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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Even if there’s 500 tickets left, is it still technically classed as a sell out or something strange like that? Seen it on twitter, just wondering if that’s pish…
  2. Anybody know if they’re in again tomorrow finishing setting up the display? Wee bit missing..
  3. I’m in this boat, have tried to lend my ticket to other people so far, to no avail.
  4. Had seen the guy on Facebook the other day saying kids are allowed
  5. Magic. Not sure how that didn’t even cross my mind!
  6. Could be being stupid here, apologies if I am. By 6000 ticket requests, does it mean 6000 tickets sold or is that the number of people who’ve bought tickets - either individual tickets or groups of twos, threes, fours etc. If that makes any sense..
  7. Club have played an absolute blinder with this - in my opinion
  8. Aye, not as if it was information we found out this morning. Bit iffy to message a fan account on twitter hiding behind an anonymous profile…
  9. Apologies if it’s already been covered, but anybody any idea the number of seats that are out of action for substitutes etc. Any chance of us breaking the 9500 barrier (should all available tickets go)
  10. Good and bad! Every set of seats I tried to choose disappeared before I could get them! Place is going to be rocking on Thursday
  11. Anybody able to post it in here? Membership section has disappeared
  12. I’d just assumed that was a joke and the money was going towards the display. Own goal of epic proportions
  13. I’ll still be able to purchase around 5 extra tickets this morning - so anybody in need of one give me a shout. May also still have one going on the day of the game
  14. Think it’s over 65, under 18 and full time students. Could be wrong
  15. Is the weather for Thursday not meant to be rotten as well? Every chance of it being an uncomfortable evening for Galatasaray - accept I may have set myself up to be a laughing stock with that one
  16. Reckon it’ll just be e-tickets, surely quicker and easier for the club to do
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