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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Watched it and it was brilliant again. Actually look forward to this on a Monday night now. It lifts my mood about the Bairns and gets me through the working week until the players f**k it up on a Saturday again Was great to see one of my buds on as the guest fan tonight too.
  2. I agree, we have been very badly run and previous boards have made horrendous mistakes. One of the main ones being the stadium, the way it was financed and the massive main stand that used most of the budget.
  3. So as BPM says we are looking around the £100k mark. It’s a lot of money and would be a gamble but you wonder the cost of us not going up.
  4. It’s almost a racing certainty that they will, that’s the scary thing.
  5. Wonder what kind of ball park figure would be needed to clear the club of the likes of Nesbitt, Morrison, McGuffie, Williamson, Wilson, Hetherington, Ross etc. We could start a Go Fund Me, sure loads of folk would “Help a Bairn” in need Even getting shot of half them would help.
  6. Does this maybe not underline how bad some of them are, in that no bugger else wants them.
  7. I agree none of them are good enough and in an ideal contract free world they would all be gone.
  8. I think out of the three McGuffie gives more than Nesbitt and Morrison but it’s slim pickings to be honest.
  9. I agree with giving him time. If we just keep changing managers/squads every season/transfer window we are never getting out this mess. McGlynn has brought in some decent players but a large proportion of the squad are still last years stinkers. I think we maybe need to be a bit patient and give him the time to get all the players he wants in and the ones he wants to hunt away from the club. This might take a few more seasons though and I’m just not sure how the finances would go to allow him this time but if we just keep changing things we will be stuck here.
  10. I quite the look of that side but I’d maybe put Burrell up top, drop Alegria and put Oliver in there to go up top with Burrell. Quite happy to try your Alegria option as well though.
  11. I would like to see McGlynn go with a team that consist of mainly the players he has signed and see how we fair. I know it’s all down to injuries but at least it would be worth trying.
  12. I totally agree with you, that’s why I would punt him along with the rest of the dross. The only two I would probably keep from last season are Brad McKay as McGlynn seems to be able to get him doing okay and McCann as for me he hasn’t had a fair crack of the whip compared to the rest.
  13. It’s early days pal but that was a sickener today. I just hope McGlynn realises he can’t trust any of last seasons players to dig in when the going gets tough.
  14. I honestly don’t see him as any better than the likes of Nesbitt, McGuffie etc, for me they are all shite. I suppose it’s all about opinions though and each to their own
  15. I’d rather Morrison wasn’t here to be honest, same with McGuffie, Hetherington, Nesbitt. I would rather see McGlynn start two of Oliver, Alegria and Burrell than Morrison up front as his finishing has continually been piss poor and he isn’t a striker. You have to admit his finishing and crossing are honking, surely.
  16. I’m an optimist, I would still like to see the new players in a team that isn’t hamstrung by so many of last seasons haddies.
  17. Do you honestly think Callumn Morrison is a decent player who has done well for us. If you do I’ll just stop this debate now.
  18. But what did it get us, we had scored 0 at half time and all our chances had fell to him. Bottom line is his end product is shite as is his crossing. No point in continually getting into good positions if you do bugger all with it.
  19. I agree our defence did look bad GB but we don’t take our chances and that can have a massive impact on the confidence of a side. Morrison takes one/two of his 1st half chances and it’s a different game. We look like we could defend a lead but if we go behind we have no chance.
  20. Tell me about all the good things Morrison done in the first half and how he converted all they chances he had as I seem to have missed that. He is as mince as the rest of last seasons duds.
  21. I genuinely don’t know where we go from here, it’s early doors but last seasons shitebags look like sprinkling their shit dust all over us again this season. We are toothless in attack, lack fight in midfield and today looked shaky in defence. We are an utter fucking gang. We do however need to give McGlynn time, he has been dealt a honking hand by having to try and work with a squad littered with Holts f**k ups.
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