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Blame Me

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Posts posted by Blame Me

  1. 4 minutes ago, FK1Bairn said:

    Are the new strips on sale tomorrow? I assumed tomorrow was the day the photos - and presumably video - of the new strips go live with the sale of strips starting Thursday if the shop is closed on Wednesday 

    I'd expect so. Depending on the design, folk will want one immediately and others will be happy to buy online and wait for delivery.

    I don't see a reason for a delay in sales starting.

  2. 5 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

    They have been massively lucky they are being allowed to use Hampden (again)

    I don't think luck is involved unless it's incredibly lucky that the SFA happen to owe the Queens Park "benefactor" £2.5M! 🙄

    QP only exist in modern form due to the perennial help of the SFA renting Hampden until UEFA rules forced their hand and QP amateur status - bearing no transfer fees and the 3rd largest stadium to maintain - left both seeking a marriage of convenience. 

    In stepped Lord Haughey to provide QP with the means to move to Lesser Hampden and the SFA a means to fund it and now QP can have the best of both worlds. A 50K+ stadia without needing to continually invest in infrastructure and pitches maintained to FIFA standard (and all that entails) without the outlay as I dare say Lord Haughey probably wouldn't even notice if the SFA didn't repay it.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Hartleys18/19Army said:

    This isn't making good reading today about people, in particularly families being split up as the KM stand has been oversold and certain people have been refunded and asked to buy a seat in main stand. Seems strange a stand with a definite amount of seats can be oversold. 

    The club sent an email last week offering to switch those who might want to sit with friends/guests in the KM to the main stand as there would be little (zilch) availability due to the uptake.

    To me this looks like mischief making as "families being split up" makes it sound much more dramatic than my son/daughter/spouse didn't renew in time and now can't sit with me.

  4. As a massive FU we should acquiesce to the grass demands and allow a funfair,  waterpark or outdoor wax museum to be built on the land between the grass and remaining artificial surface. 

    Force Sky to broadcast from the main stand and show the world our best product, grade-A grass surface surrounded by Elvis on the toilet and Obama in an open-air Oval office 

    Nothing would scream "Elite" more 😂

  5. There won't be a compensation scheme because of the intention to pay for the consultancy and associated costs of any recommendations to their own pitches.

    They aren't going to pay for all of that and additionally pay into a pot which potentially weakens them further.

    God forbid a promoted team decides to use the funds and  pays to go over-and-above the minimum standard thus giving them a perceived advantage.

  6. Have heard it said repeatedly this "improves" our game but I haven't seen one tangible fact that this is so.

    I am still dumbfounded that grass has been prioritised and yet there is no work other than a commitment to engage consultants.

    Grass consultants appear to be the silver bullet to this scheme and yet the SPFL board realistically can't say whether the current clubs could have minimal or maximum remedial works to carry out or whether they have a choice over full-grass or hybrid - if recommended. 

    Dundee plan to move to Camperdown afaik - if they voted in favour - are they prepared to do any potential recommended works to Dens knowing they will have to do it all over again or will they no-doubt be given dispensation to do the minimum mandated and so every other club can do the same?

    It's a complete farce.

  7. 13 minutes ago, GunnerBairn said:

    Sorry to butt in on all the beer chat but thought I’d share the email response I got from MSP Michael Matheson’s office below, confirming a letter was sent to the SPFL on our behalf. Further below, note the mealy mouthed pish which Doncaster replies with. Does Doncaster actually get paid top dollar to draft shite like that and press send? Scottish football is truly led by donkeys.

    Good afternoon,

    Thank you for taking the time to write to Mr Matheson regarding this matter. Mr Matheson is supportive of the approach that Falkirk FC and other Clubs have taken forward with the SPFL in opposing the pitch changes.

    Mr Matheson understand the financial challenges that changing the artificial pitch to a grass pitch would have on Clubs and the repercussions this would have on wider activities, for example the Falkirk Foundation who have invaluable programmes in the community, including working with vulnerable groups.

    Mr Matheson has recently met with both members of the Club’s board and the Foundation, during which they discussed the issue and the potential impact. Mr Matheson has therefore written to the SPFL to highlight the impact of the cost of changing the pitch and also the wider impact this decision will have, particularly at Falkirk FC on the work of their Foundation and the knock-on effect this will have on the provision of programmes for the community. Mr Matheson has also highlighted that Falkirk FC have an exceptionally high-quality artificial pitch.

