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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. I’ve absolutely no doubt that’s what they’ll do. He’ll probably win the three games prior to that and they’ll think things are beginning to change
  2. Was a bit meh any time I seen him at Livingston but did well the couple games he was called upon for Rangers last season
  3. I can barely believe it - Queens far and away the better team today.
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That’ll give me something to do when I get home
  5. I’m just praying that today has shocked him into finally realising the massive problems we’ve had in the centre of the park for the last year, at least.
  6. Slightly different as his view is from the outside looking in, but people can’t seriously still think this? The whole Europe excuse in particular is bugging me
  7. Wonder if he’ll take credit for bringing Murphy off the bench
  8. He’s currently sat leaning against a wall with his arms folded - looks lost
  9. Quite incredibly, astoundingly in fact, look so much more comfortable since changing shape. Hopefully not just a spell
  10. 1-1 Jamie Murphy. Excellent goal - probably be dropped for having the audacity to try it
  11. Wondered if it took a deflection. Parish seemed to be wrong-footed, albeit…
  12. Had a decent 10 min spell after conceding but shock horror created nothing of note. Reverted back to the usual shitebaggery now
  13. Gilmour quickly becoming a scapegoat and that’s down to his manager
  14. Any way of finding out the lineup for the 20s game at Broughty tonight?
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