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Everything posted by Highlandmagar

  1. The English and Scottish are of the same language, but not the same ideals. English public generally have a "I am all right Jack" little Englanders attitude. They are internationally insular. Again Brexit proved that beyond doubt.
  2. Picking fights? It may be that WM are stepping on the toes of devolved issues, and let's be honest for once in your lifetime, they have history of riding roughshod over protocol, The Queen, Northern Irelan etc. GM crops. The little I know is that SG are against it for reason of promoting Scottish agriculture and the international strength and reputation of that and believe GM would only damage that.
  3. A Whitehall whitewash! Sue Gray's integrity? Laughable.
  4. IMO, it is clear as day that we are poles apart on our ideas on a fair society. As for centre right parties, you only have to look at the Tory government is of a far right persuasion. Elected on the issue of Brexit, NOT a fairer society. The Brexit vote spewed out the differences between the two nations and England just don't understand us.
  5. Couldn't you not hire out Broadwood after it has been fumigated from Clyde fans?
  6. The appetite has been suppressed due to the pandemic and now the cost of living crises. This will not happen overnight. But will happen. Since Brexit it has blown apart the myth that we are all as one. We are not. We have polar differences on a fair idea of society. 35% of the population? Are you including people in Scottish society that are ineligible to vote. That is pure deflection. After all it is the voters who will decide, not newly born babies etc.
  7. I certainly wouldn't say that Scotland is content. 45% are dissatisfied. That is the base vote to start from at the next referendum. A far stronger position than the previous referendum.
  8. Multiple issues and crises to deal with. Namely Covid. We are just now getting our lives back and the public have been purely concentrated on that and now the cost of living crises. During a single issue referendum minds will be focused on what is laid before them.
  9. Maybe not. But their groundhopping is of Clyde proportions. How on earth can't they get a 2000 capacity ground completed in over 2 seasons?
  10. Labour will not win a majority. England are naturally Tory and have the government they want. All because Brexit opened Pandora's box.
  11. Why would it be heartbreaking when the Nationalist cause is in a far stronger position than it was pre 2014 referendum? I think you arch unionists should be very worried.
  12. The irony of saying they live in a fantasy bubble. Thinking that there will be a Labour government after the next election is looking more and more fantastical. With you condoning the utter destruction of the fabric of society under this Conservative government shows the delusion and fantasy you think under.
  13. They may be hopeless, but are they the party of government that condones corruption to the tune of £4 billion, sexual rape, impropriety, a PM who lies to the standing monarch and a democratically elected parliament, about to illegally rip up the Good Friday agreement, which is an international document enshrined in the UN. Systematically destroying the UK economy, by brexit, holding back much needed public funds for a tax bribe pre next general election. Presiding over the slowest growing economy in Europe. The Scottish Government have nothing of incompetence in comparison to this Conservative government. Worse than Thatcher.
  14. Power to the NRA!! Americans. Absolute nutcases and getting worse.
  15. Sue Gray will have been bought off. Civil Servants are natural establishment Tories.
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