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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Standard price in the Ellwyn was always £40 but that included the ammo. The same package was only £30 in the Avongrange mind you My God, Bowhouse, Avongrange and Ellwyn what a cracking night out that would be
  2. I’m hoping none of them are part of a starting 11. I think we have to accept, that if we can’t punt them all then some of the contracted players are still going to be part of the squad. I’d gladly get rid of the lot of them but I don’t think it’s going to happen. They are probably the ones I could stomach on the subs bench.
  3. I’m hoping he can get McGuffie, McCann, Nesbitt, Morrison and Williamson to be at least decent squad players. Maybe too much to hope for though.
  4. The Mill is quite rough but I think a gun would cost you more than £7.
  5. I paid £17.95 for a pint of Estrella and a Vodka & Irn Bru in The Three Sisters in Edinburgh, you expect that in the city but no the Mill Inn.
  6. You should have told them to shove it up their arse, that’s just ripping it out folk. I grudge the prices at venues like the Hydro but even they don’t take the piss as much as that.
  7. I’m sure that the capacity of the 3 stands, probably lazy journalist just Googled TFS capacity and forgot about the thousands standing on the pitch.
  8. It is a good size, it’s quite an inbetween size too for bands that maybe couldn’t sell out a Hampden or Murrayfield but quite easily sell out the Hydro and could maybe go a wee bit bigger. It is also ideally located for travel by car/train etc (when/if the timetable goes back to normal).
  9. ST renewed online this morning, would love a wee signing or two today now that The Killers have fecked aff.
  10. I get the point made in the post but I came away from the meeting with a totally opposite frame of mind. I felt positive after the meeting that the board were up front and honest about the current situation. It is a mess, we know it’s a mess and it’s going to take a lot longer than 8 months to turn things around but they are working on it. If they had stood up and said everything is just fine and a few months down the line the shit hit the fan they would be slaughtered.
  11. Think the fucker has just finished reading the book of Morrissey’s 1000 best lyrics.
  12. They actually made a point the other night, at the start of the meeting to say they weren’t going to discuss the past and only wanted to look to the future.
  13. I’m an FSS member and I did suggest in an earlier post that the money from FSS, BFL could be an option towards renewing the pitch when the time comes. The decision on this should be put to the members for consideration first though and the type of pitch they go for should be down to the board/club.
  14. I didn’t know that, it could be an option then.
  15. I’ll renew once the online sales start. I wonder where the club are looking at to set up a new training base. This was mentioned last night and they said they hoped to find somewhere that could accommodate all age groups. Thinking locally the only place I could think of with such a set up was Little Kerse. Not sure if that’s an option though as I’m pretty sure when we left there the last time it was not on good terms with the owner, could be wrong though.
  16. Came away from the meeting in no doubt that we have some tough times ahead financially , I do however have more confidence in the the current board to guide us through these tough times. They did not hold back from the fact that the backing from the fans whether it be ST’s/FSS/BFL/CI membership is vital and the fact the FSS needs to grow if we are to buy up the shares currently available to us to create investment for the club. Its definitely going to take a wee bit time to get us back on the right tracks but I came out of there a bit more optimistic than I have previous meetings.
  17. Falkirk’s shame strikes again
  18. I’m going to the second session, looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
  19. I seen that it was a record number of tickets sold. Normally at the Hydro there is space at the back of the standing but it was jam packed right to the back.
  20. Yip, I said to my wife that normally I would want standing but we were seated too and I’m not sure I would have liked standing in there, it was just too packed.
  21. MCR were absolutely immense last night, never seen a standing crowd like that in the Hydro, the place was absolutely jammed.
  22. Apparently the club tried to identify the individual concerned but the CCTV footage wasn’t clear. The person who received the abuse said she didn’t know the person involved and she knows a lot of our regulars. I agree regarding banning the person involved.
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