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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. 57 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

    You definitely have to take each day as it comes. Looks like she is doing well so far g-man.

    Fraser was born at 29 weeks and he is absolutely thriving. He has no health issues (so far) and is catching up with his corrected age peers quickly. He's also the chunkiest child I have ever met. He weighs a fucking ton after being born at 2lbs 15oz.


    Always nice to see stories like this. My MD had her first at 24 weeks, she didn't get out of hospital for months. 22 years later she's 5ft 10 and about to graduate from St Andrews uni. Amazing what our health professionals are capable of. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Come Away The Clyde said:

    Looking forward to it. hopefully a cracker and good to see our name already on the big notice board on the main road outside Falkirk Stadium - warning for us travelling fans, lookout for the wee Falkirk pavement dancers doing their strictly routines - only taking the piss Bairns, two decent teams and hopefully a decent away crowd.

    I've not seen the board yet but for some crazy reason I've been looking forward to seeing our name on the board. Probably more to do with the fact I've generally seen Falkirk as a big club and for years driving past the stadium I didn't think we'd be in the same league for a long long time. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

    Last time i saw us at the Falkirk Stadium Ian Harty fired in a late header to equalise and the game finished 1-1.

    We were in the gazebo behind the goals that day, must've been the 04/05 season. We were wearing that yellow away strip I'm sure.

    Yep, spot on with that. I made the mistake that day of parking in the Boag and walked across the grass not realising it was a bog and my white trainers ended up caked in mud 😂. Only realised after moving here that I was lucky my car was still on 4 wheels when I got back! 

  4. 20 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    The Welly's tarts are classier than that. They offer pull sofas.

    f**k sake 😂😂, should edit that 🙈

    11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    If you care to mosey on over to the Twitter thread there's a video couple making use of a "pull table" on a Scotrail train.

    Never seen anything like it in the Welly tbh.

    Certainly seen some finger banging in a nightclub in Glasgow, not as yet in the welly 😂

  5. 4 hours ago, BroadwoodBoy said:

    Best pubs for pre & post match refreshments?

    Wellington Bar. Lager on tap, fitbaw on the TV, juke box and a pull table. Proper boozer! 

    4 hours ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

    Remember a Tuesday night game after the Saturday was postponed. In the wee gazebo behind the goals, think we drew 0-0.

    I am hopeful we can sneak a 1-0 win here. Goodwillie brace. 

    Aye I'm sure I remember a story that a Clyde fan sent an electric blanket to the Falkirk stadium as a joke. The under soil heating failed in one of the goal mouths. As the game was I nipped down the road to love street and watched the St Mirren v Airdrie game and seen Russel Latapy standing outside the main stand smoking 😂

    Aye I remember the wee gazebo, daft wee gazebo next to an ultra modern stand, didnt half look odd! 2 shite draws at that place, think Falkirk beat us twice at Broadwood including a 1-0 where Latapy scored with a sexy wee chip from a penalty. Was also the same season we done Falkirk 3-0 in the Scottish Cup. Less said about our then manager the better. 

    Really looking forward to this, someone said above if Falkirk get an early goal then that should see them well, didnt quite work for Raith at the weekend, our boys don't know when they're beat. Should be a good game and a good day out. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Only one David Marsh said:

    Since its been a few years since we've played at the falkirk stadium hopefully we can come away with atleast a point if we take the game to falkirk and not repeat the first half performance like raith, frodo and lamont should start whether loves ankle holds up is another matter but drop Smith onto the bench along Petkov. What's the best place to park, still down at the industrial estate next to the asda distribution site? 

    I would probably suggest parking at the Auld Toll boozer in the Grangemouth old town, about a 10 minute walk from there and its just off the motorway and easy enough to get back on. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, TheClyde1877 said:

    " - Smith is utter pish"

    McNiff & Petkov are much, much worse IMO.

    Incredibly frustrating first half from us, dominant the second. Thought Lamont's work rate in particular was brilliant and helped turn the game around but Love & Johnston contributed to that also. Think Johnstone could still be turning Kieran MacDonald inside out the now.

    Before the game would've bit your hand off for a point, come away slightly gutted not taking all three. Good point, onto another biggie next week!

    Petkov turned the game around for us v Dumbarton. 

    McNiff is one of the heroes from last season and today in the second half put in a shift. Gets far too much stick for my liking... 

  8. 11 minutes ago, David W said:

    Reidford, Boyle, Kinniburgh, Lithgow, Gramovics, Doolan, Strachan, White. The likes of McLachlan and (admittedly ageing) McGowan and Wilson. 

    Not world beaters but a much better side than we had in the first half of the season. Getting just two wins (one in McCormack's first game!) from nearly half a season was absolutely diabolical and worse than what Brown did.

    I stand to be corrected then. Gramovics was some player! 

  9. Few points... 

    - Cracking away support from Raith, nice to have supports come and make some noise than the 20 or so we'd get from your Annan, Peterhead and Edinburghs.

    - I didn't overly see much wrong in Lennon starting XI but obviously it didn't work, more likely because of particular personelle. 

    - Lennon took a big gamble and f**k me it didn't half pull off! Total different team! 

    - Goodwillie without a doubt is the best player in this league, he's a much better improved player this year enjoying the games against better opposition and teams that don't park the bus and go all out to cripple him. 

    - Raith were fucking excellent first half, they in my opinion are the best team in the league and I'd tip them to win it. 

    - Lastly, the feel good factor around the club has went up yet another level, place was buzzing again. Broadwood really has become a happy place in the last 12 months. 

    - Smith is utter pish

  10. What a fucking shite time that was to be a Clyde fan. Selling our souls by voting to change the name, thinking John Sweeney and Mick Daly were cracking players, watching shite like Pat Scullion, Gavin Brown and McGachie and watching the utter pish that Duffy served up. 

    Thankfully days like today help erase those horrible moments from my head and most importantly, thank god it happened whilst my son was between 5 and 10 as if it happened now at 12 years old, he'd probably have chucked it by now. Thankfully he's a wee diehard himself and always makes sure he has his Clyde shirts for PE at school as his PE is a Jag and all his pals are wee hot cross buns. 

    Fucking love being a Clyde fan again. What Danny has done to this club is unbelievable 😍

  11. Even the Fast Track queue can go outside the door!! I flew out on Monday and the Security line was massive but thankfully my sons pals dad works at security so I've got a bunch of fast track passes.

    Honestly don't think Edinburgh is a bad airport however it's just a shame that Edinburgh and Glasgow can't just swap terminal buildings as Glasgows a ghost town and Edinburgh is a battery farm.

    The only way Edinburgh can move forward is swapping land with the highland centre and build a bespoke terminal instead of adding bits here and there to the existing one.

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