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Everything posted by DUAFC

  1. Both Nouble and Hamilton are available for tomorrow. I haven't seen anything that makes me think that Dowds won't be included.
  2. Welcome back Jack Hamilton, still hope Anton Dowds starts tomorrow.
  3. A wee bit shaky to start with, but definitely grew in stature and composure as the confidence came. He'll totally smash it in League 2
  4. To go with a Championship medal. That would be some achievement....
  5. Probably worth it to watch Anton Dowds bag yet another late winner
  6. Delusional or what ?? The average price of streaming a championship match is probably about £13. 18 quid you're having a laugh
  7. Totally agree about Dowds. Great big guy who wore his heart on his sleeve and could not have worked harder. Even when it wasn't going for him, he never hid. Chipped in with some crucial goals. Hopefully he can rejoin at some point. Think we need at least another one decent option up top, too light in numbers otherwise.
  8. Nope - backwards step in my book.....if true !
  9. So you're OK then, great !! What about older folk, or people with underlying health issues
  10. I think maybe you can and if you think about it for a second you might just see there's a connection between the spread of the virus and - guess what.......people's behaviour. Have I missed something, or have you yet to share your pearls of wisdom on this point...?
  11. There were less than complementary comments about Anton made by the club, during a Falkirk fan's Q and A with their Board of Directors. I don't know exactly what was said however.
  12. Falkirk have been desperate for years !! Without wanting to sound smug, they're everything Arbroath isn't. They've thrown Anton Dowds under the bus before now. Why on earth would he want to leave ?
  13. Think the Club have handled this whole thing brilliantly. Clear communications as quickly as possible, and a fair, well thought out plan with times and deadlines. Made the best of a horrible & difficult situation.
  14. Why not let half the original season ticket holders in for the Hamilton match then the other half in to ICT. Surnames A - L Hamilton, M - Z ICT
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