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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Get the public holidays confirmed
  2. If she does pass away it might be time to check on any Rangurs fans you should know, they have had one fucker of a week.
  3. I honestly don’t think they will get the option. The country will probably shut down as much as it can.
  4. Wonder where Hoose Rice banked the mobile
  5. If she goes today, surely just the Alloa game? I’m no expert on royal protocol but I’m sure the funeral will be 10 days after she dies so if she goes today that would be next Sunday, I’ve a feeling it would be a period of mourning and both games could get cancelled. I might be wrong though.
  6. Getting a refund out the Fifers might no be an easy business if you can’t make the rearranged game.
  7. Our game against the Pars next weekend might not go ahead if the Queen croaks.
  8. The Aberdeen area could heap some grief on the old cream buns in the coming days, delicious
  9. Probably be a Saturday, not only do we get done out a holiday but the games will probably be cancelled as well, shower of c***s.
  10. We actually liked the DJ, some catchy wee tunes. Was like being at a Columbian drug barons birthday party
  11. Arcade Fire were as usual fecking awesome. Standing wasn’t too jammed which makes me think some folk stayed away, crazy fools missed some show.
  12. The problem with us is we still have Nesbitt, McGuffie, Morrison as the mainstay of our midfield. They are exactly the same type of player when it comes to winning a midfield battle, Telfer was the same and he’s the only one gone. Morrison gets a pass from the support to a certain extent as he creates chances. Early doors yesterday you could see McGuffie, Nesbitt and Yeats were getting bullied in midfield. Finn is a young lad who probably has a bit of filling out to do before he wins the physical battle. It goes against the grain of our support but we looked better with Hetherington in the midfield. The tinkering of the defence didn’t help either though.
  13. Have to be honest and say I don’t know much of their stuff, they are headlining the Vibration festival tomorrow night in Falkirk about 10 mins from my house and we never bothered with it.
  14. Mind you if Blink are truly up the spout Travis Barker is one cool c**t and would do the job.
  15. Playing Falkirk tomorrow night and we never bothered getting tickets
  16. We actually googled him as I first thought he was his wee bro
  17. Dave Grohl singing the intro to Times Like These
  18. This has been really decent so far
  19. I’m totally up for Monday too, Arcade Fire are the best band I’ve seen live and I’ve seen loads. Few drinks in the Hotel and then head to the Hydro, me and Mrs K will be buzzing for it.
  20. Today was 100% on McGlynn, the players weren’t great but the fucking about with the team wasn’t needed.
  21. If we are a joke club why the f**k do you bother with us, admit it we are living rent free in your tiny mind.
  22. Morrison back to taking the wrong options again today.
  23. To be fair we have got a better grip on things since Hetherington has come on, young Finn was getting bullied.
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