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Posts posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. 2 hours ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    I'm sorry alex ferguson probably isn't available. Who has been succesful everywhere they have went?  Mckinnon got Raith and Dundee Utd to the playoffs. Won League 2 with Queens park and was shit at Falkirk

    Who suggested Alex Ferguson or mentioned Ray McKinnon? Strange comment. I was only pointing out that Hopkin has basically had no success whatsoever as a manager in his own right. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

    Understand, but I’ve never stated that I expected the strategy at the AGM.However it’s certainly not unreasonable to expect a plan shortly after formation.
    Not being willing to contribute at this point has nothing to do with having faith in the trust and everything to do with starting to hold our board accountable by ensuring that we contribute when it’s in our best interests only….

    I think the point here is the model we now have via both the FSS and the patrons group does exactly what you are asking for by making the board accountable! Between the two we will have 4 democratically elected people onto the club board who are accountable to the members/fans. The added incentive is knowing your investment not only goes directly to the club (and not to an individual shareholder) but grows the overall shareholding of both groups further increasing our influence and control as the overall shareholding increases. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

    I really don’t know of a company that disrespects it’s current shareholders like Falkirk do.  Minimal information on balance sheets, Only those in the know can provide soft loans with a decent payoff - now we have patrons, how does one become a patron? Could I add a sum to my existing shareholding and become one? Could a family kick in 2k a piece and become a patron family? Could the Shuttle do a crowdfund to get  10k and become a Patron group?

    or is it a closed shop of 20 friends who are quite well to do, but don’t quite  have the “f**k you” money of Sandy Alexander. 



    Simple answer to this is anybody prepared to put up the minimum investment or more can become a patron, in fact the group will be actively looking for more investment going forward, not sure about a patron group/family as you put it but in theory there is nothing stopping anybody from doing this then only have one person named as the “official” member within the group whom you could then speak through, if you are genuinely interested and not just trying to split hairs get in touch with Kenny Jamison, the more fan influence/investment the better as far as I’m concerned. For those fans not prepared to or not able to invest such a large sum there is the FSS which will also have two seats on the board to be elected by its members.  

  4. 5 hours ago, Zbairn said:

    750,000 shares at 40p = £300k.

    However, I think this is a target figure and not the amount of shares bought by the Patrons Group as yet.  If I read correctly, it was stated that a 6 figure sum had been achieved....but that could be just over £100k.

    Irrespective of the cash put in, I think it's a step in the right direction to have a more balanced model of ownership, with a greater number of fans invloved.  Let's face it, it can't get much worse !

    There is an initial  200k being invested immediately with more to follow through a mix of new patrons being attracted and further investment from the current group. There will also be the initiation of the supporters society which should provide steady on going investment via monthly direct debits, as this investment grows so will the society’s shareholding. Both groups will have two seats on the board. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

    Where do the Navy Blue Group fall in with this ?  I’d have liked some of their involvement in the board. Is there still a role for them ?

    Some of the guys involved with the patrons group also investing in the within this patrons group. They are currently going through the process of electing two member from the group to sit on the board. The supporters society will have two board seats as well to be elected by the members when it’s up and running. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, superandy_07 said:

    It's now not just a pile on from other fans - but people who have a decent following within Scottish Ftiba Twitter

    Only a matter of time before the journos get involved 


    Hope he can now see what a twat he made of himself! The rest of Scottish football obviously can! Embarrassing 

  7. Does any body else feel Colborn should be held accountable for his statement about the vast majority of fans behaving unacceptably? I actually  think he should at least be made to clarify this and be pressed more on the ridiculous notion that the players are 5th in tier 3 because the fans are booing them after bad performances. If he doesn’t he should retract the statement and apologise or risk driving a further wedge between the club and the fans. Nothing either Deans, Colborn or Mcfarlane said the other night done anything to help matters, in fact they achieved the opposite displaying an arrogant, defensive tone throughout, they genuinely believe they are doing a good job and none of our current ills are they’re fault. I expect season tickets and crowds to fall further as a result. I did think Rawlins came across well however he needs to be more hands on, if he buggers of to America again and leaves this lot in charge we’re near doomed! Never thought I’d say this but maybe SA or MR need to come out of they’re  deep sleep and be more involved again in a club they do still own a decent chunk of, especially if Rawlins intends on living in the USA. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    I really couldn’t believe what Colborn was coming out with. 

    Going out of your way to blame a group who are rightfully unhappy as it is is surely right at the top of PR tactics not to use.

