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Offshore Rover

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Posts posted by Offshore Rover

  1. 4 hours ago, da_no_1 said:

    Your attendance stats are impressive, there's no getting away from that.

    Us (& Airdrie) replacing Cove & Hamilton would surely explain a chunk of the overall increase as well. 


    3 hours ago, HoBNob said:

    Dundee United would have larger crowds than Dundee aswell I think. 

    And we thank you for your £24 each time you visited us this season. But yes a few teams would have helped that average attendance. Equally we can only play who is in front of us. I’m confident if either of our teams went up a level we would of course have increased crowds. 

    interesting to see we were the 14th best supported club and we ended up 14th, pars 11th and Falkirk 12th 

  2. 18 minutes ago, kdypar said:

    Average crowds have increased massively (they forget that is is no small part down to us and United). 

    I agree and disagree here. An average game against Morton/ICT/Ayr would bring in around 2k fans in total, this season we are well over 3k in some cases. Yes this is down to success on the park but is every club not the same? Do well and crowds go up, do rubbish and they go down. As for yourselves and Dutd, again, is a bigger supporter club not going to bring more fans? Will Falkirk fans be saying your crowds have increased largely due to them? I don’t think so. Mind you, their fans do love a good crowd w*nk so maybe they will 

  3. 27 minutes ago, RRFC21 said:

    Anyone else not received email from Ross county for the the tickets ?

    I did straight away. Check your spam or call their office tomorow. 

    You have to click a link in the email to download your ticket or log into your account on their website and you can see your ticket there too. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

    How many Ross County fans are likely to make the journey on a Thursday night? Might be an idea to give them the Railway Stand and keep the North Stand for home fans.

    Saying that, will the home end sell out? You’d like to think so after the Partick Thistle heroics.

    I seen on X/Twitter that a few people were cleaning seats in the railway stand today 

  5. 2 minutes ago, mcjameos said:

    I'm guessing these "singing section" individuals have season tickets and therefore an allocated section or seats. Surely if the club know the section the flares are coming from, can everyone entering that section not be security searched. At the Hydro up to 14k people are security searched on entry so why not at Starks. I realise there's a cost but if it's an issue the club needs to address....

    All under 16s are searched. Any suspect looking adults (anyone 17-30) are asked to pat down their own pockets… 

  6. 1 minute ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

    I've said similar in the 200 club chat but there's a couple of ways of looking at it.

    What you've mentioned highlights the disadvantages/limitations.

    We are still getting a priority window to buy, and being able to buy more than one might boost the crowd if a fairweather friend/family member will come if they can sit next to their pal.

    There is a complication with folk wanting to move in to, or out of the signing section too.

    Is fanbase up to the task of keeping your individual seat reserved, but allowing you to give it up and move in to, or out of the signing section if you wanted ? (I've got my doubts)


    Surly they can block out all season ticket seats and you are given two options, purchase a ticket for your seat or pick an empty seat that is not a season ticket as this will be blocked out. 

    I do believe that you should only be able to buy your season ticket seat unless you want to move to an empty seat, in which case you can only buy the number of tickets within your account and no more.

    I also have the issue that I sit one seat in from a stairway which means I can’t buy a ticket for my seat as the system will not allow one seat to be left. Very annoying. 

  7. I paid £285 for my adult season ticket for this campaign and I’ve got to say, it is absolutely fantastic value for money. I certainly don’t grudge paying £24 for the play off game. It’s all about supply and demand. It’s like that across every type of business. 

  8. 1 hour ago, pub car king said:

    Hold the phone slightly, you have until July 1st to register and have your name on the shirt. Which means they then need to be produced on mass at one of the busiest times of the year for manufacturers. I'm sure there will be a pre order to help with estimations but unless Joma are standing by to press the button at a moments notice these will take months to arrive. 

    Now in terms of production time frame this season, the restock for the shirts was quite significantly delayed into the new year. As for the retro shirts that came out in March wotha lead tome of 1 to 2 weeks there's still no sign almost 2 months later.  


    Would hate to see you ordering a sofa these days. 

    But so what if a top takes months to arrive? Are you really that bothered about waiting on a bespoke top? 

  9. Very sorry for the brutal spelling and grammar. I was typing notes as fast as I can. These are NOT quotes at all. Merely some notes and paraphrasing. 

