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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Stop being so negative. We signed Sergei Baltacha once
  2. Should be a good laugh when they go over to thank the fans that travelled
  3. Good to see the quality set pieces have continued into the second half
  4. There’s Scott Burns is reporting on the Cleary to Shamrock deal. Think it’s entirely understandable for him to want to move closer to home and be with the family member, also think Saints have done the right thing here. The mention of fatherhood in reply to RG’s twitter post was just plain weird and not at all relevant. Thomson’s constant attacks are pathetic, at best.
  5. Agree with that. 26 appearances at League 2 is much better than Muller and Dendoncker combined
  6. 32, 16 with deals expiring this summer (33 and 17 if you add in Vertainen)
  7. 31 (if I’ve counted correctly) players in the squad now…
  8. Could be total shite but allegedly another keeper coming in as well as Matthews
  9. Played the first 8 league games with Hamilton then spent the majority of the remainder of the season out injured
  10. More comfortable with this move than one for a fairly untested 20-year-old. That inevitably means this will be an unmitigated disaster
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