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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. This was one of the questions put to Sheerin at the q&a, did he think we had the players capable of playing out from the back. He said yes he thought we did, but we didn’t then and we don’t now.
  2. I agree with this but the blame lies with the previous board, Holt and Sheerin. I haven’t seen that much improvement in the team but to be fair Rennie and Miller were left with a squad that was utter shite. The new signings have looked better but we are still miles off the likes of Cove, Airdrie etc. Think the new regime will turn things around but it’s going to take more than a few months.
  3. Honking defending again, we don’t look like we have improved our defence or midfield that much. We are a poor side.
  4. What the actual f**k is going on with this camera work here, it’s the worst I’ve seen from any club this season, waste of money getting this.
  5. I answered the survey with the old board in mind, I did however mention this in the free text section at the end. Still feel it’s a wee bit early to comment on the new regime although the signs so far are promising.
  6. Just make them sit in the hot tub, but fill it with ice cold water.
  7. I don’t think he should be sacked but someone should be having a word in his ear about what he should and shouldn’t be saying when representing Alloa FC. The allegations against Griffiths were investigated by the police and no charges were preferred which should be an end to the matter. Of course fans of other clubs will use it to beat/goad him and he will get abuse on social media as mud sticks but this shouldn’t be done by other club officials.
  8. I feel that our defensive set up at the start of games leads us to looking shaky until we get a foothold in games. There is a nervousness about our style of playing out from the back and we invite pressure onto ourselves. The defence should be clearing our lines early doors and cut out the fannying about at the back.
  9. He said something along the lines of “no surprise Griffiths signing for the Bairns” and then said I’ll say no more in case I have a Jimmy Carr moment. At the very least it was very poor taste from someone acting on behalf of Alloa FC.
  10. Thought the defence looked better when they weren’t pissing about at the back trying to play out. Just get it to feck and do it the easy way.
  11. Couple of nice touches and hit a free kick at the end that wasn’t too far away.
  12. This passing the ball out from the back needs binned, we don’t have the players capable of doing it. Again the 3 in midfield are struggling to have any effect on proceedings as well.
  13. We can sign who we like for up front but until we sort out the midfield and defensive errors it won’t matter a f**k.
  14. I’ve got it on the iPad, was going to try and watch it on the TV but it won’t load up.
  15. I was paying it anyway to be honest. McKay and McGuffie again is a pisser.
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