    The worrying thing about his comments is they were obviously pre planned/rehearsed and must be the view of the collective BOD as it was the opening talk of the night. You’d think at least one person in that board would have had the nous to realise how crazy an idea it was to come out with that, they all obviously share his sentiment which is terrifying. It shows how far removed they are from the average fan/customer, these guys are obviously in a bubble and just don’t grasp the seriousness of the situation the clubs in and with attitudes alike to the one Colborn displayed tonight won’t be able to rectify or repair the damage the club has inflicted upon the fan base over the last years. We’ve lost nearly a thousand season ticket holders since relegation, those fans are going to be lost for good if things don’t change quickly and we then become a Clyde or an Airdrie, alienating fans further by trying to pass responsibility for the current mess on to them is an absolutely mental way to go about uniting the club! Nothing is going to work if the fans aren’t on board, you can’t run a football club in spite of the fans, it needs to be ran because of and for the fans for it to work sustainably and healthily. I’ve came away with a far more depressing outlook than I went in with tonight, they all seem defensive and convinced they are doing a good job so don’t expect any changes. I now fear we will spiral further, the general attitude displayed by the BOD tonight is terrifying, they are sleepwalking us into oblivion. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Ecosse83 said:

    Main talking points from tonight! 

    1. the guy at the start that more or less blamed the fans is a c**t

    2. Sheerin doesn’t know what he’s doing

    3. Holt is a good speaker but full of shite 

    Gordon Colborn made an absolute tit of himself and further alienated the fans with this. In a nut shell he said the players aren’t performing because fans have been booing them and they are scared to make mistakes. Then went on to claim people have stoped coming to the stadium because certain fans have been using loud swear words to abuse him and his fellow board members. Couldn’t have started the night any worse if he’d tried!….If your reading this Gordon the reason our last couple of home games have been poorly attended is because the product you have provided on the park is woefully punching beneath where we should be! Not one person has stopped coming because they heard you or somebody else on the board be shouted at, the way to stop angry fans shouting at you is to sort out the mess, not by abusing them back and blaming the clubs shortcomings on the fans/the life blood of the club. Without the fans there is no club, remember that! You’d honestly think these people had never been to a football match, fans get angry when said club is a mess and team is shite! It’s not a new phenomena! 

  10. 39 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    They are NOT the majority shareholder. They own only 26%. MR, SA and WM hold more shares between them. Carrie Rawlins is American 

    Sorry to confuse , just a poor choose of wording, I’ll go back and edit the original post. He is however alongside his wife the single largest shareholder as we don’t actually have a majority shareholder. I did know Carrie was American, I was referring to Phill. My actual point was it’s the Rawlins that are actively running the club and taking decisions alongside they’re stooges on the board. The buck stops with them now and they should be held accountable. Responsibility for our current situation lies with Rawlins, Deans and the rest of the cabal currently sitting on the board. The former MSG aren’t this issue as some posters were suggesting. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

    Should at least just offer their shares up to the new fans group! 

    Would still need BOD approval but yes, would be a great idea. The new supports society could at least hit the ground running with a bit of clout if they had maybe at 10% shareholding before a ball was even kicked. 

  12. 32 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    They are the biggest shareholder but certainly not the majority with only 26 percent.  

    Just a poor choice of wording, my point is they are the single largest shareholder as we don’t actually have a “majority shareholder” and are actively running the club in conjunction with the puppets on they’re BOD. Buck now stops with them and questions need answered. 

  13. 37 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

    Only Phil Rawlins is from Stoke. Mrs R comes from the US. MR and SA combined still own more shares than them. The worrying thing is that they are doing what they always do and sit on their hands and let others run the show.....although SA looked mighty pissed off yesterday. That’s how we got the Liddel appointed Deans as Chairman.

    You are totally correct however both SA and MR no longer sit on the board and were happy to dilute they’re shareholding to allow the NB group investment to happen with all the proceeds going directly to the club and not to themselves, that investment was road blocked by the Rawlings and co on the board. SA or MR can no longer be held up as bogey men having no active involvement anymore. People need to realise who is actually calling the shots and it’s not them, everything the current BOD do is at the behest of Phill Rawlins who is looked upon as club owner having the single largest shareholding alongside his wife. The price he paid for that shareholding is largely irrelevant now. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Top of Meeks Road said:

    If the Americans were, quite ridiculously, given 'control' for the princely sum of a new 5 bedroom detached in Kinnaird, then how much are those still holding the majority of the shares looking for to walk? 

