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Posts posted by Templar

  1. Just watched the highlights on youtube (Israel) It was all St Johnstone. County's first was a poor clearance from Ralston and the second was never a free kick. Davidson only has eyes for the ball and the County player sees him coming. He just stands and waits, he makes no attempt to jump for the ball. If anything it should have been a free kick for Saints for obstruction. Poor penalty from May but he got his goal. Did not show much of Swanson and Kennedy but of what it did Swanson's link up play was excellent and Kennedy shot on site. A couple of times May looked disappointed as he was hoping for a cross but one of his shots went in. Overall need to defend better but goals are there IF we attack 4:2:3:1 looked good.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Radford said:

    Well I saw plenty to be enthused about and very much enjoyed the match. Of course it was disappointing not to get the win but plenty else to focus on. 

    What I'd especially pick out was McCann though, thought he was really good. To be producing performances like that at this stage of his career is so encouraging. 

    Ba-de-ya, you've got Richard Foster,
    Ba-de-ya, he's a shit defender,
    Ba-de-ya, always gives the ball away... 

    Do not disagree. So do we play the same 4:2:3:1 formation next game yes we need to attack therefore the question is if Holt is fit who drops out McCann or Davidson?

  3. Tommy said there is nothing wrong with the formation, so I expect him not to change his 4:5:1 if there is nothing wrong with it.

    The back 4 still picks itself Vihmann in for Gordon

    The middle 3 have been ok so I see no change there. Holt has been strong, Davidson has played every minute of our league games and McCann it the best of the rest

    I expect Wright and Kennedy to be chosen from the 5 wide players. 



  4. 14 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Wright is our best all round winger but looked really rusty last week, O'Halloran is the only one producing but goes missing, Kennedy was our best player last season but hasnt come up with anything this season, Swanson deserves another chance since nobody else is producing but has never done anything since rejoining. Wotherspoon is Wotherspoon.

    Now that all 5 are fit and wanting to play how does Tommy keep them happy. Will he play his best players or will he rotate them. Will he bench Wright and MOH and play Swanson and Kennedy or Swanson and Wotherspoon or all three (three wide left players). I hope Tommy does not go down the road of rotation not what we need at this time.

    I do not think Swanson and Wotherspoon have had enough game time to start. MOH not done enough attacking on the left. Therefore I believe, he will start Wright on the right and Kennedy on the left. Both on there preferred wings and bringing balance to the team.

    "O'Halloran is the only one producing" next breath "Swanson deserves another chance since nobody else is producing" 

  5. 14 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    O'Halloran didnt play on the right at any point in the Cup game against County. He started on the left with Wotherspoon right and Swanson central, and stayed on the left when Wotherspoon came off and Kennedy came on. Kennedy went right.

    You and I recall this differently. I remember MOH right. But my memory is not so good. Tommy, has and continues to play players on their least preferred wing so a right winger on the left and 2 left wingers playing right is plausible. Last week, he started match with 2 right wingers and finished the game with 2 left wingers. So you may be correct. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

    Also worth noting MOH caused them a bit of problems in the first half particularly at Mcd in the League Cup. 

    I realise, I am beginning to sound like a broken record.  This game we played, MOH right and Swanson was left.

    You will be pleased to hear, I promise no more for a while about my campaign to get MOH on the right. Especially if Wright does more.

  7. 32 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    MOH needs to do more for me.

    MOH needs to be played on the right where, he has scored 2 league goals and 1 assist not moved about to accommodate other players.

    Celtic (lost) he was striker produced nothing

    Livingstone (Draw) on the right an assist

    Hibs (Draw) on the right a goal

    Kilmarnock (lost) on the right

    Aberdeen (Draw) on the right goal

    Rangers on the left produced nothing

    Motherwell on the left produced nothing

    Playing MOH on the right in 4 league games has been very productive, an involvement in goals in 75% of his games, yes he dose have to more but you do not have to the brain of Britain to work out where you play him for him to get more. Will Drey Wright be as Productive? If Tommy does play Wright on the right, MOH has to be on the bench because he is doing nothing in any other position. But is it just a coincidence that the 3 points we have so far is when Tommy plays MOH on the right. 

  8. The last first team game Vihmann played was 10 August, almost 2 moths ago. Has he played in the development team to keep him match fit as a contingency for this unfortunate injury. Duffy was on the team sheet last week but the last time, he had first team game time was also August. Has, he had game time in the development squad? If they have have any updates on their performances? It may give a clue as to who will replace Gordon.

  9. 11 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    To me, you stick with what you trust, dont panic, and trust in things coming together. You then get confidence restored, players become more comfortable on the ball and less desperate, and things improve. The worst thing you can do is panic, change everything, keep losing and then have absolutely no idea what you're going to do.

    That all makes sense but how long do we relay on "trust in things coming together" and what about the other side of the coin if and when they do not come together our confidence is not restored, etc. 

    "trust in things coming together" sounds a bit like ostrich burying his head in the sand.

  10. 12 hours ago, tree house tam said:

    I agree. It should be Kerr, Gordon, Vihmann with Ralston and Tanser further forward. Holt and either Davidson or McCann( Davidson for me)

    Then MOH, May and Matty. With Wright and Swanson coming on in second half.

    I do not like 3 centre backs but we have to try something to stem the flow goals against. If we do that is the team I too would select. (Davidson not McCann). The front three have been our most productive formation so would start them but they must be allowed to attack as with 5 at the back there should be more than enough cover.

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