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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Genuinely quite sad how happy/proud I am to see Zander called up. Being a product of our youth academy makes it even sweeter
  2. Apologies if it’s been asked elsewhere, or it’s glaringly obvious on the St. Mirren website, but any news on away fans? Understand it might be early yet but I’m bored, so thought I’d ask.
  3. Precisely. There are a number of seats that are either currently broken or have previously been broken - can’t all have been from misbehaving.
  4. With regards to seats, think it’s a bit unfair to assume that if they are broken, they’ve been broken on purpose. As has been pointed on before, McDiarmid is in need of a bit of TLC and the seats are hardly the sturdiest. The club have gone about this all wrong in my opinion, not hard to get in contact with one of them and let them know what the script is.
  5. Was also there on Friday and would say there was a lot more life to the concourse there than at McDiarmid - not particularly hard. It looked as though they’d sold bricks to supporters to have their names on part of the ground - a touch I particularly liked.
  6. Thought he was absolutely incredible last night, as he has been for the last year at least. Lovely now to see he’s silenced the doubters and that fans of other clubs starting to notice. His ability to win fouls has been absolutely vital in the big games
  7. FWIW I don’t think he was wildly wrong but to basically suggest that these teams have a divine right to be finishing top six above ourselves just because they’re historically bigger was a bit of a nonsense given only Aberdeen have consistently finished above us the last 10 seasons.
  8. Another monumental performance to be proud of tonight, they’re definitely there for the taking - should they play like tonight. Really, really hope we don’t rue those missed chances
  9. Personal/health reasons or something else? Know he’d been unwell recently
  10. Would be surprised with both Rangers and Aberdeen also due to play on Thursday. At an uneducated guess I’d imagine Premier will take the Rangers game, and if the BBC do take either of the remaining two, it’d be Aberdeen
  11. Both goals conceded today were really, really poor - especially the first one. Not like us
  12. Just came on to post this. Promising to see we’re looking further than loan signings now!
  13. Even if there’s 500 tickets left, is it still technically classed as a sell out or something strange like that? Seen it on twitter, just wondering if that’s pish…
  14. Anybody know if they’re in again tomorrow finishing setting up the display? Wee bit missing..
  15. I’m in this boat, have tried to lend my ticket to other people so far, to no avail.
  16. Had seen the guy on Facebook the other day saying kids are allowed
  17. Magic. Not sure how that didn’t even cross my mind!
  18. Could be being stupid here, apologies if I am. By 6000 ticket requests, does it mean 6000 tickets sold or is that the number of people who’ve bought tickets - either individual tickets or groups of twos, threes, fours etc. If that makes any sense..
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