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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Fully onboard the Efe Express now. Anything said previously was not me.
  2. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/ross-tierney/leistungsdaten/spieler/623740 See that this guy is linked with a move to Scotland in January, any chance he ends up at ourselves? Highly thought of in Ireland
  3. Would have to be robotic not to have his head turned by that and just plain stupid to turn it down
  4. Charlton’s offer may well have just been a flat £500k as well, while Wigan’s includes a sell-on clause
  5. Had seen on twitter the rumours of 200k but they were batted away by one of the Kaylor’s, imagine they’d have a reasonable idea.
  6. The lack of replacement is the one for me. Surely can’t have been caught out by a late bid for a double winning 21 year old internationalist by a far richer club, and the player wanting the move…
  7. Rather amusing seeing others on here taking a swipe at us because we’ve sold two double winning academy graduates for £1.8m (likely to rise). It may very well hamper us on the pitch, we may very well go down but at the end of the day, I know I’ll have a club to support at the end of it. Where others have gambled their very existence chasing success, which they never got, we’ve had a steady rise and achieved great success - not least winning two trophies in the one season with a squad made up of six academy graduates - an academy our manager also came through.
  8. Love the optimism. Exact kind of positivity need on here.
  9. Post on Facebook, not the greatest of sources, claiming McCann is nearer £2.5m if that is the case then I’m considerably less hacked off about the whole situation. Vital we get some players tied down now.
  10. Imagine this had happened under Tommy Wright - box office viewing
  11. Fair play. This calmed me down momentarily and even made me laugh.
  12. Classless, really. If there were ‘several’ clubs in for him then I doubt we’d have ended up with £1.2m…
  13. The statement attached to Saints’ tweet is mad. Almost suggesting McCann pushed for a move…
  14. Breaks £1.75m record fee once add-ons are activated. Better be £1.2m up front…
  15. If I thought we killed the optimism after the first cup win then f**k me sideways
  16. This is the way I’m leaning. Although that may be more in hope than anything…
  17. Just trying to find any way possible to stay relaxed!
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