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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I think the idea with reduced prices for QOS is as much about trying to help fans who are struggling as it is about raising funds.
  2. Totally agree, I’ve said that for years. The difference atmosphere wise with our game against the Pars and Edinburgh was night and Day. A full house is so much better.
  3. Got the new Bairns View weekly newsletter. The club are really improving communication with fans. Also well done for cutting ticket prices for the QOS game to £10 for adults and £5 concessions. A lot of folk struggling just before Xmas and every little bit helps, hopefully get a good gate. Hope it’s £10 for away fans too as it grates me when clubs reduce prices and still charge full price for away, apart from the OF charge they fuckers double
  4. I know, I can think of a few but these stats don’t seem to say that.
  5. To be fair to Morrison nearly all of his missed chances are shots saved by the keeper which would be classed as on target.
  6. I totally agree with you, he has had games where he has been poor and done little. Under McGlynn they have become fewer and fewer. I just find it strange that some fans feel the need to single certain players out for criticism when other in my opinion do less and get a free ride. As you say humble pie has a bitter taste for some
  7. Checking out of games, missed chances, misplaced passes, and rotten decision making. That sounds more like a description of Morrison than Nesbitt. I can’t think of many missed chances by Nesbitt but I can think of loads by Morrison, Morrison is also the King of misplaced passes and rotten decision making. Each to their own but there is definitely an agenda with sections of our support with regards to some players getting it tight and others getting a free ride.
  8. Yeah im at games most weeks, home and away! he seems to get away with criticism, he was missing in action last week and every other week we come up against a decent team, scoring a few goals against part time teams won't change my opinion on him, so a juniors player he is imo I’m the same, I’m no a huge fan. He’s been the same every season he’s been with us, starts well, scores a few goals and then disappears. I don’t get the love in, we have players that the fans continually criticise but he seems exempt. I agree with the sentiment that if he had better delivery or he picked the right option more he wouldn’t be with us as he would be playing at a higher level. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I’ve never really rated him as high as others seem too in our fanbase.
  9. Thought we were really decent second half, that should be the last of Lawal warming his arse on the bench for a while, get him starting every week and build up his match fitness. Special shout for McCann, great wee player and we are now seeing what the Airdrie fans went on about, if the season ended today he would be my POTY.
  10. That's 5, and il also suggest we could go 6 for 2 and give someone Hetherington too.... Add two of Morrison, Nesbitt, McGuffie and Kennedy and we’ll be quids in.
  11. I think a lot will depend on what/if McGlynn gets to do anything in the January window. We need another right back and we need to add some dig to that midfield. I suspect we might need to ship a few out to get some in and I don’t know if that’s possible. I would be happy to see two of McGuffie, Morrison, Nesbitt and Kennedy go if it freed up money to get a couple in.
  12. Our issue is we have way too many players especially in midfield that when the going gets tough they go and hide. Nesbitt, Morrison, McGuffie and Kennedy are all the same type of player. We need more dig in our midfield, someone to do the dirty work so that McGinn can do his stuff.
  13. I agree with this in relation to Lawal, I obviously don’t see them in training but I don’t understand why he isn’t getting more of a chance. For me in big games the likes of Morrison, McGuffie, Nesbitt and now it looks like Kennedy just don’t turn up and we can’t afford that.
  14. We struggle against teams who offer a bit of physical presence, especially in midfield. I’ve a good idea why I think that is, I think we have way too many of the same type of player in there, who are prone to hiding. McGlynn has to change that and go more horses for courses when we face these teams. We were a different side against Kelty second half at TFS when he put Lawal and Hetherington in there. He needs to find ways of winning these games or we won’t be going up anytime soon.
  15. I think at H.T at EEP McPake realised that he had to change things as in that first half Falkirk were well on top. He changed things and Dunfermline had the better of the 2nd half. He played to his strengths on Saturday and won the game. That’s good management and it’s up to McGlynn to come up with an alternative way to beat teams like the Pars, Montrose, Airdrie, Kelty.
  16. I think a big issue for us and McGlynn is we are still saddled with so many of Holts duff buys. I know a lot of them won’t be on huge wages but it’s still money being tied up on players who are never getting near the first team.
  17. We lost the game because Dunfermline took their chance and we didn’t really create any so no complaints or excuses from me. It was a horrid game to watch but both teams contributed to that. We continually bottle it in big games when we have great crowds, this isn’t a new thing though we’ve done it for years. It looks like it might have to be the play offs and that’s a worry for me as we still have too many in that squad who disappear/hide when the going gets tough. I think McGlynn can get us out this league but I’m just not sure if it will take another summer transfer window where he can clear out a lot of players, I’m not sure if our current financial situation can give him the time he needs. At least I got to meet God last night in what was an enjoyable end to a shitty day.
  18. Pars players wanted it more. We done zero to trouble the keeper and can have no complaints. We don’t have a plan B when our nice passing game doesn’t work.
  19. That must be a nightmare, I would probably start the drinking early and end up sleeping through the game
  20. I’m feeling confident as well GB, I’ve a feeling someone is due a doing from us and I’m hoping this could be the day. If we start how we did against Alloa and QOS then we will be fine.
  21. Been awake since 4.30am like a kid on Christmas morning. Watched some pish I’d recorded on TV and about to have my 3rd coffee. I’m a 56yr old man, why do games like this still get me so wound up, excited, nervous. I wouldn’t have it any other way though, these games are why we all love football/ Falkirk FC so much. COYB
  22. This ^^^ please don’t let us down, my guts are churning and I’m nervous as f**k. So many times we get let down in these big games, for once let us leave that stadium smiling
  23. I actually agree with this. We have had a horrid past 3 seasons, I used to go to home games in a group of 7, I now go alone for most games but another 3 of the 7 are going tomorrow. I think we are currently on a bit of a high as McGlynn has definitely turned us in the right direction and given us a team to be proud of and get behind. The crowd w**k argument is just banter, when you look at both teams attendances we both do well and many other teams in Scotland will look on enviously at the crowds we get. They won’t however be envious of the league we are currently in and that’s what matters most.
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