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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. I was under the impression that you’re only allowed one additional substitution for concussion but having checked there it is two.
  2. Also don’t get the argument about Saturday past when we’d already made 2 subs and had to get both O’Halloran and Efe off after their head clash. Fully trust the manager on this one
  3. In fairness Morelos didn’t spend X number of weeks in quarantine in a hotel room in Perth. That’s bound to have an impact…
  4. A lot of clamour for Eetu at the minute but folk need to remember he’s still only 22, in a new country and spent a good few weeks locked up in a hotel room. Although the rumours I’m seeing a slightly concerning, there’s still plenty of time this season. Now I’ve said that I fully expect him to be away and never to be seen again come January.
  5. Another brilliant save right at the start of the game from him too
  6. Going to be interesting to see just how much a difference Liam Gordon makes (if any)
  7. First time I’ve seen Bailey today - was seriously impressed
  8. Don’t think the Main Stand linesman was much better! Feel like there was a slight suspicion of offside for the first goal but would need to see it again
  9. Definitely seen worse performances since coming back up but there’s a lot of tidy possession without creating anything clear cut. 16 shots with only two on target is quite astonishing.
  10. Really looking forward to next week. Sure Eetu is as well.
  11. Usually try not to get too down over football…but 3-0 at home to a similar sized club, conceding the goals we did, makes that a quite difficult. Fair play to Livi, solid defensive display all afternoon and when Stryjek was called upon, he answered with a phenomenal save. No qualms about playing on for the 3rd goal, refs duty to stop play. Ambrose giving us the first glimpse of the Ambrose we’re all used to seeing.
  12. Really entertaining first 10 mins so far. Could argue there was an offside in the lead up to the goal but it is what it is. Livi came out flying - quite impressed
  13. Apologies for being that guy, just wondering if there’s been any news on tickets for Celtic next week?
  14. Wouldn’t be biggest shock in the world to me if he took a testimonial and ran. I’d have no issues with it - 3 major trophies and a testimonial isn’t a bad haul for your boyhood club, particularly when that club is St. Johnstone.
  15. Not ready to admit that about Rooney just yet, personally. Will sting a little
  16. Agree with this - FCU are decent. These types of groups should be encouraged across Scotland as a way of getting attendances up.
  17. Wondered the same. Seen a few leaving United etc. as well
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