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Jilted John

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Everything posted by Jilted John

  1. Id rather he did the basics well rather than producing the occasional wonder save. It would probably win us more points over the course of the season. I think a few of us are blinded by the nice guy, badge kissing side of him rather than the fact that the defense looks nervous when he’s playing. They clearly don’t trust him.
  2. It’s a shame it looks as though there’s no chance of a resolution between Murray and Millen. It’s a bit of an elephant in the room but James Brown doesn’t look up to it.
  3. As much as he’s a likeable guy, the defence just has no confidence in Dabrowski and you knew what was coming.
  4. Ridiculous that they haven’t yet included the league we won two weeks ago as well IMO
  5. The website looks great, my personal favourite bit is the league table that shows the form guide. I’m hoping someone sorts the players heights though. Some crazy ones
  6. He sweeps the streets with the same broom as Trigger from only fools and horses.
  7. We look good at the back however we looked like we played with ten men. The midfield were non existent tonight. Brown, Stanton, Connolly and Easton just couldn’t link up at all. Happy just to chalk that down to a bad night at the office. Friday night will be the acid test of where we are from a creative point of view.
  8. I take this back. They are complete hammer throwers!
  9. I think he means whoever leaked the info is to blame for the 5 defeats. It’s nonsense thought as the bust up didn’t happen until after the Airdrie game.
  10. Fair to say that Dougie Imrie isn’t a big fan of our club https://bit.ly/3SSZbth
  11. Not really sure where the line that Morton are ridiculously over physical comes from. I remember a bit of bad temper from them following on from a dodgy penalty award in the first game at Starks but haven’t really seen much else, particularly in the game at Greenock. They have a direct style of play with physical players up top but I don’t see anything wrong with that. I think this will be the game where we win by more than a single goal. 2-0. Rudden x2
  12. Rudden is turning out to be a great signing. I didn’t think he’d do a better job as a ‘9’ as Hamilton but he’s looked very good so far.
  13. I think Ro Sham Bo has cast the bait and had a fair few bites. Thank god he didn’t post a clip of a keeper getting slide tackled!
  14. Well Murray’s comments on Ashcroft don’t fill me with confidence
  15. Was trying to remember the last time I went to a game at Ayr and saw us win… pinned it down to a 0-1 with Ansah Owusu who was on loan from Wimbledon scoring for us. Googled him only to see he’s dead!
  16. We were meant to sign Ashcroft at the beginning of the transfer window, it was apparently all agreed however Liverpool recalled Beck and then another of Dundee’s defenders got injured. This forced them to keep him until they got bodies back. That’s obviously now happened so he’s coming to us. If you boys tried to persuade him at the last minute to change his mind then fair enough but I’d say that anyone thinking it was a done deal that we was heading to Dunfermline is miles off.
  17. I’d have thought you’d have your own issues to worry about rather than a club tweet. Mind the gap pal.
  18. I think he’s probably meaning that it’s strange that we went for Brown if Ashcroft was available. Even given Watson being back, I’d put Ashcroft ahead of Watson/Murray in terms of fitness and ability.
  19. What is the state of play with it? I know it’s not been used for years but is the building itself an issue?
  20. I disagree, I think the atmosphere at Starks has always been pretty flat except in the bigger games. Tomorrow will take care of itself but against teams like Morton, even when we were winning, it was always dull. A singing section/better atmosphere won’t fix performances in itself but it’ll definitely lend a hand!
  21. What an effort on the ticket front for Friday given our recent form and the fact the game is on TV, especially for the Dundee United fans. There’s maybe a joke to be made about folk from Dundee not having jobs to try and get away early from but I’ll refrain
  22. What a load of nonsense. If Murray has deemed Millen not good enough to be in his long term plans (which include us getting promoted to the premier league at some point) then he’s correct. He’s not at that level. If Millen has thrown his toys out the pram at that then it’s on him.
  23. Let’s hope they didn’t let their kids stream football on it!
  24. Is Ross Matthews the new Joel Coustrain? He suddenly becomes the answer to all woes when he’s not playing. As much as I like Matthews, he’s not better than Brown or Byrne. He wasn’t better than Brown or Spencer last season and he wasn’t better than Tait, Spencer or Hendry in seasons gone by either.
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