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Posts posted by Thorongil

  1. 50 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    At least you switch your phone off if you're busy. That's a sign you're engaged.

    FWIW, if I'm with someone and their phone goes I have absolutely no issue with them saying "Do you mind if I take this call?". I find it far ruder if they are sitting reading/sending a text while we're talking. Another reason why I'd phone with important info. rather than text.

    Who on Earth switched their phone off? Come on, be realistic. 

  2. 1 minute ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Folk not answering their phone really sets me off. I've lost count of the number of times I've done this and when they usually answer I get "what's wrong with you?". It's an unhealthy level of rage that comes out in me.

    I don’t like answering my phone. It’s always on silent. I would much rather receive a WhatsApp, text or email and then if a phone call is required that’s fine. 

    Normally when someone phoned me I’ve found it’s because they want something and it’s always to their benefit and not mine. 

    One of the worst things you can do to someone is phone them with no prior context.

  3. 3 hours ago, Pens_Dark said:

    This sort of thing is the worst when it happens with families and extended families as you are tied to them. If it was a friend or someone else you know who display this sort of behaviour they'd be thrown in to the sea as far you could possibly do so.

    I have plenty of this pish going on in my own family and also my wifes family. It can be excruciatingly tiring.

    I had it to the point that I largely walked away from my family. People causing drama and the like just made it too hard when I was battling other demons and also trying to work and raise a family. 

    It’s hard at times but I honestly don’t know what else I could have done other than sacrifice my sanity and self respect. I’m pretty much at peace with it now. 


  4. 15 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    I don't think you know what the difference between mental illness and mental wellbeing is.

    However, given your position it makes your post all the worse that you take pleasure in a group you deem as having mental illness "losing the culture war". What do you think the impact of losing will have on these people and why are you so small that you would take pleasure from it?

    I know you are edgelording but maybe go for a walk and think about whether or not this is the best way to spend your time.

    I’m happy with the current direction of travel in the debate. 

    I really, honestly, truly don’t care about the trans topic in and of itself. It’s just not interesting to me. I just haven’t liked the tactics of the trans extremists. 

    I am sure a nice common ground can be found where everyone has equal rights and responsibilities.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

    In fairness, I'm not the one here who's spent months and months posting pathetic, borderline creepy nonsense about trans folk.

    Back under your rock m9.

    Who’s the poster who’s been doing that?

  6. My youngest has her primary school visit today. It’s a small school and a lot of the parents know each other, for better or worse. 

    Some of the other parents are complete arseholes, and I avoid them. They are obsessed with the school and try to constantly be in about its business and there’s a horrible gossipy school gate culture. 

    Anyway, another wee girl from some particularly tricky parents were putting their youngest in at the same time for her visit. 

    Problem is, it’s been all over the internet that this child has COVID. This was announced on social media on Sunday, complete with confirmation that she has a temperature. I’m annoyed but my wife is totally raging.

    Are we right to be annoyed? 

  7. 6 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
    3 hours ago, Thorongil said:
    What are the views here on Management Consultancy? Having worked for a MC firm and having been in multiple businesses that have used such firms, I am forced to conclude the whole thing is a massive, massive scam. 
    I would trust a big 4 accountancy firm or to do my accounts or audit them, but to provide advice to businesses on how to run their businesses? Absolutely not. They charge an absolute fortune for absolute garbage and cannot land straightforward projects. Same with your Gartners and Accentures of this world. The emperor truly has no clothes at all. 
    It’s a massive confidence trick, and I do not believe it will ever change.

    You'd be a well to just watch office space.

    Good film.

  8. 26 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    60% of trans young people self harm amd 40% have considered suicide in the past 12 months.

    They are the group at the highest risk for violence and sexual violence.

    25% of trans people have experienced homelessness 

    Sorry to hear you were irritated though.

    I believe all who suffer with mental illness should receive help and support from the health services. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, hk blues said:

    To me it's a bit like hiring a guy to tile your bathroom when you can do it yourself - when he fucks it up you can blame him to the wife when she inevitably complains.  

    I think that’s right. It’s basically insurance for senior people so that they can say PwC told them to do it if things go wrong and if thinks go wrong it’s everyone in the businesses fault because surely PwC know what they are talking about. 

  10. What are the views here on Management Consultancy? Having worked for a MC firm and having been in multiple businesses that have used such firms, I am forced to conclude the whole thing is a massive, massive scam. 

    I would trust a big 4 accountancy firm or to do my accounts or audit them, but to provide advice to businesses on how to run their businesses? Absolutely not. They charge an absolute fortune for absolute garbage and cannot land straightforward projects. Same with your Gartners and Accentures of this world. The emperor truly has no clothes at all. 

    It’s a massive confidence trick, and I do not believe it will ever change.

  11. Great news from the sporting bodies. I used to be completely disinterested in this issue but the trans extremists have irritated me to the degree that I now want them to lose the culture war. And they now are losing. 

    It’s very pleasing.

  12. On 15/06/2022 at 14:12, FK1Bairn said:

    Mine's the same with the housework as I wfh 3 days a week. She thinks I've nothing better to do than washing, hoovering etc instead of working. Then on the days I do do some of these she moans about me having to work till later at night

    They don’t live in the real world a lot of the time and the double standards are just what they think is acceptable. 

    If you or I were giving them grief about housework they would be all over Mumsnet, being told we were misogynist, that it was emotional abuse and they should leave us. 

    There is no way to get through to them though on these issues.

  13. 2 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

    I know. Salmond, Barber & the anonymous actor must have had dinner together with witness H on hundreds of occasions. 

    It's either that, or, just possibly, H made the whole pack of lies up.

    Remember, H made 2 accusations agaist Salmond, one of which supposedly happened during a month when he was hardly even resident in Bute House. If H wasn't sure about the date,of the other allegarion, why did she insist it was that specific date?

    I’ve been a witness in court before. It was easy. The defence QC tried really hard to intimidate me and trip me up but it was very easy because I was remembering actual facts and being honest. 

    when you are telling the truth it is not difficult, but woman H seemed to struggle. I bet the conspirators and those who pushed them so far down the track wished they hadn’t bothered.

  14. 3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Of course you can accuse your boss of sexual harassment but just bear in mind that if you misremember any detail you could get jailed for perjury.

    You’re right of course. People should be able to act without consequence and accuse people of whatever they wish then lie in court with impunity. All for the greater good.

  15. 17 hours ago, Detournement said:

    If there is definitive proof of where Woman H actually was the night Salmond, Barber and the strangely anonymous actor had dinner in Bute House it will kick up an absolute pile of shit. 

    She was warned not to lie during the trial but did it anyway. 

    I hope she is jailed and if so she should not have anonymity.

  16. 28 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    That makes a little bit more sense than the first attempt.

    However there are plenty of examples of similar stories playing out south of the border as well

    Reading this report, for example, feels like someone has just done a find/replace to switch Edinburgh for Bristol


    If one were to say “Puritanism finds more and more fertile ground in Brexit Britain” instead then that would be just as valid in a very narrow sense but just as disingenuous in insinuating a causal link.

    I think a casual link exists.

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