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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Have I missed something in my Tenerife All inclusive drunken haze or was there not a mention of someone having rumours earlier, if so get it telt.
  2. That looks fine, but are you sure about Morrison, I just feel new has a better cross into the box and is a better one on one finisher
  3. Arrived last night at Tenerife airport to a WhatsApp message showing FFC twitter update of McGlynn and Smith being announced, excellent start to a wee week chilling in the sun. Not getting ahead of ourselves but feels good to have people at the helm who have a bit experience and seem to know what they are doing. Well played the board for the professionalism displayed in these negotiations and the lack of leakage. p.s when do they ST’s go on sale COYB
  4. Telfer would have been fine if we had a couple of ball winning, tough tackling midfielders who could have done the dirty work and just let him play. Out of him, Nesbitt, McGuffie and Morrison, he is the one I would have kept. Easier to let go though due to contracts.
  5. I’m no on twitter, I just look at the FFC front page to see if anything’s been updated
  6. If I was forced to keep some out of that list as squad players which we will probably have too, I would keep McCann, McGuffie and Malcolm obviously as he has just signed. Watson too as he is injured, the rest are pretty much free to go for me if they wanted. Morrison maybe as well but if he left that would be fine.
  7. That list is a great start but they are the easy ones, out of contract. The difficulty is going to be punting the dross that have contracts but shouldn’t be anywhere near a navy blue jersey.
  8. It’s actually quite tragic but I’m a 55yr old man who finds himself constantly refreshing the FFC twitter to see if anything has been confirmed., it’s like being a kid on Xmas morning.This time of year at least gives you some hope that a new era is about to begin at the club. It’s just the bit after a handful of games that kills you. Hopefully this time will be different
  9. Looking at the Raith thread on P&B it would appear that their board are still negotiating with McGlynn to get him to stay, doesn’t look like this is a done deal yet.
  10. I agree, we have all made mistakes in our time, let him move on.
  11. Whether this is true or not I like the idea of appointing a new gaffer as early as possible. It gives them more time to try and attract the players we really need to get us challenging next season. A decent new manager and some good, early signings would help ST sales.
  12. Oh Jeezo, it could even happen before I go on holiday. I think with where we currently are he would be a decent appointment and should get the backing of the majority of fans.
  13. I’m going on holiday on Wednesday for a week and like Grangemouth Bairn I’m going to take a wee break from all things FFC. By the time I get back I expect a new manager and a new squad of superstars signed who will have us romping the league. Anything else will be unacceptable
  14. Murray or McGlynn I would take, but word of caution to our fanbase, whoever the manager is, if they are saddled with 12/13 of this current pile of shite we will need to have patience with them. You can’t polish a turd and the majority of this squad are most definitely turd.
  15. I agree and would personally drive him to wherever he wanted to got. Not one of these c***s I would weep at leaving, squad of absolute shite.
  16. Alloa have just scored again, holy shite we truly are dung. We keep the majority of this squad next season and we are humped before a ball is kicked no matter who the manager is. As I type 3-1 Alloa, 7th it is then
  17. I hardly post on here now as to be honest I can’t be arsed. I’ve never wanted to see an end to a season as much as I do this one. This for me is probably the most crucial summer we’ve had as a club in a long time. If the board get the big decisions wrong I think we will spiral into a decline that we will struggle to ever get out of. I will buy an ST if in my opinion they get things right but I will bide my time and look closely at the appointments they make and their logic behind them before parting with the cash.
  18. Think to be fair the awards were predominantly for the younger/ladies teams. Charlie Telfer got the POY from the Junior Bairns and that was the only award given to a first team player.
  19. Heard the players were pissed at the Awards Ceremony on Sunday night with Griffiths being particularly bladdered. No issues at all with players letting off steam but an Awards Ceremony
  20. There is not one single player in our entire squad who can walk away from this season with any sort of credit, the entire lot of them have been ganting.
  21. I honestly don’t think I could renew my ST if Miller gets the job. I am behind the new board and hope they can turn things round but for me he is every bit as culpable as Rennie and should be nowhere near the job on a permanent basis.
  22. You won’t get an argument from any of us, we are well aware we’re dross.
  23. We are definitely included in the dross of this league.
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