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Blame Me

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Posts posted by Blame Me

  1. 2 hours ago, Donathan said:


    I don't know if it's to do with the high squad turnover levels we've had in the past few years but every team we play at the moment seems to be made up of 50% ex Falkirk players

    It's oddly not a new thing. 

    Whether it be our star-studded loanees of the past or players who've passed through our doors - with increasing regularity - I find myself calling out who's played for us in really random games.

    Mark Howard the other week in Wrexham's FA cup game for instance.

    Just trawled Higginbotham images on Google to get one of his crying face and there's a ton of players featured just related to him that have turned out for us.

    We are massive!

  2. 13 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Ref was fine yesterday. Never a penalty in that game. Booked 3 or 4 of their gonks for chirping. 

    All the officials were what we've come to expect to be honest.

    Not surprised the lino's missed Higginbotham's headbutt, holding of players at the touchline and Austin's forearm smash yet thought Tidser kicking Hendo's foot was a foul against Hendo. 

    Wouldn't have been a surprise if they gave a PK for Ageymans dive. It actually looks worse on the highlights as he clearly belly flops after his miss control. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Bairn in Exile said:

    Sure, but even the strongest of teams should always be looking to strengthen their squads. Just look at the Green Bigot Brother this window, miles ahead of everybody else but signing new players and looking to improve.

    It's definitely odd to suggest they couldn't find anyone better and do a deal for them throughout January.

    Whilst they're top it's all academical but should they slip (here's hoping) it's going to seem like a terrible view to have taken. 

    Goes without saying I'm glad they've not strengthened.

  4. 16 hours ago, Zbairn said:

    .but the flip side of the coin is how can we also save cash ?

    Completely theoretical and not sure if we incur any costs over and above the catering contracts but what about the disposable consumables like cups etc. 

    Does that cost get factored into the cleaning/disposal and is additional costs for waste management or is that parcelled up with the council service.

    Outside looking in we might only guess at true costs of running the operation.

  5. Just now, Hughsie said:

    Surely he’s going now?

    You don’t normally do the signing picture with the shirt when it’s just a pre-contract.

    Aye I'd have to agree. Can't see him kicking a ball for us again even if he's going with our best wishes i.e. been told he's not getting renewed.

    With his injury record is he likely to put his body on the line if needed when he's got a paying gig lined up ...

  6. 10 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

    Reducing the KM Stand rent and the Council's take would be a big help.


    Going by the Falkirk Daft podcast with KJ we seem to have a good relationship with the council when it was brought up about moving operations out. 

    However, going by my weekly visits (poor facilities replenishment, which I assume is the councils purview) and the public relationship between the two you'd wonder if the club and council knew each other - Some examples of where they could jointly do more to help each other in my view.

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  7. 23 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

    To have a CEO on around (rumoured) £50k for a club our size and turnover is perhaps a wee bit excessive.

    Given our CEO's experience and skill set I don't think the rumoured 50K is that bad, all considered!

    On the utilisation of staff, I expect there is a trade-off that's been calculated in tie-ups like Greaves and Ticketing which may not be obvious.

    The one I currently can't fathom and can only surmise is due to our catering supplier arrangements is the deal with SeatService. One of their USP's is increasing concession revenue and yet we haven't taken advantage of the service and generate some additional monies. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    @LatapyBairn. is correct that we need to push FSS during season ticket renewal this summer, especially if we go up as there will be a feelgood factor that will benefit numbers. 

    We also need to be more creative with FSS marketing, there should be perks/benefits that don't cost much to deliver e.g the right to vote on shirt designs and the likes and maybe discount perks triggered by length of FSS membership at club shop etc.  Get John McGlynn to face up the recruitment campaign and stories in the Herald etc. 

    The best ownership model for me is a hybrid of fan ownership and deep pocketed investor though essential any investors have the clubs interests at heart.  Easier said than done to find that.  

    Telling the story is definitely key.

    Most supporters should know what the aims of the FSS are by now and there will have been a few rounds of directors being nominated from the membership - Hearing about the achievements that have been made as a direct result of FSS involvement might persuade people to join.

    Also, some vox pops from the FSS demographic about why it's good to get involved and get some "real" voices to articulate why joining is important. No doubt all these avenues have been discussed but throwing it out anyways.

  9. 8 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

    I think we should be trying to extend Lawal and Burrell's contracts now if we can. I appreciate that it may be difficult to commit funds at the moment because we don't know what level we'll be playing at next season, but we should certainly be exploring the possibilities.




    Great we've freshened up the squad but we must have a fair few players entering the final months of their deals and the one thing Holt got right was continuity is required. 

    We'd all hoped for signings but seeing regulars extend their contracts would be welcome too.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

    Can’t see anyone having a go at the patrons. Just questioning if those who previously pledged more could be tempted to do the same again. Don’t see why anyone would have an issue with that when clearly we need more investment.

    Not any different from asking where those who pledged to join the previous fans group haven’t joined the FSS. 

    Sometimes the easiest answer is the obvious one.

    Circumstances have changed and those that had disposable cash now don't. 

    It does seem that folk are looking for a smoking gun - like board differences or personalities - which aren't necessarily there.

  11. 32 minutes ago, RC_Bairn said:

    why would you pay for an advertising board in January with only a handful of home games left?

    That is a very old fashioned view of how sponsorship and marketing work. 

    "Partnerships" is the buzzword but really it's sponsors signing up to longer-term commitments and being promoted on more than a pitch-side hoarding.

    We don't know the value of these partnerships and some are questionable but hopefully it's all adding up.

    On a side note does anyone know if we have managed to recover monies owed from the judgement against Clarke Epos?

  12. 4 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    I don’t think the structure of the FSS should be changed but I do think there should be a sharesave scheme that allows individuals to buy shares in their own name.

    I appreciate that this goes against the FSS ‘block vote’ idea, but I think it’s time to put pragmatism over ideology. I think getting something more tangible for your cash would persuade more to sign up.

    In any event, surely having a larger shareholding from fans is no bad thing regardless of how these shares are held? Yes, these individuals would need to be persuaded to vote for the FSS ‘line’ but that is no bad thing in my view.

    Not sure what's more tangible than the continuation of the club we support?

    For me, the sharesave premise is based on the ability at some future date, to recoup what you've paid in.i

    That is not what the ethos of FSS is as I understand it. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Jimmy1876 said:

    Does anyone remember the rough number of season tickets sold when we were doing well in the championship? Imagine it's quite different to the number of season tickets sold in the last 2 or 3 years as well. 

    If the threshold is 50% of season ticket holders then that will also still be lower just now than it would have been if we were competing for top of the championship.

    Having a proper breakdown of the ST numbers would be helpful from an outside perspective but you'd hope the FSS had access to the real numbers to base their target on - which I suspect they do.

  14. 15 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Morton's has been running since 2019 and Motherwell's first started in 2011 so it's easy to see why they both have more members than us at this point. 

    600 odd in the first year is a fantastic number and hopefully with all the positive things going on at the club this season more people buy in. 


    27 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

    Not to the tune of 2900 more (in Motherwells case). 

    Motherwell have used fan ownership to integrate with the local community fully embrace more than we ever will with our current structure.

    The one that I don't understand is that we are lagging way behind Morton. 

    Beat me too it. My reply 👇

    As of September 2022, MCT had 945 members and began in 2019. 

    FSS began in 2021? and have 620 by January 2023. In anyone's book that is a hefty uptake if not the desired target of those involved.

    Comparing all these other groups membership numbers without context doesn't paint the complete picture and as @Van_damage mentioned some of these other schemes have incentives or are structured slightly differently to the FSS model.

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