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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I hope it’s plain navy, I’m no a lover of strips that have a daft pattern in the main body. Plain navy with a white colour and trim on the sleeves would do me just fine.
  2. I think the sponsorship logo looks fine. I was at the stadium tonight for a health group I go to and the Crunchie stand is looking excellent. Well done to all those involved
  3. That face would never look good in the Navy Blue
  4. I may be wrong but I think he’s a Pars supporter so there is no way he is going.
  5. Would you not expect a decent turn out at your club if they were honouring a club legend and the tickets were £10 at a time when there is no other football. I get folk have other priorities at the moment but the game is a one off and I doubt we will ever have another player worthy of getting a stand named after him. All about opinions and priorities though.
  6. I realise that and if folk can’t afford that then fair play. The tickets are £10 which is to some maybe too much at the moment. The issue is we’ve had folk on here moaning about the opposition, the timing of the game etc etc. The game is to recognise a fantastic servant to our club, so for those that can afford it they should see past who we are playing and when it’s being played. Also the fact our fellow fans on the CI have put in a lot of work to make this happen.
  7. That is brilliant and shows how highly Crunchie is thought of at other clubs. Time for our support to wake up to the fact we had a fantastic footballer in our midst, who gave us some great memories and he was one of us. GET THOSE F*CKING TICKETS BOUGHT
  8. With regards to Ruth, I just think he was a young laddie who was thrown in at the deep end. Not saying he will never make a career out of football but he wasn’t ready to come up against seasoned older centre half’s. He needs to bulk up a good bit.
  9. Tickets have been purchased and I’m looking forward to seeing the 6 new players plus who we sign in the next week or so. Railway Club for a few beers first then off to TFS to pay homage to an FFC legend, then back to the Railway to pay liquid respect to said FFC legend. Carlsberg don’t do Friday nights but if they did
  10. They said at the meetings the other week this is the last season.
  11. Simon Stainrod Stand next for me. I love wee Crunchie to bits and he is so deserving of this accolade. In terms of some of my favourite moments following the Bairns it would have to be God next.
  12. James and Shed Seven were brilliant in the Big Top at Ingleston last night. James played almost a greatest hit set which was immense. Young band The K’s opened the night and they were really good. Only down side was the drink, cans of luke warm Brewdog Lost Lager was the only lager option and was rancid. Other than that it was a top night.
  13. I’ve not received anything either and I noticed my email receipt for the tickets for the Crunchie game had arrived in my spam folder. First time anything from the club has gone into spam.
  14. If you are referring to our debts as discussed at the recent fans meetings. Yip, like most clubs we are running at a loss and will have debts, but unlike some other clubs our fanbase will continue to support the club and should we get into severe difficulties our fans will step in, we always have and always will. We won’t let our club die.
  15. I agree, the powers that be seemed to bend over backwards then to help out other clubs but for some reason done f*ck all to help us in anyway. That’s the massive chip on my shoulder talking.
  16. I remember at the time the club looked into doing up Brockville to the then SPL standards and I’m sure the maximum we could get in the site was either 6 or 8000 seats. It wasn’t an option because of the stupid SPL criteria of 10000 seats at the time.
  17. Yeah I agree, for me he continually tried to make things happen and didn’t hide. He is just a victim of Holts piss poor recruitment and the fact we have so many absolute duffers on longer contracts. I suppose it’s all about opinions though.
  18. I said that at the end of the season, out of Telfer, McGuffie, Nesbitt and Morrison that Telfer is the one I would have kept. He was out of contract though and easy to get rid of. Out of the four, for me he was the best player and would have really benefited a Stephen McGinn type in there with him.
  19. Let’s be honest here, we are about to go into our 4th season as a League one club, we don’t have loads of money and are still suffering from Holts signing debacle. We aren’t going to sign many players, if any that make us fans go wow. What we have done in our favour however is put a decent management team in place. We just have to hope that McGlynn and Smith can get more out of the type of players that circulate between clubs at this level.
  20. Wonder if McCann would be worth trying on the left of the midfield. His height got him caught out a lot defensively but he could be worth a punt further forward.
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