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Posts posted by Thorongil

  1. 3 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    His views of women, in terms of objectification and their position in the world, we’re incredibly questionable, and the often reported leaving of his sexual partners in the lurch once pregnant with his children (there are admittedly mixed reports on this, so hard to say for sure). I don’t think these are traits to be admired or hero-worshipped.

    Regardless of how poor he was, and the whole ‘it was the times he lived in!’ argument, the main issue I have is hailing someone who was signed up to be a key cog in the slave trade as a national hero. It doesn’t sit well with me.

    Fair enough. Personally I simply detest his poetry. Jeremy Paxman was correct in his assessment. 

  2. 1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

    kilts are shite

    I personally agree for the most part. I wear them to weddings, and only if I am in the actual wedding party. When I see people wearing them at black tie dinners and the like I just think “attention seeker”.

  3. 55 minutes ago, velo army said:

    Judging the attitudes of folk 200 odd years ago by the morals of today is daft and is often the cutting off of your nose to spite your face.

    We celebrate and have a national holiday for a fucking poet. Not a soldier, or man of violence, but a poet. he's not held up as a national hero for being a flawless human being, but as a great poet. It's one of the wee things that make me proud to be scottish tbh (and I'm no tartan gonk....although I'll vote yes and I wear a kilt to scotland games...so maybe a bit). 

    As a classical music fan and a fan of impressionist art, I'd suggest separating the man from the art. I don't even think Burns was that bad. He fucked about for sure, but he was a seducer by the sounds of it, not a predator. The slavery boat thing was because he was dirt poor. We might think (with the prism of retrospect) that we would definitely not work on a slave ship, but if poverty is a good balm for cognitive dissonance.

    I can't believe that decrying McCartney headlining Glastonbury is a controversial take. He was a great songwriter but f**k me, Glastonbury and pop music should be for the youngsters and should be broadly inaccessible to the middle aged. I know nothing about the current scene, but surely they could get somebody with charisma, presence and high octane music to be the one act a'body is looking forward to. 

    Well said. This modern day puritanism on sexual matters is a bit creepy IMO. Burns was a bad guy because he shagged about back in the day? Deary me. 

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, whether you are male or female, whether now or hundreds of years ago.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I know female Orcs exist from bitter personal experience.

    @Bert Raccoonmay have more recent experience.

    Female Orcs indicates fidelity to Tolkien’s work and isn’t woke stuff at all. Orcs were problematic to Tolkien and he continued to try to address their nature in very late writings but he was always clear on one thing - that they reproduced after the manner of the Children of Illuvatar. (That’s the Quendi and the Atani. Or Elves and Men for the uninformed).

  5. 1 hour ago, RH33 said:

    Craig Tara.

    I went there recently for 3 days as an close by alternative to traipsing to CenterParcs and something different just to give my wife a few days peace and quiet at home by herself. I was naive about Craig Tara.

    The caravan was the best I’ve ever seen and the kids absolutely loved it but my oh my. 

    A lot of the kids were wild and the adults were pishing against the sides of caravans by 8pm on day 1.

    you don’t get THAT at Whinfell Forest! 

  6. On 01/07/2022 at 13:28, BFTD said:

    There are way too many people who've been manipulated into believing that jail is a holiday camp, and that relentless, gruelling punishment should be a prison's primary function.

    Everything seems to point to that being a terrible strategy, for offenders, victims, and broader society as a whole, but you get the impression that feeding the base instincts of revenge and hate are more important to some people - witness the common violent fantasies people like to share about avenging fictitious crimes committed against their families. That, and there's a good deal of "common sense" rhetoric and distrust of experts when it comes to criminal justice in particular.

    100%. You could do a venn diagram of morons and these people and you know how it would look. 

  7. On 30/06/2022 at 23:37, SuperSaints1877 said:

    I understand that and know the case you refer to. Corruption exists in many forms in our society.

