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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. See, first half, we were fine, not great but it was fine. Within 5 minutes of the second half, the game was really getting away from us and yet again, he’s reactive. The theme of waiting until we’re a goal down to change anything is absolutely killing us. The interviews defy belief.
  2. Following a defeat I’d usually find myself in a pretty rotten mood for the rest of the weekend - pretty sad, I know. I’m now beginning to find I’m not even bothered beyond leaving the stadium. The absolute dross being served up each week is beyond mind-numbing.
  3. Top end of Tesco car park now fenced off for ‘event parking’, for those interested in how they’d work it
  4. Thought Milne was an excellent piece of business in the summer, head and shoulders above the rest any time I watched Cove last season. From the outside looking in, could be doing well to hold on to Tiffoney beyond next summer
  5. That’s what I took from that interview as well. It didn’t actually sound as though clubs will be spending too much money on VAR - could be totally wrong though
  6. Replies to their lineup tweets since Lowe took charge have consisted of a lot of McCann anger. Find his treatment of a 22-year-old baffling
  7. I’m feeling unusually optimistic and I’ve not a clue where it’s come from
  8. Agree it looks extremely like a Sweden kit - a nice one at that
  9. Just looked to be absolutely shot of any confidence and self belief, which is understandable with the injury history he has. Never know, he may end up being recalled in January and looking a completely different player
  10. There was a small break out of it in the Dundee end but it never really caught fire. Not heard it since. 100% not Arbroath fans though
  11. One of the more spectacular refereeing performances I’ve seen
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