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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. 29 minutes ago, C. Muir said:

    I'm probably in the minority that wouldn't mind ICT as much as I've never been to their ground. Would be a bit shoddy to get them at home but, aye.

    For me I would like the most winnable tie possible like the aforementioned Stenny or Elgin at home. A potential semi final in Wrexham or Solihull would be superb and with they ties not being until February could see a much bigger crowd travel with more time to prepare.

    Inverness is a cracking city, the old school used to do an overnight there. 

    I've never been to their ground either so I wouldn't mind them away, definitely don't want them at home. 

  2. Gutted I couldn't make this one. Arbroath is one of 4 SFL stadiums I have not visited but unfortunately I had to go to a 1st birthday party... Simply not allowed 😭

    Cracking result in a hard location against a decent Arbroath, more than happy with that!

    Do Arbroath still have Harry Potter at the games?

  3. On 06/10/2019 at 14:04, German Jag said:

    A long (9hr return train journey), but ultimately worthwhile as H96 deservedly took all 3 points in Dresden.
    1600 H96 fans in attendance, with a massive (in my opinion over exaggerated ) police operation in place (2 water cannons, continual helicopter surveillance and umpteen police all over.

    As regards the game, not the highest quality but good end to end stuff all game. Both teams down to 10 men in the 65th minute after some handbags between Kreuzer & Albornoz. Korb put H96 1-0 in front in the 72nd minute with Teuchert securing the points in the 89th.

    Next up home to Osnabrück after the international break.


    Only just noticed this. If the clubs tricolour is black white and green, why do H96 play in Red? 

  4. Well done Stenny! Waterford are a decent team as well but Stenny were fantastic, very entertaining game! 

    My son and all his pals all went to the game, 5 quid a head which is decent enough. Definitely got their moneys worth! 

    Hope we get you boys away in the next round (providing we can take care of Arbroath 🙈

    Good luck for the rest of the season. Reckon Irons will do well for you boys 👍

    PS had no idea McLaughlin was playing for you lot, not exactly highly rated in his time at Clyde and God knows how many times he tried that free kick and failed and yet in front of the cameras executed one a belter 😂

  5. Very difficult start for us including a very poor betfred cup. Mixture of injuries and Lennon struggling to work out his best 11 and formation. 

    However the Falkirk game, Danny got his 11 spot on. We got ourselves a fantastic 3 points in front of a big crowd and most pleasing was we actually deserved the 3 points that day. 

    I said at the start that our level was outwith Falkirk, Raith and to a lesser extent Airdrie. East Fife, Forfar, Montrose etc was more our playing field and I was desperate after the Airdrie game for us to play those teams, get to the end of Game Day 9 and then evaluate our opening quarter. 

    3 wins, 3 draws and 3 defeats. Can't overly complain so far, keeping the same form would return 48 points which is a decent enough mid table finish, I would happily take that but with Goodwillie in your team plus talents like Ray Grant and David Mitchell, we could improve on that opening quarter. 

    If I'm grading it, a B+ is fair. 


    Best Player at your club

    Toss up between Ray Grant and David Goodwillie .

    Worst Player at your club

    We're lucky to have a cracking squad over the piece, would say I'm a bit disappointed in Smith and Wallace but they still have my backing. 

    Manager(s) at your club Rating

    Can't have anymore love for Danny Lennon. We're very lucky to have him, he commands the respect from the players who all love playing for him and Moorey and has raised this club from the gutter to where we are now. 

    Makes the odd mistakes and some of his signings can be questionable but overall I fucking love him 10/10

    Best Signing of the summer at your club?

    Probably David Mitchell. Chris Johnson I like but I must say I really like Howie, he's turned into a cracking wee player. 

    Worst Signing at your club

    Again, hoped for better from Smith and Wallace.

    Most Improved Player at your club

    Ray Grant was always a classy wee player but he's really matured this season and it's no surprise he always wins the man of the match on the club website. 

    Who's winning the League?

    If Ray MacKinnon is sacked, Falkirk. If not then Raith. 

    Who's making the playoffs?