    However I did imply that since the advent of DNA evidence and forensic science it is far easier to secure an accurate conviction. If anyone were to murder or rape my kids I’m not sure how I would deal with it. There seems to be poor deterrents currently in place to stop these evil people. 

    Many of these individuals receive a short term in jail in a cushy isolation wing and are often then given a new identity when released early. 

    As I said it’s a divisive issue. 

    DNA and forensic evidence is not foolproof. It can be mishandled, misinterpreted or planted by the corrupt like anything else. 

    Anyone who supports capital punishment is accepting the statistical likelihood of innocent people being executed. 

    They say it’s not about revenge and hence making themselves feel better but it absolutely is.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

    Hopefully, none of your children will have to deal with issues of gender identity as they grow into adulthood as you come across as incredibly unsympathetic and narrow-minded.


    Live and let live.


    I agree though, live and let live. Don’t see a lot of that on this thread.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    This is one of the worst posts iv ever read on here. Arsehole

    You must have led a very sheltered life. Either that or you are an extremist ideologue who simply cannot cope when you encounter a view which you don’t agree with. 

    It would be nice if you would just calm down.

  10. 1 minute ago, Mr. Brightside said:

    What a fucking c**t you are.

    That’s your view to which you are entitled. No problem. If I were to say that I felt your view persecuted me or was “literal violence” do I get a badge?

  11. 8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    I doubt you've ever met a trans person but now you want to fight them because of something you read on twitter. What a fucking numpty. :lol:

    I have met trans people and they were unremarkable, reasonable, pleasant people. I certainly don’t want to fight trans people and the conceit that you speak for them is very funny indeed. 

    I am very happy to fight the idea that my thoughts, language and actions can be dictated by complete strangers on an arbitrary basis. It would t matter what the topic was. 

    The battle of ideas seems to be going quite well at the moment in the public sphere, which is nice. 

  12. 5 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

    Maybe in the 1980s sonograms weren't around? Also, not everyone chooses to know the sex or gender of the baby while it's in the womb. We didn't. 

    Given the last time we interacted I had to inform you 'eschew' meant the opposite of what you thought it did, I'll give your reading on 'assigned' a pass, if that's all the same. 

    ETA - either way it doesn't make much odds between 'assigned male at birth' or 'assigned male at sonogram' - the individual is still being assigned a gender by someone who isn't that individual. 

    Is male a gender? I thought it was a sex.

  13. I’ve just watched the first 2 episodes of Obi-Wan. McGregor is fine but a lot of it is comically bad. Some of the action sequences are a shambles and the Third Sister character has had me laughing out loud at the standard of acting and the appalling dialogue. 

    I also can’t believe they made the Chinese looking character in the Inquisitors wear that hat! 😆

    I have heard it improves drastically so sticking with it.

  14. 8 hours ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

    The problem with Iplayer is it only recommends like one show at a time, so if you want to watch first ministers questions you need to type out every single letter then select the second option because the Welsh donny comes up first. 

    I hate how it makes you do extra clicks. One to select the show and then another to start watching it. 

    And I hate how you start a show and it tried to get you to watch a trailer for some other absolute bbc shite that they think we should all be watching.

  15. 2 hours ago, dorlomin said:

    The tone and the plotting is going to be aimed at the "young adult" audience. Its going to be a sort of adventure story with some Amazon purchased Tolkien place and person names to give it a kind of nostalgia vibe for the Jackson films (likely the music will basically be a rehash of Howard Shores score). Some wild rumours going around but thats the norm for something that a big company is trying to hype (Numenorean army being 50/50 male female was the one to cause a splash over the weekend). 

    Amazon are crazy desperate for something with the nostalgia of Star Wars on Disney so are throwing a fortune to try to manufacture another "cinematic universe". 

    On the plus side we have worked out what those intimacy coordinators were for, bit of orc on orc action. 

    I was a pass when this was announced, I am a pass now. 


    What a depressing take based on no facts.

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