    Niall For Ian Murray 


     Do you reckon your transfer targets will be the same for this league and/or premier league? 


    Murray - Difficult as still isn’t transfer window so difficult and fight to get people as usual. Pre contracts are less common as players want to keep options open. Recruitment look at both sides, players that can play at both levels. Players we are looking at are of much higher calibre than 18 months ago. Sending as many scouts to games and video of players. Agents starting to approach club with players. 


    Potter - trying to be organised and constant conversation with clubs and players. Lots of different scenarios. Looking at players that can play in both leagues. Identifying targets and act on them when the time comes of knowing which league we are in. 


    Niall - what are the plans for the Astro ? 


    Andrew - conversations happening at SPFL level and they are positive in terms of Astro being allowed on Prem. looked inevitable that grass only in prem but last few weeks has changed and looks more positive for Astro. Vote had been postponed on Astro in prem. club put together a paper along with others for a case for keeping Astro. SPFL allowing opportunity for an open forum for clubs to make case. SPFL seem more open to listening to clubs and club hopeful of that. RR want to keep Astro but would act upon any rule that forced our hand to change to grass. 


    Niall - for ruaridh 


    Social media sees us having pelters but is a high risk social media worth it ? 


    Ruaridh says all we will get is a red face and that’s it really. 75-100 DA and DU fans asking for a cartoon on the airdrie twitter post at full time.  Risks are damaging our brand and affecting people within the club such as players and staff. Club want to be different and content can differ to suit different social media platforms. We have generated more money in retail and sponsorship and more fans. All about getting to a wider audience. Players and management on board with social media strategy. Strategy behind everything they do. We aren’t constantly winding people up as some people believe. Only really DA and DU have seen it. 


    Niall - for potter mainly 


    What are the plans for youth development. A lot investment going in at DA, do we have a plan and do we have a plan for senior woman’s. 


    Youth Spoken about going forward, we don’t have academy but spent a lot of time with community club and making it best as possible in terms of players, staff etc. looking at avenue to make community club to make it better and looking at other youth academy’s for players that have been missed as such. Looking at all options to bring players in. 


    Andrew on woman’s team - would like a ladies team but difficult due to recent events. Others doing lots of work and conversations to make it happen. Club want it to happen. Unknown if it will be in place by new season but the club do want it and at working on it. A lot closer to it than last year. 


    Niall - for Murray 


    Without being specific do you feel the squad is good for prem and if not then are big changes required ? 


    Squad woukd need improved to compete. Big difference between leagues. Higher up you go the harder it is. Says we would win some games but lose a few too. Played well at Livi but still lost. Players need experience to compete in prem league. Always want to improve squad.  Strengthen the squad regardless of league. 


    Niall - for Andrew 


    What are plans on completion on main stand cladding, solar panels and hospitality. And what are thoughts on safe standing. 


    Cladding was scheduled to start September last year, complications with planning permission and problem with fixings. Then fire installation has double cost of it. Starts in summer and completed for new season. Undercoft ? At procurement stage. Don’t want to make same mistake as last year where it was likely that it cost more than if it was planned properly. Want to get best value we can and gathering costs etc but well down the road. Safe standing - jewel in the crown. Love to have it , 770 safe standing in railway but costs a lot of money. It’s third or fourth in priorities, if promoted brings everything closer due to finance. Clear plans on railway stand and it’s a case of money to get it going. 


    Niall - Murray 


    Having signed quality players at start of season, have players exceeded expectations. 


    Tough question, you always want to say no as you should believe in players. It had happened quicker then expected and expected another year for players to get going. Callum smith as example and started like a train. Scott brown , Dylan Easton both thought they would improve and did. As a team ahead of where we thought we would be. Down to good recruitment and good transfer windows. Loan players have enhanced us and given us a kick in certain games. Defo ahead of where we are but always a chance we knew we would be. 


    Niall - ruaridh 


    Is las palmas going ahead ? 


    Unlikely due to date due to our league cup and their late end of season. Friendlies before hand and Ross mathews testimonial. Asked SPFL to choose free day from league cup but they couldn’t say yes to that. Seems very unlikely and will be announced soon. Disappointed is the over all feeling but maybe in future if we end up in Europe. 


