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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I know it's been dispelled that Hampden has a bigger pitch, but it looks fucking massive
  2. Oh fucksake not a 3 at the back with a midfielder when there are 2 CB on the bench, again?
  3. Erm we are in heightened all or nothing state of mind 24/7 about every single thing for the run in. So I will most definetly lose my mind win lose or draw, thank you very much.
  4. It's a perspective thing. All we are seeing is close up images of the pattern and for some reason a lot of the shots look washed out making it appear dull. On a player from in real life with numbers on it the kit will probably look a lot better and appear navy blue. The detailed pattern will not be as in your face either. I'm a big advocate of having a simple classic scotland shirt, plain navy white collar very little fuss. That said sometimes you've got to say what the f**k and do something different. My days of wearing football shirts are pretty much done but my teenage daughter thinks it's brilliant. I do think the away kit is a grower though.
  5. I see what you mean I had a look at the Wales and Northern Ireland ones which have white heels and look better.
  6. Yeah the white strips just look out of place amongst the insanity of that kit. It does strike me as one that'll be seen in 25 years like all the old umbro fakes knocking about now.
  7. Got to say I'm really tempted by those despite being skint. They'll sell out and represent far better value than a shirt.
  8. So not content with flying in the face of the green cross code young Greg continues to find stupid ways to get killed. The neighbours have their tree chopped down. Lumberjack drags remains of said tree to the woodchipper, just as he's about to flick the switch guess who bolts out of this instrument of death and destruction. I don't quite know how I would have explained it to the kids other than to show them fargo and then send them off to the therapist.
  9. The other side to that is a Dundee United side that's been top for the majority of the season crash at the final hurdle. They could be done mentally and the expectation gets to them. Plus they are not in great shape financially and are banking on going straight back up.
  10. Take that all day long. Its about getting points now and it doesn't matter how
  11. Scott Brown getting caught out again with strikers jumping. Let's just settle here and kill the momentum.
  12. Turner looks to have arrived and Easton can is sensing blood in the water
  13. It's an interesting match alright, Rovers need to be really disciplined and keep their concentration.
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