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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. I dunno what it is but I really like Ryan McGowan. He’s hardly been outstanding but, to use a cliche, you feel he gets it.
  2. Rooney’s goal v Celtic the only obvious example I can think of, that produced a goal, although I think Booth was maybe just outside the box? Thought the first and second goals today were excellent, and the ambition for the penalty was too good to be true
  3. Alex Mitchell is a cracking bit of business. Be amazed if Millwall don’t look to renew his contract
  4. Far from an excellent performance but still feel St. Johnstone were deserved victors, albeit maybe not by three goals. St. Mirren were guff.
  5. This has been everything you expect from this fixture so far. We’ve not been great but we’ll inevitably get worse in the second half, somehow. St. Mirren will equalise, either the manager will make a baffling substitution or somebody will get sent off and we’ll be hanging on for our lives. Optimism.
  6. Did think there was something odd about the timing
  7. He’s gone with Carey in the middle, hasn’t he?
  8. Was told about Hearts by somebody at my work a few weeks ago and assumed they were talking utter shite. Must’ve been in the pipeline a few weeks then
  9. Could be a revolutionary decision to play Kiltie deeper akin to Jason Holt and Craig Sibbald
  10. Highly doubt there was anything in the people I saw talking about it. Just seemed like pure guess work!
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