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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. It's to do with the injury recovery and getting up to speed. Look at last season Vaughan compared to this year. Both him and Connolly came back round the same time and we didn't get the best out of them. This year Vaughan is our top scorer and has played most games.
  2. He signed a 2 year deal in the summer with an option of Nother year so I think he is in the plans. Just felt he's looked off the pace in games and has stopped cutting in so much which regardless of who's at RB he still has that option. RB for me is a key position when we go shopping. We know what we have with Liam Dick on the left do we stick with another osf those like James Brown or do we get a Tumilty type again.
  3. This is something that doesn't get mentioned, Connolly has been a shadow of the player he was last year. I think he's really suffered from no pre season. What has cost us this season over the course of the games where we dropped points is the defence. We have played something like 18 games with 1 recognised CB and despite Brown doing a great job covering that's exactly what he's been doing covering. We have 2 young CB where I have more of a chance starting a game than they do, a RB who had to be replaced after New Year for whatever reason, both CB have had injury spells and Liam Dick who has been alright for the most part. This was a real area of concern in both the summer and January windows although we did sign Ashcroft eventually. Regardless if we win the league or not then that has to be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd priority on the recruitment wish list.
  4. I actually thought Turner did well today in a strange way wasn't his game but he gave his all. Frustrating that the last 3 games have been clean sheets and performances deserving of them. Too many points of failure today, along with an opposition team who finally figured out what they needed to do. I'm not knicker wetting yet this season has a few more twists I'm sure, but by Ian Murrays admission in the interview he reckons we need to win 4 or 5 from the 6 games. We are not in that sort of form at the minute and will need to really pull it out the bag like we did when Ayr beat us in the old seaside league with 9 matches to go.
  5. We should have gone and shitfested it with a packed midfield amd let United get frustrated.
  6. Murray will not be back for the Ayr game and potentially Airdrie either that was a bad blow to the head and just like Kev and Byrne when they had there's it takes time. Watson fitness this season has been a massive frustration but no surprise if he's picked up another knock. It leaves a few options, actually play Corr. (which he won't) can James Brown play CB with Matthews in at RB? Or our good old 3 at the back with some combination of midfielders in there.
  7. Well that was shite today in a variety of ways, that said we're still in it. We will know where we stand after the 3 home games we have coming up, 9 points and it's game on but we're still relying on others.
  8. We've had a fucking shocker today, haven't managed 2 passes on the deck since the first 5 minutes, wrong line up, wrong tactics and easily bullied by their strikers. Add to that losing a CB and a dive for a penalty to round off a shite day out.
  9. Totally this, we've had 2 attacks when we have got the ball down and should have scored with both. United have a game plan here to bully our defence and pick off what comes out of it. Big half time for Ian Murray.
  10. If we can just get a bit of time on the ball United have a soft centre and we can cut through them. At the minute the game is so stop start with high balls. Looking at 10 minutes of stoppages here
  11. Think Murray has made a mistake not playing either Brown or Matthews in the middle today.
  12. Does your cat have some kind of feud with this season ticket holder.
  13. I wonder if interest cooled after he went through that dry spell at New Year when teams worked him out. Although in full fairness Murraybhas had him playing a more reserved game where he does a lot of tracking back to help Liam Dick.
  14. Would have thought the Saturday would be the obvious choice, but if we fall short I'd imagine it would be like the year we went down to Brechin
  15. From memory around about the reclaim the Rovers days the club sold off a load of old players shirts to raise money. This might be one of those. Apart from the ripped collar it's a stunning shirt
  16. I've been after one for years I was born in 81 so only seen it in photos. I'm sure bukta were rerealeasing old hibs tops a while ago. So anyone who works at Starks Park reading this
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