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Everything posted by AJF

  1. Even if that were the case then, do you just attribute his first quote to him, and just ignore the second ones? He is agreeing with you that it’s a penalty, yet you’re upset that he may have changed his mind about the decision?
  2. I think I’ll stick with the above video, with quotes like: “I know with the rule it’s a penalty now” and “It’s a penalty, so I’ve nothing to say about the decision of the referee or VAR”
  3. I mentioned it earlier but what an impact Sima had when coming on. For someone that has played pretty exclusively on the left, he looked very dangerous on the right. If Matondo also continues to threaten from the left then we could have two big players available for the run in.
  4. Don’t be stupid… there’s no danger I can sink 12 pints and remain conscious never mind recite The Sash.
  5. Getting the ball is subjective if he never changed its course in any meaningful way. The ball was still going in the direction Silva played it and he would’ve got on the end of it regardless of the Johnston* touch
  6. Really? It just means I’m used to writing it that way and it’s sort of second nature at this point.
  7. Silva clearly played for it but it was obvious he was caught before he went down. Johnstones right boot caught him on the knee. As I said, it’s very similar to the foul where Dessers goal was disallowed. On both occasions the contact probably isn’t enough to send the player flying.
  8. Im genuinely not sure what you’re seeing, but Johnstone clearly swipes and makes contact with Silva’s knee before he goes down.
  9. Of course. The foul for our penalty and the one that disallowed Dessers goal were very similar. Both fouls. Just because Johnstone got a touch on the ball doesn’t mean it’s not a foul if Silva is going to get the ball after his challenge.
  10. I’m not sure there can be many complaints about any decisions. Clear Goldson handball and foul in the build up to Dessers scoring. Johnstone one also a foul. Got a touch on the ball but never really changed the direction of it in any meaningful way and caught Silva on his knee before he would’ve got to the byline.
  11. They did aye. We were absolutely done at half time.
  12. Someone needs to have a word in Fabio Silva’s ear after that today as well. Time and time again he went down and left us a man down when it was evident a foul wasn’t coming. Then at full time his celebrations were rather suspect.
  13. Thought Lundstram bottled it today when we really needed him to impose any sort of authority on their midfield. Time and time again was left second best and passed it out the park continually. I actually thought McGregor coming on for Celtic worked in our favour as he clearly wasn’t fit and allowed us to get more of a foothold.
  14. Thought so. Just seemed to go right through him.
  15. Also felt Butland was suspect at Celtics third but would need to see it back. Sima a massive upgrade on Wright.
  16. Not an ideal result. Really needed a win to put a bit of daylight between us. Glad it’s still in our hands if we can go top on Wednesday but that is a big if depending on what side turns up. That first 45 was as bad as I can remember seeing us. Tav had an absolute shocker. Definite improvement in the second half but I feel today will go down as a missed opportunity. Two rather poor teams. Celtic had us dead and buried at 2-0 and bottled it, but they’ll be happier with the result.
  17. I’m not entirely sure to be honest. It just seems farcical and outdated. Even junior football is impacted. I remember being at a junior match in the clubhouse pre-match. Full bar set up with windows looking out onto the pitch. It was absolutely horrible outside so I thought I’d just stay inside and sip a beer while watching the game, but as soon as the game kicked off, they had to roll down the blinds. Madness. And aye, I totally get what you mean as I went last year to Murrayfield and felt the exact same.
  18. And if today’s game and Wednesday’s game go ahead as planned, they will be completed at the same time. If they don’t, that is nothing to do with how the SPFL have scheduled the fixtures.
  19. I’d imagine if we were to lift the alcohol ban then it would mirror the law in England which prevents you consuming alcohol from anywhere with a view of the pitch. So we’d only be able to have a beer in the concourses so mixed seating and seated stadiums would likely be a bit of a moot point anyway.
  20. And as has been pointed out by Dundee fans on here, the decision to give it an extra week suited them (to give as much time as possible to get the pitch playable). Do you really think the SPFL haven’t liaised with Dundee prior to deciding what date to go with? You’d also have expected Dundee to voice their displeasure if they were against the rearranged fixture date which doesn’t seem to be the case. Additionally, the SPFL have the weekend of the 20/21 April they could use should the game today be postponed with neither team still in the Scottish Cup.
  21. How many times does it need pointed out that there is no such rule that dictates it needs to be played on the first available date?
  22. Sometimes I think you interpret stuff from my posts that really aren’t there rather than taking what I’ve said at face value
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