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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Just can’t get him out of my head. He’s all I think about
  2. Yeah he’s become the scapegoat which is slightly unfair. We all know he’s not good enough, but criticising every last thing he does is unfair. Likes of the ironic cheers against Cove - embarrassing.
  3. Maybe took too long on the ball at times, but not helped by what’s in front of him. Saves from the header in the second half and particularly the one in the first were massive though
  4. Makes you wonder what impact he’s now having on the players mentally. All look absolutely shite scared to make a mistake now
  5. I’m absolutely fizzing if I’m honest. Wouldn’t even say I was angry for the second half of last season, just despondent. So it’s probably as annoyed as I’ve been since Kelty. I could just about accept it if it looked as though there was some sort of attempt to force the issue, but there was f**k all
  6. The way we treated that second half when we very realistically could’ve gone through is a sackable offence imo.
  7. Crying out for a target man but apart from that it’s been decent enough. Hard to judge it properly though, Ayr are guff.
  8. Considine left, with Cleary in the middle. Looks to be 5-3-2 with Carey in midfield and Murphy upfront again
  9. Was probably our best player in the opener against Annan and hasn’t started since. Got on with 5 minutes left on Tuesday…
  10. From what I saw, he was filming fairly close to the march, was quickly pushed away and told to get to f**k. Nothing too major - just some folk who’d had a bit to drink. Having their faces plastered all over YouTube probably isn’t the best of ideas either.
  11. Expected nothing less. Haven’t had the chance to listen yet, but I’ll guess lots of references to the 60s/70s/80s and how good a player Callum was
  12. The gift that keeps giving. What is that last paragraph all about?
  13. Fair fucks to those involved in the display last night. March to the ground was excellent too
  14. In fairness was that not due to injuries? Fairly sure McCann used to play there and has subsequently done so for Preston too
  15. Completely irrelevant I know, but I wonder what Tommy Wright is making of all this…
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