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Jeremiah Cole

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Posts posted by Jeremiah Cole

  1. 19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Reporting from the front line in an area outside Milan.  The hospitals are totally overrun, staff fighting against the odds - they look totally exhausted, one man in recovery out of wards full of seriously ill patients.  The mortuaries are being cleared by the army daily and filling up as quickly as they’re being emptied. 

    No different from a bad flu season in Milan

  2. Report from the WHO states that:

    COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets and fomites during close unprotected contact between an infector and infectee. Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence;

    In other words, you will not catch nor transmit Covid 19 by going outside or by going within 2 metres of people.

    Both of these measures as part of the lockdown achieve absolutely nothing. 

  3. Michael Gove has instructed that no- one should go fir a walk longer than an hour, or run fir longer than 30 minutes or cycle for longer than 45 mins.

    Assuming that you also follow the government instruction or never being within 2 metres of someone else, can someone explain to me how walking fir longer than an hour or running fir longer than 30 mins will increase the spread of coronavirus? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    Personally, that doesn't matter to me at all. In a normal season most of the flu deaths are folk likely only losing a few months of their life, but this time a lot are losing a decade, even those over 70.


    Can you provide a link to this?

  5. My original post this morning highlighting an article from a conspiracy theorist was about how debate is not allowed with regards to coronavirus.

    Asking whether the Swedish model might be a better strategy leads to abuse and being accused of having a callous disregard for life.

    Turns out the conspiracy theorist was correct. 
    Meanwhile people are happy to believe that the Tory Government strategy is the only one that will work and believe everything the MSM tell them

    Its been a real remarkable turnaround in the space of a month.


  6. 3 minutes ago, johnnydun said:


    So you have counted the numbers twice to suit your own agenda?

    My son suffers from really bad Asthma, often needing put on a nebulizer, if he gets it, I would really worry for him. 

    He like the rest of us will also die eventually, but I would like that to be from old age not because some fucking p***k like you couldn't handle not going to the pub for a couple of months.

    My son is in the same boat as thousands more.

    So go f**k yourself you utter melt.

    I suffer from really bad asthma. So does my partner. My mother has a life limiting heart condition. My father in law has cancer. My mother in law has COPD. 

    The ‘double counting’ is my point. Doh!


  7. Just now, madwullie said:

    Is this before or after hordes of people descended on parks and beaches, picnicking, socialising and generally not respecting the 6ft rule which pushed the government to introduce more stringent measures? 

    The Imperial College report states that stoping mass gatherings have a negligible impact on flattening the curve.

    Do you have any evidence that banning what you have described will have a greater than negligible impact on flattening the curve?

    Are you saying that Neil Ferguson is wrong?

  8. Just now, Moomintroll said:




    Yes, but unchecked, this virus will infect a lot more vulnerable people than a strain of Influenza as next to no one has any natural resistance to it as yet. A nasty strain of Influenza will cause a spike in mortality rates but this could utterly decimate the people who are the most vulnerable as well as taking out a lot of otherwise healthy people, are you seriously still fucking here.




    The Swedish model doesn’t allow for the virus to spread “unchecked”.

    They is okayed the very vulnerable, closed primary schools, banned mass gatherings, asked people to work from home where possible.

    Just the same as in the UK.

    The fact that you sink to personal abuse shows that you’ve lost the debate 

  9. 23 minutes ago, madwullie said:

    People didn't do what you are asking when they were asked to do it. So what would you have done then? 

    You are saying that kids were still going to primary schools after they were closed?

    You are saying that mass gatherings were still happening?

    You are saying that companies weren’t getting their systems sorted to that people could work from home where possible?

    As for the ‘advice’, which I didn’t mention in my post, the numbers going to pubs and restaurants were down. The shopping malls were very empty. People were reducing their travel abroad. 

    The advice was reducing social contact. 


  10. 17 minutes ago, johnnydun said:


    You can't prevent lung cancer or COPD etc... that way.

    Your 21,320 is a group of conditions, not 1 single condition.