    Falkirk or Raith

    East Fife 

    Clyde or Airdrie

    Who's finishing 9th?

    Peterhead - Uninspiring was the description above and I'd go with that. And I am also going with that. McNally is Peterheads main problem and their fans know this. 

    Who's going down?

    Stranraer - Feel sorry for them as they're properly up against it but they were rotten at Broadwood and their results suggest they aren't much better elsewhere. Long season for them I think. 

    Best player in the league?

    I genuinely think David Goodwillie though the opposition player that impressed me most was Paul Watson of Montrose. 

    Highlight so far of the season…

    Falkirk at home and Dumbarton away.


    2nd half v Airdrie and the Montrose game.


  6. 49 minutes ago, Sao Paulo said:

    I can't echo my fellow supporters in their attribution of the result to our underperformance more than to anything else. No: Montrose had us beat from the off. To win, they took the very simple expedient of stopping us play. They had us watched, put a plan in place, and executed it well. Organised, aggressive, physically strong, limited the space. A positive antidote to Clyde.

    A defeat like today's was inevitable. A happy reflection might be that the defeat plots a point on a learning curve: if we recognise that we're the best one-dimensional side in the league but, in the round, probably no better than a mid-table outfit perhaps we'll see to changing that through additions in January. And if nothing else, our collective expectations will start to be set more realistically.

    Had we Goodwillie available, a properly fit Ally Love or even Johnston swapped for Lamont in the hole yes, we might've sneaked something by fact of introducing some clever movement, power and smart decision making beyond our midfield. But it'd still have been a close run thing in all likelihood. People have picked up on Smith a bit. Yes: he couldn't be said to have played well. But he's not a back-to-goal foward; he looks for through balls, and he'd hardly a thing to work with. It was a team failure - we don't have a plan B.

    Hats off to Mo: you've got an athletic side, with a right good blend of youth and experience. More than that, you've got a switched-on manager. Like Lennon said: you're in a false position. I'm sure it'll pick up.

    Better luck next season Duffman, Gunther Ingo ohne Flamingo with your attempts to make me lose face. Whit ye gonnae next time?


    Glad this has made you happy, atleast when I got one over you it was on the basis that our team were doing well and sitting pretty in the league, you've got one over me on the basis that he team had a shiter today... Hope that's made your evening. 

  7. We didn't turn up, they did. Simple as... 

    Few points on today though

    - The big lad in midfield number 8 was fucking excellent, covered every blade of plastic grass, won every header in the middle of the park and pretty much bossed it. 

    - Lamont was missing all game, Love was obviously less than half fit, Cuddihy not looking fit either, McStay and Johnstone tried but it just wasn't working out for them, too many passengers up there with them. 

    - Don't think the defence were bad, the 6 players they had in front of them weren't doing their jobs and had to suck up the pressure from the Mo attack and midfield on their own. 

    - been mentioned above we're not a one man team, but when our stand out player this season (Grant) doesn't show up then you're up against it. 

    - Smith has had 2 games to prove his worth and has failed miserably. Really wanted him to do well but he hasn't helped himself. Doesn't seem to know how to run a channel and at 30 years old doesn't quite grasp the offside rule. 

    - I always liked Tony Wallace at Annan but I don't think he fits in with our play. Was hoping he'd have more of an impact on the team but looks like he's destined for the bench. 


    Well done to Montrose on the win, thoroughly deserved. 


    Lastly, yes the ref was pish but he didn't stop Smith from having a fucking shot at goal. Mo scored twice, we didn't have a shot on goal, simple as that. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, BrigtonClyde said:

    Though we're still working off a modest budget & there's a lot of work to be done off the park to build the club in line with Danny's ambitions, we're like millionaires compared to Duffy's time who must've been working with the lowest budget in Clyde's history

    I'd take DL over Duffy any day, but still thought he did a good job in the circumstances & left better than he found.  Not without faults, but he wasn't in a position to attract the kind of player we have now

    Best to compare managers when there's a level playing field. 

    Not once have I compared Duffy to Danny. I've said it when Duffy was manager and I'm happy to say it now, he wasnt great. And leaving the club in a better state then he found it? That wouldn't have been hard, even Claud Anelka wouldve managed that. 