    Niall - potter 


    How are contract extensions going ? Have new players already been lined up for next season. 


    Similar as before , ongoing process, speaking with players at our club and others. Constantly scouting. Working to see where we are at end of season and working with our players to see where we are at. If you want good players then they are wanted so other clubs want them too, sometimes higher level or other clubs paying more. We want players to make our club and team better rather  than just signing a player. Hopefully this window will attract better players as they hopefully see us a good option. We want right players for club and team. 


    Niall for Andrew 


    What is the problem and how costly is the railway stand and what plans are in place ? 


    Level of concrete is problem. Once you take old seats out it changes regulations to the new ones. Whilst if old ones were there it would be simple. Concrete levels are different and fair but it work to change that and makes it complex. It’s not a massive problem but involves a lot more work. Something  we are passionate about and want fans in there. Has to come at the right time and can be afforded. 


    Niall - recruitment strategy for Murray


    Success through recruitment knowledge. Do you have a view on data scouting ? 


    Murray - They way things works in past 10 months works for data and scouting. Market we have went down is Scottish players and some younger ones and tried to bleed them in (corr and McGill ). Look at data for some aspects but scouts still look at them. Not really in a position to look at overseas, structure in club isn’t there. Complicates things with contracts , and where they stay and how they settle in etc. So far done pretty well but know not everyone will be a good signing. 


    Niall - how do you see our progression going and what are your frustrations. 


    Andrew - we haven’t even started on progression. Not even out of second gear. So much more to do commercially , facilities, player pathway , recruitment. 6 scouts at games, bill orr heading that up and doing good work on background. Only really just got started on it and haven’t seen fruits of the labour just yet. Really exciting time and understand how well we have done but want to kick on this summer through recruitment and work. We won’t be one season wonder. We are a different animal now. 


    Ruaridh - digitally just got started. New website is great but still waiting to fully integrate with Fanbase so we can market better. New features for fans to interact. TikTok account started this year and one of only clubs in championship that have it. Best way to engage with 13-25 is TikTok. Will only do wonders. Posters are brilliant , going to schools and taking them home etc making them want to come to games. Roary club want change image and branding to engage more with younger fans. Grace digital person doing fantastic work. 


    Niall - Ian /john 


    Are any examples of other clubs doing well on the pitch that we take inspiration from and want to emulate. 


    Murray - want to look at good and bad things clubs are doing. Look at others play and changes in formation. Back 3 is great but when it goes bad it goes bad, need squad who are ready to play back 3. Big ask asking a back four defenders to back three. It’s a big change. Like a high press when we can. Easier in league one  naturally , but when you move up a level you get punished more. We look at football all the time and behaviour of managers and how they treat players in good ways and bad ways. 


    Potter - always look at other clubs and championship winners. How they win, how they played, set pieces etc, players, squad size etc. look at how other clubs work and pick up what is good and take ideas from them. But we aren’t perfect and make mistakes but always push to make ourselves better. 


    Niall - for Andrew 


    Can you burst myth that we can’t afford to get promoted. 


    It’s laughable. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to get there. We have to behave and act like a prem club before we get there. Environment and type of players. We want to progress on and off the pitch and the next step is the prem league. We wouldnt be doing what we are doing if we didn’t want it. We can absolutely afford it. 


    Niall - Andrew 


    1883 club funds - now the players gym is compete, what are the funds being used for next! 


    Gym isn’t complete, new equipment still needed from medical and fitness staff. Looking for new GPS partner, expensive and big ticket item. Blair doing good job to get best value and service. GPS will be the next one. 


    Niall - ruaridh 


    Is it possible to have a designated signing section for next season and maybe for play offs. 


    Real challenge , started with railway stand and lot of work to get that done due to entrance. Next trial, airdrie match, best atmosphere when it was there. Challenges there as front three rows weren’t there and leaving a few rows behind so people can see. Next one was DU match, last minute so it was rushed and difficult with people moving seat. Next trial is playoffs. In discussions with various groups to make it happen. Display possible for playoffs. Singing section will never please everyone but important to keep trying. Try to get it arranged before season ticket sales.  


    Niall - how do the club decide who is on testimonial committee ? 