    Mr Matheson received a response from Neil Doncaster, Group Chief Executive of the SPFL, which I detail below:

    Dear Ben,
    Many thanks for your email below and the attached letter from Mr Matheson regarding the resolution recently requisitioned by a number of Premiership clubs.
    If passed, the effect of this resolution will be to phase out the use of artificial pitches in Scotland’s top division by summer 2026. Artificial pitches are not currently permitted by many European leagues (including the English Premier League, the three divisions of the English Football League, and the Dutch Eredivisie).
    You may be interested to learn that the SPFL Board recently approved plans for a Premiership-wide project to work with a leading pitch consultancy firm, which is regularly used by UEFA, to improve the standards of grass pitches in the Premiership. The SPFL will be engaging with Premiership clubs on this project ahead of the new season.
    As will be apparent from the above, the SPFL is keen to elevate the standards of all pitches in the top tier of Scottish football – which can only be good for the image of the game in this country.
    I trust the above is clear and helpful.
    If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know.
    Yours sincerely,


    Thanks for this. Really just reaffirming that the vote was done on the hoof and the Project to Improve Surface Standards (PISS) has no standing - exactly when clubs will be literally laying the foundations for the season ahead.

  8. Made the mistake of listening to SSB 🤦‍♂️.

    Hugh Keevins another who champions any standard of grass purely because it's not Livingston's artificial pitch and top insight from our former player Cammy Bell that training on astro in the winter will be needed because frost won't affect grass on match days 😒

    The same tired tropes about advantages and injuries whilst not questioning what minimum grass standards should be 🤬

  9. Just now, Arab_R_us said:

    show me the evidence of that?  only way that would be possible is that the Grass parks were terrible.

    So now you've costed in the consultants reviewing the standard of training pitches ... Which I assume you think the 12 are paying for too. Wouldn't want any sporting advantage of one being better than another.

  10. 4 minutes ago, MulsonFFC said:

    These 'Contractors' will be dishing out some pretty handy kick-backs as well I am sure.

    I can already foresee certain teams watering down the recommendations of this consultancy based on costs,  manpower and variance - ours isn't like yours so... -  

    Those with grass haven't seen fit to employ a standard at any point up until now so can see the bare minimum being done and the consultancy only being a recommendation rather than enforced.

  11. 1 minute ago, Arab_R_us said:

    As ive said, we all know whos is pushing this the most ? The old firm. Well ask them to put money in a pot then, i'm pretty sure they have said they would contribute in the past ?

    Please go back a few pages to Div's original post on this and understand what is and isn't proposed.

    Premiership teams voted on a simple binary choice and have comforted themselves, like you and Div, with imagined "it'll be alright-in-the-end" detail.

    The SPFL would rather spend any money on pitch quacks than other SPFL members in the Championship.

  12. 2 minutes ago, rainbowrising said:

    I get that but some seem to be saying (if I understand them) that it means community artificial pitches etc will be dug up which I don't get at all. 

    Falkirk rent their artificial pitch out to the community (general public).

    If they switch to grass then that is one less quality pitch the community has access too.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Arab_R_us said:

    Well your a biggish club and should be able to afford Grass at some stage, this ruling might stop teams like Hamilton, Livingston, Airdrie, Raith,  from getting  promoted or at least make them shell out for Grass.

    I think its helpdesk the bigger teams in Scottish football and im all for that tbh.

    I should've realised that, as a Dundee United fan, your grasp of economics wasn't to be relied upon 🙄

    It must be pleasing to know that when Ogren flees you'll be consoled in the fact that the administrators have to find funding to maintain a "good" pitch as well as the players wages.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Rugster said:

    The deed is fucking done anyway now.


    The last paragraph - as the statement before did - putting the cart before the horse! i.e. "We'll contract pitch specialists and set the parameters only once we've decided everyone should switch to grass."

    If Raith go up, decide to rip up their astro and played on a tattie field - albeit a grass one - that would be acceptable *until* the working group settle on what the standard should be! 🤦‍♂️

  15. 1 hour ago, Div said:

    Would even Falkirk fans admit that leaving finances aside, playing the game on a good grass pitch IS preferable to playing on an artificial pitch?

    @Div I'd hazard Falkirk fans would say yes - but are we talking about a "good" grass pitch in August, December or February?

    Your correct - context is everything.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Div said:

    If not is there a reason that in England, a country with a very similar climate to ours, there isn't a single artificial pitch at any of their 92 clubs from Premier League down to League 2?

    One word - Money.

    You've now stumbled into comparing apples with oranges. 

    There is rightly much hand-wringing about clubs living beyond their means (both Dundee clubs) and lack of finance generally but this proposal punishes clubs for maximising their revenue and budgets to chase unrealistic grass proponents wet-dreams. 

    Ultimately, pitch experts or not the perceived playability of grass pitches in the winter months will still be decided by school teachers, accountants and policeman regardless of the standard.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Div said:

    They won 19 points at home and 6 away last season.

    Home advantage is obviously a thing in football, be it grass or astro, but those numbers are very pronounced.

    With all due respect that statistic, like the one I'm about to use, is open to interpretation.

    St. Mirren won 28 points at home and 19 points away. You and 9 other teams play on grass including St. Johnstone who also won 19 points at home but fared slightly better than Livingston away gaining 16 points which I can correlate was because they played on grass like the others. 

    How is that not an advantage that 10 others had over Kilmarnock and Livingston? 

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