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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Light in the North Stand needs fixed too. The club are probably on that though
  2. Wonder how much of that was down to the virus that hit the squad… Agree on the catering. We went down at kick off and were told there was no hot food left and it’s hardly as if that’s a new thing. More often than not, everything is gone by half time.
  3. Aye - ‘Against Modern Football’ and ‘20s plenty’ banners were up.
  4. Probably find myself agreeing with him but difference is I’ll apportion some of the blame onto him. Doubt he’ll think the same.
  5. Not sure what time you posted this, but if it was before the bells, I’m laughing. The responses to that tweet are quite funny.
  6. Out of interest, what’d you say? Considering it myself
  7. Hadn’t even thought about that, doubt the club had either
  8. Not just the giving out three stands, thirty fucking pounds. Get that so far in the bin. Shameful.
  9. Middleton. But worse. We need that option in the squad (McLennan might be the best we could get). Wouldn’t like him in the squad but I also think he’s the different option we need.
  10. Looked more of a penalty than the first one to me, although I was down by the scoreboard so my opinion may be slightly skewed.
  11. Somebody’s probably gonna tell you we’re the second most successful
  12. Could be recency bias, but James Brown genuinely makes Scobbie look exciting. However, nowhere near as many heart attack moments with Brown.
  13. You might want to avoid Sportscene for the next week
  14. We’ve actually been relatively decent when we’ve got the ball but some of the defending was absolutely guff. Too many ball watching and not tracking runners. Basic stuff.
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