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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Cheers for this, I’ll watch for the Binos game
  2. I would defo be asking the question. I’d never been to hospitality in my life but done it twice last season (Pars November defeat and Airdrie 2-2 game), paid the extra dosh for the bar and it was definitely worth it. We were pretty pished by the time we left to make our way to Grangemouths No.1 nightspot (Railway Club) which was a good job as the footie was shite. My highlight was one of my boyhood idols, Jim Shirra who is now an old man coming in and speaking after the Airdrie game, was great to hear his stories. It was a really good way to put money into the club and to get an enjoyable day back.
  3. Have the club started selling hospitality for league games yet, was looking to book the Binos game on 19th August but can’t get into book it on the club website?
  4. I think the trick with this place is don’t take it too seriously and don’t spend too much time on here as if you do both it can piss you off. I tend to visit looking for the odd bit of transfer gossip or news. There will be moaners who are never happy about anything and have their own agendas and there are those who never see any wrong in anything the club, team or management do. I tend to try and find middle ground. The bottom line is we all want the same thing and we all support the same club. We are a passionate and loyal bunch, I would go as far as to say with the shit we have been served up over the years and the way we have stuck by the club and financially backed the club we are the best support in Scotland, others may argue and that’s their right. As I’ve said before I’ll give McGlynn and the new players a chance as I think it’s wrong to write them off before a balls been kicked. On the other hand I can understand those that think after the capitulation of the play offs he should be gone.
  5. Good luck to the young team with the Ultra idea, hope it all goes well. Bang the living f**k out that drum
  6. Too right, get a winning team on the park and this auld b*****d might be wanting a wee shot on the drum too
  7. Depeche Mode were absolutely epic in Berlin last night, it’s was like watching a bands farewell gig in their home city with the levels of adulation that the Berlin crowd showed the band. We got out to the stadium early on the S-bahn train which was free there and back as part of our concert ticket. Sat in a beer garden at the ground with a group of locals. They said they see Depeche Mode as their own due to the fact the band lived there while recording 3 albums at the Hansa studios and they always championed the rights of the people living in the east of the city. The beer which was excellent was €4.50, none of the rip off shit you get in the UK. The band played a fantastic set, concert finished, the stadium emptied in no time and there were loads of trains waiting in the station next to the stadium. We were back in the city centre within 45mins of the concert finishing. The full night was fantastic, going to a large scale concert in Germany was a stress free, enjoyable experience. Unlike lots I’ve been to in the UK.
  8. I agree with most of the players in folks favourite elevens but for me Scott McKenzie would be in there. The guy is one of my all time favourite Falkirk players. For the service he gave the club he is more of a legend for me than the likes of Stainrod. He was always reliable and I’ll never forget that his mum died in the week leading up to the 97 final and he still played his part in the match. Whilst I’m here I might as well chip my tuppence worth into the ultra debate. Although I sit in the KM stand and I’m nearly 57, if the young team want a drum or megaphone then it’s fine by me. I’m too old to suppress what the youngsters want to do, my Dad tried the same with me when I wanted to listen to punk and go out in ripped clothes and safety pins all over me and it didn’t work then and won’t now. To the drum moaners I will say let the youngsters have their day. If it adds atmosphere then so be it. I await the red dots.
  9. I like it Athletic Falkirk Bilbao has a ring to it. We would do well in the local Sunday amateurs and I’m sure the Victoria Park could take our massive support.
  10. Looked comfortable but really young. Looks like he’s got a bit of filling out to do but he never looked like he was panicking ever and was decent with the ball at his feet.
  11. Fingers crossed we start to see young laddies coming through regularly again in future, should never have stopped but I suppose that’s a debate that’s been gone over time and again.
  12. He looks bigger and stronger than the other 3 young lads who came on.
  13. Honeyman just made it 3 just before the FT whistle. Decent run out for the team.
  14. Great to see all these young laddies coming on here in the second half.
  15. Mine has been perfect, never buffered once and the home commentary is actually decent too.
  16. Spencer is class, very rarely wastes the ball.
  17. Morrisons goal was a peach of a free kick. Ola, Spencer and I’m waiting for the abuse here Oliver have worked well in midfield so far.
  18. Nicely worked goal that, good play by Ola and nice finish by Oliver.
  19. Paid Bonnyrigg TV for the game tonight so looking forward to getting my first look at the team.
  20. I think we did attack teams but at times it was too slow and laboured. There was also too much of a gap between front and back and we didn’t get it forward fast enough. It broke down when we passed the ball to death about the back and midfield and the opponents broke against us and our defending wasn’t up to scratch.
  21. I think this could be a major issue next season if we go into the campaign with McGlynn still not sure how he wants us to play and still tinkering. I’m hoping the new signings he has made have been brought in to play a set way. I’m hoping that way is to attack teams quickly and bin this dull side to side, slow build up play where have loads of possession and then get suckered by teams attacking us at pace. Time will tell though.
  22. Falkirk do but it all depends on when the game is played. PPV for Saturday games are only available for fans outside the UK or you can use a vpn. Last season you could pay £15.99 a month and watch all games if you were an overseas subscriber, not sure what the script will be this season.
  23. 2300 ST’s we really are a gullible eh I mean loyal bunch
  24. f**k it, I’ve decided I’m buying the away top. I’m 56 and maybe a wee bit overweight but I’m sure I will look fine in it. First top I’ve bought since the 2015 white effort.
  25. New season, new signings and possibly more still to come. As I’ve said previously I’m not totally convinced by McGlynn but this is completely his team now and if things aren’t going good early doors it will be on him and he should be gone. I always go into a new season with a bit of optimism, it may be foolish I know but if I didn’t and constantly felt gloom I think I would maybe chuck it. There is enough in life at the moment to depress folk without constantly feeling that way about Falkirk. If things go tits up early doors I will be on here, like the majority calling for McGlynn to be punted. Until then I’ll wait until I see the new signings in action with a wee bit hope that this is finally going to be our year.
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