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Clown Job

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Posts posted by Clown Job

  1. 1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

    And unexpected!  Big week for fence-sitters called Alex.  Here's Cole-Hamilton ridiculing her daft 'de facto referendum'  idea:


    It’s strange seeing the media treat him as a serious politician and pretending the Lib Dem’s are more than a fringe party 

  2. 3 hours ago, AJF said:

    It was an ill-advised plan in the first place, but as soon as the promotors started to badge it as Ange's homecoming and the fan backlash then there was only one outcome, they had to pull out.

    May turn out costly - but I'm assuming Rangers will argue they failed to keep their end of the bargain regarding the promotion so we will see. It was still the correct decision to pull out and our friendly against Leverkusen will go a little way to cover any potential legal costs.

    You pulled out because you couldn’t use Old Firm 

    You then embarrassed yourself further by plastering it all over your stadium the next time we showed up and pumped you 

  3. 5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

    Of course it  is, geographically.  We're 'Great Britain' and Ireland is 'little Britain'.  All part of  the British Isles.

    All well established before  we became 'Great Britain' politically and nothing  objectionable either.


    Well established by who?

    It’s a highly political term and don’t pretend it isn’t

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