    People dying of lung cancer and COPD are also being included in the coronavirus death statistics.

    Can you provide a break down of the numbers I have provided?

    In Italy, at least 50% of the people who died of coronavirus had at least 2 severe chronic illnesses. 75% had 3.

    The 3 main illnesses were heart disease, cancer and diabetes. 

    The Italian Health Institute has confirmed that around 88% would have died anyway.

    On average, it’s reckoned that around 17,000 specifically die of the flu every year in the UK.

    In a bad flu season, like 14/15, it’s reckoned that it caused 44,000 excess mortality in the UK

    Most of these deaths could have been prevented by locking down the economy.

  11. The government strategy is to flatten the curve so that the health service is not overwhelmed. The strategy isn’t to eradicate the virus.

    Can someone please show me some evidence as to why the Swedish model will not flatten the curve and why their health system will be overwhelmed?

    Can someone please show me that the number of deaths caused by the ensuing depression won’t be greater than the difference between the UK following their current model versus the Swedish model?


  12. 9 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    Yes 3,338 is a shocking number that is still rising for 1 specific cause.

    Especially one that can be prevented by staying indoors, standing 2m away from folk and generally not being manky.

    Thanks for pointing out how deadly it has been over 2 months.

    That 21,320 is also shocking. That’s over 3 months. Shows how deadly it is.

    Those deaths could also have been prevented, in the main, by staying indoors and standing 2m away from folk. 


  13. 6 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

    Just for reference for us all, give us your response to these simple questions-

    Firstly, in your opinion, what would you have advocated as your response to covid19 when it first appeared?

    Secondly, what would be your preferred response right here and now, as the situation actually stands?

    Something for us all to bookmark I'm sure.

    As I’ve said before, I believe the Swedish model is the one we should have and should be following.

    They have closed primary schools, asked people to work from home where they can, isolated the vulnerable and banned mass gatherings. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    Just seeing that Witch Karren Brady's latest statement, basically she's "willing" to take a 20% wage cut if the West Ham players follow her and she's coming out with stuff such as "I wish there was another way", "it will be tough on all of us but we're all in this together".

    Yes, my heart absolutely bleeds for these disgusting b*****ds who are handed more money in 3 - 6 months than the majority of people can earn in a lifetime.

    They're all mostly confirming themselves as the moronic selfish scum that many us had indeed believed that they were.

    To be fair, I read somewhere that 20% of Premiership footballers are bankrupt within 5 years of retiring. Show some compassion. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    204 deaths, over 2600 confirmed cases, I hope to f**k their approach is correct and ours isn't, not convinced but they do have 1200 bed hospital ready for popn of 1000000.

    This is only the 1st battle right enough, they might not have a worse death total than the rest when we look back in a few years. 

    I hope to fcuk that our approach is correct and we haven’t destroyed the world economy, forcing hundreds of millions of people into poverty for years to come with the resultant mortality that comes with that. 

  16. From the latest excess mortality report from the ONS

    Number of deaths so far in 2020 in England & Wales where the specific cause was respiratory disease ( excluding coronavirus)


    number of deaths of people WITH coronavirus as a yesterday in England & Wales



  17. 20 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

    Watched david icke last night for a laugh.
    5G is causing this and covid is made up.

    Scary thing is theres thousands agreeing with him despite any evidence. It will be funny if it wasnt so sad.

    Indeed it is scary and sad

    Almost as sad and scary as believing everything the Tory Government is telling you.....

    hang on a minute.... that’s what you are actually doing though! Doh!

  18. 11 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
    35 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
    James Corbett having a chat with his fellow loony antivaxxer site Global Reseach contributor James Tracey about the Sandy Hook deep state conspiracy.

    I'm just guessing here, but is Jeremiah doing his normal "post a link to some conspiracy bs without making any comment"?

    It’s amusing when someone pretends to have you on ignore, then goes to the lengths of specifically replying about you to you about you to some else

    I’m embarrassed for him. What a sad loser. 

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