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ohnononowheredidRossgo last won the day on January 31

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    Raith Rovers

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  1. Only worry about May would be his injuries. Good experienced and hard working player. That said, he’ll be frustrated riding the pine while Jack Hamilton bangs in 30+.
  2. I agree with you, I thought Smith was excellent on Saturday. I think Murray is deliberately going to be stuffier this year and try and be more workmanlike in our attempts to win the league.
  3. Game on RaithTV for international neeburs? edit to add - is there another way I can find out in future bar posting here?
  4. Think we'll be a lot more business like and solid this season. Should hopefully be a boring and simple run to the title.
  5. Poor Vaughany trying to get himself into the swing of pre-season and xavi's are sifting photos of golf days and pictures of the stands like a jealous ex.
  6. Pretty sexy stuff from Airdrie with the 3rd kit.
  7. Sasha Opinel and Ivan Mballa just came to mind, couple French fancies.
  8. Why the absolute panic on signings lads and lassies? I mind the good old days when we were starting with about 10 senior players and John Valente and Bottle John as subs. I put it to you we’ll sign a right back and have new kits.
  9. I’m gonna shout “change it McGlynn” because I’m the king of bants.
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