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Everything posted by DAFC

  1. What's the name of the chewie fruit flavour sweets that had characters on the wrappers that looked like they were humping each other? Trying to settle an arguement at work, been a slow day.
  2. Prometheus - 4/10 great CGI and effects but nothing like the original Alien films in terms of tension and acting. All style and no substance. Iron Sky - 8/10 great fun.
  3. I'm no expert on the matter - just going on the word of a lawyer who is versed in these matters. Yes, there has been no real precedent of this but that doesn't mean that it won't happen now. I think that Rangers are the tip of the iceberg for EBT's and the governing bodies are getting tough on financial fair play. Just my opinion.
  4. It's not a red herring, it's in black and white. You cannot take the SFA to court of session and they will be punished for this.
  5. Newsnight Scotland was interesting last night. Touched on the issues raised on here but the one that stood out was the plain fact that clubs cannot take their national admin body to court. Rangers will face sanctions and if the SFA don't do it then the SFA will face sanctions.
  6. Midden scored the most goals since the 60's and still scored less than us. So much for the Barcelona style.
  7. How bad British management is. A BSC in managment must consist of the following points: 1. Hit people with stick 2. Do not help them in any way 3. Talk down to them 4. Wonder why everything is going wrong 5. Run away 6. Get another plum job and repeat from step 1. Really despair sometimes.
  8. Keep McMillan, Gallagher and maybe Dowie. Unfortunately we're stuck with oompa loompa Burns and a few other haddies. Sack the board and get rid of Leishman even if he is a total legend.
  9. Maybe, Wid, Nut (unless mortal), Deffo wid.
  10. DAFC


    Mondays are taking things seriously now. Good to see SR looking better and actually living up to expectations. I like the O2 apart from the toilet facilities. Not really big enough and if you're drinking then you miss quite a bit of the gig queueing up for a piss.
  11. Good at life because you can memorise shit. No wonder Graduates are useless.
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