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Everything posted by Burnieman

  1. Some more on those mythical April deadlines https://news.stv.tv/sport/football/sfa-and-uefa-in-talks-over-euro-2020-hampden-matches?top
  2. They'll know the player movements before and afterwards and so they will use that to assess the probablility of where he contracted it, and yes it will not be conclusive in the slightest but I'm going to follow what they say over Big Dougie on the internet saying something different There could be more examples they know about, who knows. They clearly think there's a chance players can contract it on the pitch and if that is the case that will no doubt be in their thinking when considering the return of non-testing football. At the moment, no football is allowed unles you carry out PCR tests and looking at the mood music that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.
  3. No but if the SFA and their Govt advisor (Leitch or one of his lackeys) are telling us that, then I'll tend to go along with it.
  4. Can you show me where UEFA are demanding guarantees now. I have no idea what your second bit even means.
  5. It doesn't matter what you believe. There is a high probability that our player contracted Covid from the positive player who he was directly marking during the game, and presumably with a more transmissable variant now in wider circulation it may be playing a part in their thinking about when and how to allow non-testing football to return.
  6. The deadline was originally March, UEFA then moves that to April to allow more time for Govts/FA's to provide the guarantees. That's all fact, but given your almost permanent state of heads gone, you're adding 2+2 and getting 2021.
  7. I'm just clarifying the fact that UEFA are not demanding answers now, in fact they realised that the original March deadline they set last year for a decision on crowds was too soon, and delayed it until next month. Govts and FA's are working with that date in mind.
  8. The decision was scheduled to be made around now, however UEFA themselves delayed it a month until April to allow more time, they done that a few weeks ago.
  9. SFA MEETING 3 MARCH 2021 A meeting was held yesterday at which League representatives learned from the SFA resumption of competition will be permitted only if weekly PCR testing takes place, as it stands at present. Given prohibitive costs involved that's simply not a viable option, unfortunately. The SFA are making representations about the use of Lateral Flow Testing, which is much less costly - meantime however PCR testing must be carried out before the playing of any football is permitted. A further meeting is scheduled to take place in two weeks' time.
  10. So just to clarify, the SG (and all Govts) have 4-5 weeks to provide final data/assurances to UEFA over crowd attendance at the Euros. Why are people losing their heads over speculative media reports? is someone at the SFA / UEFA playing them to increase the pressure on SG I wonder. That said it would be unforgivable if the SG's decisions lead to problems with Hampden and fans attendance at the Euros, but if anyone has learned anything over the last 12 months is that there is no way the SG will provide public committments a month before they need to, and they're probably already working with the SFA on this.
  11. There's plenty of football. I'm commenting specifically on his plan to allow fans back inside large stadiums.
  12. The vaccine is the golden ticket, because that's as good as it gets. Once everyone is jagged twice come August, let's get on with life again. The data looks very positive, transmission looks as though it is drastically reduced with vaccination, along with hospitalisations almost eliminated. The vulnerable will also have access to a booster which deals more effectively with the variants. Next season can look normal in every respect, no reason why it shouldn't. This season however is looking increasingly like a busted flush.
  13. Businessman tries to sell idea which, by the end of August, will be redundant as every adult will have had their 2 jags.
  14. So only those leagues who can carry out PCR testing can resume. SFA pushing SG to accept Lateral Flow Tests as a compromise for the remaining leagues, no idea when any sort of progress will be made on that part. Apparently more news in a couple of weeks. Lateral Flow Testing still comes at a cost, and more questions of how the process would work, but that seems to be where we are at the moment.
  15. 2.6% positivity and another good drop in hospital numbers. As I don't smoke, I'll have a virtual cigar.
  16. I'm wanting football back as much as any football fan but I also see the bigger picture, and whilst I think it could be done safely the people that make these decisions don't agree, I'm not losing my head over it. My club went through a Covid situation prior to the suspension with potential on-pitch transmission and players losing income, I'm not in a rush to see players back in that situation again.
  17. I'm not locked up like an animal, neither are you. Maybe you need to face upto the realities of a pandemic, being told to stay at home whilst they deal with it is hardly the biggest of asks to save lives. People losing jobs and businesses - and their lives - may have more of a gripe than people who want to watch tier 6/7 football.
  18. Wasn't it said a few weeks back that any return to football would be staged? So I see this as the first stage. Whether the second stage will mean football this season, or we have to wait to next, who knows.
  19. I don't think they have badly managed it. There are areas where I think they have been OTT at times and made mistakes and have introduced measures I have personally disagreed with, football being one. Look around at the alternatives in May, nadir springs to mind. However, waaay off topic.
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