    Andrew - important to have the right skill set and putting the game on. Ticketing, commercial, rules of putting a football match on. Well known faces get roped in to help. But mainly who has skill set and make it successful and reward the player and greatly as we can. 


    Niall - for Andrew 


    What plans are in place for increasing opening hours if office and club shop. 


    Cut office hours this year due to footfall. Difficult with the current set up and office staff struggle due to that. Will change if we have fit for purpose facilities, but what we have now works and works best for the staff and existing facilities. 


    Niall - now for open floor. 


    Merchandise - trying to get other stuff and people asking for other items. 


    Andrew a we have improved it this year with the sales and figures say that. Delivery today with something new. Space restricts us and keep range tight. Once we have new space it will expand range and everything is a working progress. 


    New question - for ruaridh - when are we getting a liam dick poster. Going to message question person for ideas. 


    New question - can each of you pick a team you want the rivers to emulate ? 


    Murray - arsenal , son his arsenal fan but arsenal in tough position a few years ago with the investment into the stadium which affected playing side but the way they went into transfer Markets without over spending and have a manage believe in his players. Manager has built a good playing squad and connected played to the team. Building blocks are in place there to be successful. 


    Andrew next - looks at Kilmarnock. Not long ago in championship  but established as a good prem club. They are good example of sort of team and infrastructure to have to get into prem and stay there. 


    Ruaridh - different aspects. DA and Falkirk have smashing singing sections. Spoken with CEO at Falkirk about it. Easier for them to trial it as that stand is non season ticket. Plymouth is the inspiration on club 1883 as it works well down there. USA a good example of sports teams and how they are always a step ahead. Wolves good example of digital content and incorporating sponsors. 


    John - missed this one, sorry. 


    New question - do name on steps expire and question person says they can’t see theirs. 


    Rairudh - expire in 2025 but club will email person to sort it out anyway. 


    New question - euros in June, don’t rent to go to DA to watch in fanzone. Will bars be open in starks to watch games. 


    Andrew - yes, plans and discussions in place to get that sorted. Plans in place to have a place for normal games as such, such as Sunday England games etc. all part of the not even started yet. 


    New question - supporters director ? 


    Andrew - question has come up a lot. Been an education for all Board members and understanding the role. Board trying to understand  role and best communication is there. Communication is best it’s ever been. 


    New question - for Andrew - big plans was for to have snack bar /club office then turning current office to bar. Are those still ongoing ? 


    Andrew - still looking st it. Snack bar refused planning permission due to worry for cars stopping on road. Still be club shop and office still accessed on ramp. Planning permission in place for it and waiting to go when time is ready. 


    New question - Lee Ashcroft update ? 


    Murray - probably not. Best case back now and worst case not this season. Scan done and worst case was there. John worked hard for signing. Lee knew it would be good when it happened as players always have the initial reaction. 


    New question - simple. Can we win the playoffs. 


    Andrew - yes

    Murray- absolutely, we started season with aspirations to being there and now we are there. No matter what way we look at it, we are four games away from prem league. 

    John - we understand that we got close but there can be frustration and we now have an opportunity to win it. Has totally belief we can do it and work on every little detail to help. 


    New question - for Murray - players on loan, are we thinking of keeping them if we have opportunity is there. 


    Murray - all high quality signings and brought squad level up. Have to get loans right. Some players are out of our hands such as turner and rudden as they are already signed. Byrne is out of contract and we will have to wait and see. 


    Nonsense question about late subs and how other teams counter it. Murray replied sensibly with how the game is going etc. 


    New question - for Murray - what is your non negotiable for players in your control? Referenced arsenal documentary. 


    Murray - hard work, it will always out weigh ability. 


    Closing remarks. 70plus people tuned in. Andrew- thanks for contributions and it makes such a difference and appreciative of it all. And hopes we enjoy everything so far and thanks for the support. Keep believing!! 



  10. 35 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

    You can tart it up all you want. After Friday night that was definitely a missed opportunity. You might not get another. 

    We have had plenty chances to take advantage of Utd results and Utd have had plenty chances to take advantage of our results. But here we are, 7 games left, both on the same points, both dropping points on average every 3 ish games. Points will be dropped from both teams in the remaining 7 games. 

    But it’s okay da_no_1, you can win your next 7 games and we can lose them and you’d still finish behind us. 

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