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Jeremiah Cole

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Posts posted by Jeremiah Cole

  1. 5 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    Stockholm has a far higher rate than 60 per million, not even close. 

    More deaths than London per head, again, not even close. 

    Can you tell me the actual numbers?

    ”far higher rate” and “ not even close” isn’t very convincing 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    How is your “Look at Sweden, they aren't doing lockdown and they’re doing great” viewpoint looking?

    35 deaths per million of population versus 60 deaths per million in the UK

    (Deaths being people who have died with coronavirus. No stats have been published of those who have died of it and probably never will - we’ll need to approximate with the excess mortality statistics) 

  3. 11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    James Corbett having a chat with his fellow loony antivaxxer site Global Reseach contributor James Tracey about the Sandy Hook deep state conspiracy.


    I read stuff from dodgy places. A lot of it is shite

    your source of truth is Donald Trump and Boris Johnson. You believe what they tell you and follow their orders.


  4. 56 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

    I've been having a wee look on worldmeters trying to look for patterns in the graphs.

    We keep talking about curves, but a pyramid shape seems a more fitting description.

    Is that better due to cases dropping off more quickly from the peak, or does it not really make much difference

    The graphs are only showing an exponential increase in testing

    nothing more 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

    Loving the new development of Jerry Cole saying the WHO inflated cases of Swine flu to epidemic level, days after claiming that Covid-19 wasn't a big issue because it would claim a lot less lives than, erm Swine flu.

    Do you remember the swine flu lockdown?



  6. The ARTE documentary „Profiteers of Fear“ from 2009 shows how the mainly privately financed WHO „upgraded“ a harmless wave of influenza (the so-called „swine flu“) to a global pandemic so that vaccines worth several billion dollars could be sold to governments around the world. Some of the protagonists of that time are again prominently representedin the current situation.

  7. Professor John Oxford of Queen Mary University London, one of the world’s leading virologists and influenza specialists, comes to the following conclusion regarding Covid19: „Personally, I would say the best advice is to spend less time watching TV news which is sensational and not very good. Personally, I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic. In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number. We are suffering from a media epidemic!“

  8. Biophysicist Felix Scholkmann has confirmed the fact that in the US (as in the rest of the world), it is not the number of „infected“ people that is increasing exponentially, but the number of tests. The number of „infected“ people in relation to the number of tests remains basically constant (oscillating between 10 and 20%), which speaks againsta current viral epidemic.



    Number of positive and negative tests (left) and percantage of positive tests (right) (Scholkmann, US data)


  9. 17 minutes ago, Snafu said:


    ‘Selfish’ joggers ignore Covid-19 risks and verbally abuse woman, 82, in Sidmouth

    The 82-year-old woman described being verbally abused when she pointed out the risk to people running in the Byes.

    She said: “I saw two people running together, and I said, ‘you should be two metres apart’. One of them said, ‘It doesn’t apply to us, it’s only you oldies”.

    “Another person said, ‘I’m not getting off the path, it’s you who’s the problem’. It’s disgraceful.”

    The woman said she always tries to observe the distancing rule as she walks her dog in the Byes early in the morning, but runners often pass close to her on narrow pathways.

    She has stopped using the narrow bridge at the bottom of the Byes after too many incidents of joggers ignoring the two-metre rule there – one of whom ‘glowered’ at her when she asked them not to cross at the same time as her.

    She said: “They get their headphones on and they’re completely oblivious to everyone around them.

    “The virus has brought out the best and the worst in people. Some are totally irresponsible and selfish.”


    The panic that has been spread has lead to the irrational behaviour displayed by this 82 year old woman 

  10. 6 minutes ago, madwullie said:

    I've tried to engage you three or four times by asking you questions mate, and you've completely ignored me every time. You're the only one trying to shut down the alternative point of view. 

    Other people have done so too. But if the question was too hard you ignored them. You're not interested in debate or you'd have engaged with them. You're interested in your (other people you admire's) opinions being correct with no deviation. That's why you only C&P. It's painfully, embarrassingly, transparent

    The nature of being in the minority is that I can’t read and respond to every single reply.

    I honestly haven’t read any of your replies until now.

    Now that I have seen your aggressive and narrow point of view, I won’t be replying in future either.

    Thanks for the contribution 👍



  11. 8 minutes ago, madwullie said:

    Completely incorrect. You characterise the forum as blindly believing the govt position which simply isn't true. You haven't bothered to engage with that though as it doesn't fit in with your one man against the system rambo fixation, so there is no healthy debate. 

    Whenever anyone has tried to challenge you, or point this out, you've simply ignored them, proving that you're not here to raise questions or inspire debate, but rather to show off about which edgy websites you've been trawling in your pants this afternoon. 

    ^^^^^ good example of the attempt to shut down an alternative view point 

    thanks for making my point 👍

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