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About CoveRangers1922

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    Scottish Lower League Football.

    Job: IT infrastructure Team Lead
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    Cove Rangers

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  1. Under Hartley nothing can be ruled out. Defensively we are a mess and have been since his return. Conceded 63 in 36 league games last season (1.75 avg per game). Has the money dried with our previous sponsor Terry Cobban (ACE) departing under unceremonious circumstances, quite possibly. It looks that way to most fans. A poor start and I doubt we can even afford to send him packing with still 2 years left on his contract. Up a creek without a paddle. We're still looking for 6 more players, most will be loans and we're waiting in hope. They could severely dictate our placing this season but it's a fickle situation to be in. Never fall in love with a loanee. I heard Alfie Bavidge touted amongst the terraces. He's not been involved in any matchday squad for the Dons in the League Cup. Wouldn't surprise me to see us in for Findlay Marshall too although a CM is bottom of our priority. I'd imagine we'll be tapping Dundee and Dundee United for a few. Only 3 new signings to date. Declan Glass, I rate highly for L1. Grady McGrath is an unknown at this level but could work with the right fellow striker alongside him. Ryan Harrington should be fine at this level. Arguably came from a higher standard with Connahs Quay Nomads last season. I'd have us anywhere from 5th to 9th right now. Could this be the tightest, most competitive L1 in a considerable time. Looks that way to me.
  2. Livi should collect all 3 points on Tuesday and guarantee top spot. I want to be positive but really can't see anything else other than an away win. We might well strengthen before the league campaign starts but the LC is now a write off and merely game time for us.
  3. Unless Hartley has some stellar loans up his sleeve to cover the "5 key positions", his words, and Mitch finds some form then I agree.
  4. Cove make the short journey down to Station Park after being obliterated by Spartans midweek. Hartley's woes continue with everything he touches turning to the proverbially. Hard to see today being any better. Mitch might return after getting married recently and missing all preseason friendlies whilst being on honeymoon. Personally think he's better off extending that a few weeks. We're 5 short in key areas according to the manager and expect to use the loan market heavily before our opening league game in 2 weeks against Annan. Gillingham and Kerr at CB is sadly the gift that will keep giving. If Mitch misses out Grady will be ploughing a lone furrow up top. Loons coming off an excellent away win and clean sheet against Championship Dunfermline. Must be on a high and looking to back that win up with another. Although this is L2 v L1, it wouldn't surprise anyone to see a home win.
  5. Cammy Russell ran us ragged to be fair. Brilliant performance. Very impressed with Spartans. Well shaped, disciplined, creative and all players looked cohesive. Attacked with intent.
  6. I think if anyone associated with the club was willing and able to pay off his remaining 2 years he'd be gone. We supposedly lost our main sponsor (ACE) as he wanted Hartley gone but never got his way so walked. 3.5 year contract after leaving for Hartlepool, failing there, and then crawling back is astounding to be fair. Should have been to end of Championship season at the very most and then reevaluate. He better get the loans right or it could be a very difficult first quarter.
  7. Was standing at Balmoral Tuesday night watching an abysmal home team performance, completely disjointed, no identity, and no options to change it from the bench whilst Forfar were winning impressively away against Championship Dunfermline. Loons at home must really fancy their chances and could well be favourites. No better time to beat us and likely be 1 win away from getting to the group stage after narrowly missing out last year. Short away journey so will be down at Station Park.
  8. Hartleys 2nd spell in charge continues the same way as the previous 18 months...A defence which is truly horrific. Spartans looked far the better side, more ideas, far more progressive and Cammy Russell was a real standout.
  9. It's a step up for Grady undoubtedly. Make or break for his future possibly. By no means a certainty he's prolific although with Fyvie and Glass providing he should get chances. Whether he can get anywhere near to Mitch in his prime for us remains to be seen. As it stands right now we've got two relatively short and very similar penalty box strikers. I'm not convinced that's a successful partnership but loved to be proven wrong. Does Grady signing for us pave the way for Mitch to sign for Peterhead next season? @peternapper Whilst Jordon and Ryan are in charge it's got to happen at some point for me.
