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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Now Rovers this is the part where we do not shite the bed.
  2. Have the pars fans got a washing line up at the front of the stand
  3. That Pars goalie must just get the fear when he sees Vaughan standing over the ball on the edge of his box.
  4. He'll be running Vaughan close for the top scorer in this fixture
  5. I think the I injuries overlapped and I'm sure Corr was back by October. We had a challenge cup and Scottish cup run going that he could have played in at the least. As well as the fucking about Murray did playing totally unsuitable back 3's. Look I'm not criticising Scott Brown he's done a very good job filling in but it's quite obvious he was filling in and doesn't read the defensive side as well as a defender.
  6. In the 5 months that Watson was out, Corr should have had a run of games. Even if he made mistakes he should have got game time.
  7. I've flown easy jet hundreds of times since its inception in the 90s and apart from 1 lost car seat at Glasgow which we did get back never had an issue.
  8. Is that away one a strange kind of really pale grey? Home kits should be classic and keep a theme. That one looks fucking mental and strangely I'm all for it.
  9. Well well well That spall reissue is a bit of a random kit to go for, we were with them for years and there's better ones to choose. That said I've just clicked buy now. Hopefully the one above is on the horizon, I would love to get the away one in white.
  10. Where's the podcast? spotify is looking at me confused and trying to inflict the Arbroath game on me again.
  11. My wife has to fly with them for a short business trip soon she said she'd rather pay herself to fly with literally anyone else. You can't check in until 24 hours before (easy jet is a month) oh and you also for some fucking reson need to a paper copy of your check in. She physically won't be anywhere near a printer. Don't worry though because you can do an early check in, for a price. Oh and her walk on bag has to be the size of a napkin or some other bullshit. They are a shower of c***s and I'd love to see them go tits up.
  12. Murray doesn't rant and rave, not in public anyway. I imagine Monday morning was painful going through whatever collective brain fart they had on Friday night.
  13. I think the polis arrived to save the ned from Shaun.
  14. The last time I was in the Abbey Shaun Dennis pured me a pint. As I exited said establishment Mr Dennis had some local ned on the floor outside until the Constabulary arrived to defuse the community tensions.
  15. Starks bar was on the corner but that's going back years.
  16. I agree ti an extent. You can improve a player massively with the right coaching. You can also build their confidence by playing them with a consistent and decent defence, but there will still be inherent flaws in theor game. Kevin will always choose punch the ball because its what he's comfortable with and has probably played that way from a young age. Same with his kicking he could improve but he's never going to be a sweeper like Neuer
  17. We have to go all in now the team needs us between now and whenever the season ends for us. I'll be amazed if the team don't fly out the traps on Saturday.
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