    The spiralling decline of the club, and its not bottomed out yet remember, surely makes the valuation a fraction of what it could have been a few years ago. 

    Just as shares rise and fall in the stock exchange, surely Falkirk FC with its part owned stadium, third tier status and absolutely no saleable playing assets must be worth little? 

    The share value must have decimated. On that basis, why don't those really in control cash in their diminishing pile of chips and let some others give it a go for a realistic price? 

    They won't though, because they're power hungry, greedy egotists! 

    Phill Rawlins is from Stoke, not America and is the largest shareholder, it is them who are “really in control”  no other single person holds that amount of shares and with the old MSG now having broken up the buck stops with them I’m afraid. Both Mr and Mrs Rawlins sit on the board and it’s them the rest of the puppets take direction from. I hope they are properly grilled on Tuesday as to when the additional investment they promised is going to appear, why they refused to work with a fans group offering over 500k in return for share capital and particularly on the role of Gary Holt.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    I’m not sure I agree with the “we need to play 2 upfront” shouts. Playing a 442 won’t suit us as I think we’ll lose Nesbitt’s influence in the number 10 roll. 

    I agree with with this, plenty teams play 433 or 4231 and have an attacking threat with lots of goals. The shout of  simply playing two strikers doesn’t necessarily make us any more attacking. We are short on quality at both ends of the pitch, that’s the problem. Despite playing some nice football we have no focal point up top and are soft at the back. We badly need a couple of players in to fill both positions that have genuine ability, not more squad fillers. It’s not impossible that we win the league as it stands but at the moment I’d say it’s unlikely unless additions are made. Hopefully we are still in touch come January transfer window! 

  16. 22 minutes ago, Enigma said:

    Think you’ll finally go part time if you find yourself down here again next season? Probably makes sense.

    Why would they do that when in neither of the previous seasons in this league we’ve ran a loss despite the covid frustrations. If the money and gate receipts are still there why would the club choose to go part time if it doesn’t have to financially? 

  17. Frustrating thing is we seem capable of playing some decent stuff up to the final third, a slight increase in playing budget to allow a proper striker and somebody solid at the back to play alongside Dixon and I think our best 11 would walk the league. As things stand we are going to struggle to kill teams off by getting goals and we are soft at the back so always capable of conceding. It’s going to be a long season unless we bring in some quality and not more sqaud fillers. The goalkeeper also continues to be an issue for us, everybody is allowed an odd mistake but over the last couple of seasons Mutch has been a fault for a number of goals, it’s definitely now time to give our new keeper a run of games IMO. 

  18. 45 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    Think it's maybe time for Mr Deans, Holt, the Rawlins and the rest to hold a meeting for the fans. Not the type where they get to see questions first. A meeting like we had previously under the main stand with McKinnon, Margaret Laing, Lex Miller etc. It's high time they faced the music. I will mention this when I email the club.

    Perhaps the fans/minor shareholders should get together  and call an EGM again, I believe only 5% shareholding was required to do so previously. 

  19. We are still at least a proper striker and a competent central defender to play alongside Dixon at the back away from being a squad that can win this league, that’s presuming everybody stays fit! Recruitment has let us down yet again, we have to many passengers in the squad that just don’t have the quality.   It’s also worrying that Sheerin persists playing Heatherington despite evidently better football players sitting on the bench. Quite a few posters did point out the first team squad looked some way off at the start of the season, it also appears to be underfunded in my opinion. Going on the numbers we have and type of player brought in the playing budget has obviously been cut from last season. 

  20. 11 minutes ago, Bigbrbairn said:

    we need a few out the box signings to bolster the starting line up.
    We need a few out the box signings to bolster the sagging support base!

    This is actually the biggest long term concern, season ticket numbers have dipped quite a bit in a short space of time. When fans drift away it’s extremely hard to get them back, if we don’t get up this season we could quite easily become an Airdrie type club. Without the fans buying the tickets and merchandise we could easily become an established part time club in the bottom two divisions rather than a full time club between the top two divisions 

  21. 1 hour ago, JustLuvinThepian said:

    Why don't we all go and support The Rangers? They win every week, concede few goals and have loads of goalscoring forwards. Sounds like what the cynics in here are looking for. Games on TV most weeks too.

    In league one this is exactly what we should be doing (winning most weeks and topping the league) given our resources and the size of the clubs we are in completion against! 

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