  10. Another to scrub off my list! Could have been done with him for a season. Gillingham and Kerr are arguably worse of a centre back pairing than what we fielded last season and that was eye watering. Gillingham looks lost at sea positionally and makes poor decisions nearly ever game. Positives; he's got height. Couldn't think of another so should have read positive. Kerr, who granted has experience, is hugely injury prone, fancies himself further forward, lacks a bit of pace and isn't the greatest in the air. I'm not having Darge at CB. He's aggressive, might be improving but someone who's second touch is a tackle, more a lunge, shouldn't play at this level. Its been our achilles heel for 18 months. Achieve nothing without a solid defensive unit. Our backine when we got promoted to the Championship; Logan Ross Neill Reynolds Milne We had Strachan too, who I highly rated. 2 truly excellent full backs. Aggressive, experienced centre backs who all offered something unique. Miles away from that currently
  11. I seen that yesterday and it's my worry as Mitch doesn't high press, battle or challenge aerially either.
  12. Yesterday was my first preseason friendly so far this summer; a relatively lacklustre 1-0 win over Highland League side Locos. No Fyvie or Glass so devoid of real creativity and no Mitch as he's on honeymoon. First half was your typical friendly encounter, non-committal, slow and both sides looking for possession. Barely any shots and less that threatened the goal, ending 0-0. Nathan Meres the standout for Locos, caused the brutal Gillingham and Kerr centre back partnership a few problems. An area of the park we desperately need strengthening as top priority or else we'll bleed goals yet again under the Hartley regime. Gallagher probably our best player. Showed drive and desire to break lines and be progressive. Second half we got the breakthrough with the only goal of the game, a great touch, turn and 20 yard curling finish from Grady McGrath. Didn't do much else up top alone. Thankless task and I really hope we have 2 strikers incoming to give options. Myles Gaffney nowhere near it when he came. Our squad has experience and relative strength for L1 centrally in Fyvie, Glass, Yule, Scully and with Gallagher who deserves game time but yet again it's narrow and needing width. Takeaway for me was; Happy enough with Harrington and Doyle as fullbacks. Badly need new CB's. Centre midfield we have enough Wingers we have none Mitch our only striker and what will we get from him this season. Needs a resurgence. Holes to fill in the starting XI. Right now, in what's likely an overall poorer standard of L1 than last season*, I could be wrong there, I see us around the playoffs, maybe 5th again. Make a few statement signings in key areas then we could aim higher. * Don't think we'll see a dominate/imperious side like Falkirk or even a well backed side like Hamilton who were in large spells well above the standard of the rest.
  13. I'd agree he'd have found a club my now if there was no development fee required to be paid. Think Mo and Forfar were interested along with at least 1 HL side. So far we've let go 11 and taken in 2 (Declan Glass and Ryan Harrington). Two relatively assured pieces of business. Our recruitment has been more calculated and not reckless like last summer. I fully believe that's learning from being burnt previously BUT also being cautious with expenditure. We'll spend on the right player if available (for me thats Considine and Cammy Smith - from Aberdeen area), but won't go overboard that's why I believe we're trialing Grady. I remember we paid handsomely to take Rory from Peterhead with 6 months left on his contract. That was almost risk free, Grady isn't for me. Based off of yesterday's performance alone there could be better out there. I can see why Championship clubs aren't being lured. HL is one level, L1 another and Championship something else altogether.
  14. Lots of endeavour, strong runner but heads normally down and doesn't see the whole picture is my opinion. Prolific at Cambuslang Rangers before he signed for the Spiders. There's definitely a player in there, could strike in hot in L1, although sadly didn't for us on loan last season and we mutually terminated the deal. He scored against Montrose in his first game and looked a bit of find but soon after was largely frozen out by Hartley.
  15. It does, right number (9) for Scotty. I think you might well be right. The slight ginger twinge swayed my view but likely the light/angle
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