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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Wonder which side will be the focus of our attacks unbelievably predictable
  2. Underwent ankle surgery a week or two ago so missing until after the World Cup
  3. Had my doubts when McGowan was signed, but so far, I’ve had a fair bit of humble pie - game at Rugby Pugby aside. We’re definitely a far better team with him in it. Will be a big miss.
  4. That’s the one Club have just posted an update which answers your query about Hercules
  5. Agree with pretty much everything that’s been said. Some players are being thrown under a bus by the manager’s stubbornness/stupidity. I’m not overly convinced Drey Wright could’ve played the position he did last night before he got injured in his first spell, he definitely can’t play it now. James Brown is fine if we have to use him here and there, but he isn’t suited to this system, and definitely not on the left. He’s started the last four games and with the exception of the first half last night, they’ve all been on the left. On a more positive note, really enjoyed Ryan McGowan’s two throw ins towards the end and enjoying the personality he brings to the squad. David Wotherspoon’s celebrations at the end were wholesome.
  6. Beat me to it. I have sympathy with some of the stewards tasked with keeping us in. One steward in particular offering people out for trying to leave a football game was bizarre. Shambolic probably doesn’t even cut it..
  7. How the fucks that happened then? As @RandomGuy.says Kyle Maggenis has given Davidson an extra few weeks, at least. That first hour was fucking stinking. Fair play for actually going out and getting the win though - quite shocked. Genuinely thought we’d settle for 1-1.
  8. We’ve not drawn 0-0 away from home since the game at Easter Road in March but the fact we’ve lost our last three makes me think that’ll probably be the game plan. Cannot wait. 1-0 Hibs.
  9. Wouldn’t pretend to know the origins of it all but I know there’s a couple that head over and watch Hercules a couple of times each season. Been going on quite a few years now
  10. Callum Davidson’s swashbuckling Saints providing no form of excitement? Never.
  11. Last one was on a Friday night… Stevie May against Brechin is the last one I remember. Of course that was in the League Cup - not sure who eventually won it that season
  12. Old Firm levels of entitlement. Wouldn’t pay much attention to him, he’s got half of our fanbase blocked
  13. What’s not iconic about a run-of-the-mill league fixture against some diddy team from Perth?
  14. Pretty much the way I see it - Hibs looking after their own. God forbid, if we ever found ourselves in a similar situation, I’d hope Saints would do the same
  15. Some wild takes on social media regarding the upper sections for Friday’s game
  16. I make that three times in 2022 we’ve sold out an away allocation. We really are fucking massive these days.
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