thought our time with Gary Fecking Locke was disastrous, at least youve got 3/4 of the season left to sort it, but who is available.......... Yogi he relegated us with his mano mano philosophy, Ray the snake failed everywhere hes been after he left us in the lurch. Anyone else will cost you compo on top of paying Granty boi off, dont want to see yous going down so get it sorted
  9. Today might just have taken the pressure off Poplatnik, heres to many more from him, and What aboot Tumilty
  10. As Saint n Greavesy would say, it's a funny old game
  11. When I first saw that I thought we'd scored 3 in a minute man what a team , what a manager
  12. Looks like we're gonna be bumbling along till the transfer window opens again, something seriously wrong that we cant get bodies in from the league above, is it our constant injury woes thats putting players off or them not wanting to play on plastic, we'll be lucky to get through to January with what we've got left
  13. Nearly engineered our own downfall , boy do we need a striker or two, some fecking save by rubber hands though
  14. Christ how many are we gonna miss tonight, you just know it'll come back to haunt us
  15. Grant will be the best thing since sliced bread when you inevitably win tomorrow night, all these games were not the best schedule for us
  16. Feck me , can nobody say anything on here without it being taken as something else. Get a fecking life
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