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Posts posted by Dauntless

  1. 1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

    Ironically Muirhead is now regarded by many as a key player and "our best CH", however it wasn't that long ago that he was getting the same treatment that McGinty is receiving now from both our own support and Partick and Falkirk supporters before he'd even kicked a ball for us. If I remember correctly, some of the words used were "bomb scare", "man short", "squad player at best" so things most certainly CAN change and players can also offer more than immediately meets the eye.

    All I'm saying is that McGinty along with everyone else deserves a chance.

    100% This . Give the man a break .

  2. 8 hours ago, Roxanne's man said:

    Was looking at the player available list again, Rafa De Vita too old for a shift now? 

    On the same list : Ugwu , Whitehall and Ogkmpoo   forwards . Trafford central midfield all be it defensive  . Not much else . Maybe Duffy knows if young Quitongo (ex Morton) has anything to offer . However pretty soon clubs will be trying to shift the in-contract players they no longer need and have replaced .

  3. The three at the back will have to be Aero on the right , McGinty on the left and Fjortoft in between them . Left back looks like Reading , right back is either McAlister or Houston, if he get his form back . Midfield three at the moment would be Miller on the right , Salkeld centre and Chalmers on the left  . That would change if McAlister comes into the picture or other players are signed . Up front we need two capable new guys, a target man and a goal scoring no 10.

  4. McAdams is a great signing and in many ways completes our defence and indeed defensive midfield . The next two or three signings will be in the forward area . Although Hoppy likes strong aggressive runner types we are going to need the next signings to have goal scoring on their CV . This is the expensive area of the team , it cant be a patchwork job . I guess we'll know what's what pretty soon .


  5. 57 minutes ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

    I know its been a long time, but in order to achieve the heady heights of relegation, you must first win promotion.

    I'd rather be a soap dodger than a loser....at least if I wash I get clean, while you unfortunately will always be  a loser.

    Best wishes.

    Yeah , we all live in a costal town surrounded by beaches and green hills ,you on the other hand reside in Scotland's number one slum town surrounded by needles and junk . Think your the loser you mug .

  6. 26 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

    Away from the pitch we do seem to have changed course and are headed in a good direction. When it comes to the playing squad your description of basket case isn't too far off the mark. This isn't solely on Hopkin though and Kerr must take his fair share of blame.. Look at the course of travel from McCall leaving and the erosion of quality in our squad. Perhaps we were always going to head backward but the drop in standard is very noticeable. In another job Hopkin might have got more time but he took a gig where the fans needed to see improvement. Right now that certainly isn't the case and with his previous managerial history quite close to home then he needs to step up soon   

    I'd say the off field stuff is the most important for the club thus far . Players and managers come and go . If Hoppy can't get us to where our Chairman wants it to go then he'll be removed and the process will be begin to find the next manager of our club . That's football . Hopefully it doesn't come to that though . So its better to look at the bigger picture ,support the club as best you can because the bigger picture suggests that the club is on an upward trajectory ,speed bumps may lie ahead but that's all they are really . We're moving up .

  7. Just now, WATTOO said:

    With some of the attitudes on here, I would understand why the likes of Robbo / Finlay would stop giving us ANYTHING and the very same people moaning like hell would then be moaning about "never hearing anything".

    I'm actually beginning to think that some of you would be better buggering off up to Firhill to watch your beloved McCall in action as you certainly aren't coming across as "supporters" of Ayr United.......

     100% this .  Getting board listening to the baby squad bleeting every day .

     I got told that we gave Toderov an improved offer which was probably in excess of £1000 a week . He shook on it ,then fucked off to the Pars who would have either matched or bettered it . Nobody's fault, it happens . However it does let you know what we are prepared to do if the right player is available .

  8. 4 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

    this is like when there was a shuffle of players a few seasons ago and we were in for Shankland, McHugh and one other and ended up with El Alagui. If your not fast you are last.

    Or the Jerome Vareillie fiasco some years ago .

    Perhaps the loss of just about the last target man available this summer will change Hoppy's game plan somewhat ! Maybe McHugh will bridge that gap if available that is . Oh dear .

  9. 1 minute ago, diegomarahenry said:

    I get the impression that a plan B has only occurred to them when they saw he’d fucked off to Dunfermline this afternoon 

    I'm inclined to agree . This is a major blow for Hopkins as his whole playing style is dependant on a big focal point no9 up top . Killie already have Cameron tied up and I'm guessing Jordon White is beyond our budget ! Any others ?

  10. 8 hours ago, Finlay21 said:

    Some fans need to have a look at where Ayr United are in the pecking order for players , we don’t get many players who are playing to top of their potential, we need to get experienced players at this level to help the youngsters to blend into a team , not every player who has had a bad time recently is a bad player , everyone goes through a poor spell in their life or work and a great deal come back better and refreshed 

    Reminds me of Sludden and Templeton not being wanted or rated by the mighty Airdrie , the rest is history .

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