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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Right, here’s O’Halloran. The comeback is on. The saviour.
  2. Laughable. All fine with him having a go in fixtures in which it’s pretty vital we get something, but there’s probably a better way to do than Chuck them all on at once
  3. Didn’t finish work in time to make it, but find a bit of solace in Rory Hamilton and Stephen Craigan doing the County commentary. Been very good so far
  4. Neither. Fine with the ball at his feet, but nothing else
  5. In the Courier last night that Rooney is expected back some time next month with Bryson not too far behind him. Cammy MacPherson back soon too. Touch would, but the squad looks as though it could be in a extremely healthy position going into the split
  6. Really interested to see how Butterfield performs with Hallberg beside him. Not been overly convinced by him yet, but I guess there have been some mitigating circumstances
  7. Sure Alan Burrows has said in the past they looked at cheaper tickets at Motherwell and it wouldn’t be worthwhile. Appreciate that could be an easy cop out though…
  8. Fully agree. Was quite refreshing to hear other parts of the East Stand starting chants and the video Matty Gallagher put up is great. With regards folk laughing, I can’t understand it. Just young lads having a day out supporting their team and enjoying it, as cringey as it sounds, you can’t envy that
  9. Place was electric yesterday, clear to see the impact that had on the players. Could probably single out each and every one of them, just for their sheer desire alone. On that showing we’ve got enough about us to stay up, but early days yet
  10. Was up with the FCU and it was glaringly obvious - was actually surprised by the lack of appealing by the player, though I might be misremembering.
  11. Add in covid, null and void the entire season is the only safe option
  12. This was on my way home from work 7E1EE276-7BEC-4150-B22A-B31D5666AE6C.webp
  13. Did Dundee United ever get done for the postponement last season when they had injury struggles? Can’t seem to recall anything in that regard
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