    Like I said, nothing against Duffy personally but his tenure at Clyde was not great, 5/10 if yer lucky. 

  9. Sorry I'm not buying into this Duffy love in. Not when he fielded players like John Kane, Kieren McGachie, all the Fitzharris, fitzpatricks, fitzharris's of this world. 

    Duffy was also very instrumental in getting the Dundee 10 banned from Broadwood. 

    His teams were brutal to watch, the lack of effort from some of them was painful to see, getting pumped 3-0 of the Shire in a game that could've been worse. 

    Also the letting players miss games for holidays, honeymoons and to do VIP at a mates premiership game in England! The lack of professionalism at Broadwood was chronic however that started from top and worked its way down to the bottom. 

    The year we made the play offs we were stinking as well and it's worth remember that the league that season was brutal as well. 

    I don't really hold anything against Duffy, he done us a service but certainly isn't up there with any of the better Clyde managers of past and present. 

    As for McLuskey, his attitude was pish with us and the missing a game for a Premier league VIP day is unforgivable in my opinion. He was a shitebag and didn't play for the badge, someone out current team certainly are not. 

  10. Think some people are being a bit harsh on the Sons here. I tipped them to go down, they got shagged rotten by Falkirk and without watching them, their confidence must've been totally fucked. They've somehow managed to turn a big corner and have been picking up some. Great results of late, I'd have taken a point before the game so I'm even more overjoyed that we took all 3.

    Dumbarton are a decent side so I think they'll be fine in the end. I think Montrose and Stranraer and maybe Peterhead will be the ones hanging onto the bottom. 

  11. 4 hours ago, smuggfifer said:


    Big shout out for Peter and the ladies at Laurieston Bowling Club when traveling to Falkirk matches.

    It's 5 mins from TFS, brilliantly well organized, with soup stovies available for a small donation.

    Would recommend any bus groups to go there pre-match.






    Sure I've seen him on here advertising his club, love a cheap pint myself but Falkirks got some cracking boozers, will be hitting there before the game in a few weeks time, most likely the Wellie 😁

  12. Just now, haufdaft said:

    Surprised McCluskey was playing as Sunderland were at home.

    I made a similar comment today but his pal plays elsewhere, no idea where as he's fucking shite and couldn't care 😂

    Aye Duffy was one for letting players take holidays during the season man, brutal like... I was telling my 12 year old son after the game that I'm glad he wasn't 12 years old during the Duffy years as he'd have went right off fitbaw, the wee man was buzzing yet again after a Clyde game 😁

  13. Rewind a few weeks after the Airdrie game, the outrage and negativity on here was a fucking disgrace. People suggesting Lennons position may need to be reviewed, people suggesting it was a good idea the scoreboard wasn't there for the Falkirk game, fans suggesting we'll get pumped by double figures. The shocking comments made towards one of last years heroes McNiff... 

    I was also shouted down by a fellow fan who thinks he's a fucking export when I suggested we wait until the end of Game Day 9 before reviewing our season. Well guess what Sao Paolo, 8 games in and we're 4th! Hope you're eating your words... 

    The Clyde fans in the stands over the last few weeks have been fuckin superb, never gave up on the team and got them over their sticky start to the point we're now a decent enough force in this league and showing we deserve to be here. Thankfully the negetivity from the faceless keyboard pushers never made it to the stands and to the players. 

    We have a fuckin class manager, a top top bunch of players who play for the badge and the fans. Never ever in doubt! Mon the Clyde! 

  14. Hope McLuskey enjoyed that today, an absolute shite bag of a player who only managed to look semi-decent in a shitey Clyde team littered with shite like Scullion, Gray and Sweeney managed by a dinosaur like Duffy... A team that fucking hated the fans I may add but to be fair, we weren't too endeared to them either. 

    The togetherness of this team is unbelievable lead by a fucking genius in the dugout and his equally genius sidekick. The will and desire from these players is absolutely outstanding and their love for the fans is just class. The scenes and celebrations at the 2nd were just brilliant! 

    Fucking love this Clyde team 😍

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