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Blame Me

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Posts posted by Blame Me

  1. Difficult to sum that one up.

    In control for much of the 1st but passed up chances and were punished.

    Airdrie offered little IMO and thought McGuffie was decent and Morrison wasteful. Service to Alegria was poor and when he did get in behind he fluffed the setup.

    2nd half the ref went all in on having a 'mare and gave them a hand they probably didn't need and blew the wind out any possibility of a comeback.

    Hetherington and Nesbitt not cut out for the graft needed I'm afraid - which we all knew but hopefully McGlynn realises now.

  2. Sounds like there was a difference of views between the BOD and what Doug Moodie, as elected FSS representative, thought.

    The reference to ALL parties learning lessons and how the model can succeed suggests there has been some friction in the board room. 

    As suggested in other posts it's a noble idea to govern by consensus ... until there isn't.

  3. 1 minute ago, FFC 1876 said:

    For f**k sake ally, that's us finished. Think of all the potential fans who were planning on booking to come see us on the 1st of October only to now think we're playing away from home! If someones not publicly dragged around the park by the tractor at half time on Saturday for their incompetence I'll be outraged.

    That's a bit much. Rotten veg in the centre circle would suffice! 😛🍅

    I'm serene about the whole thing now.


  4. 1 minute ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

    Over the years, most people who've attacked the club have directed their ire either at those at the very top, such as BOD, CEO or MSG, or those involved in the football side, such as players and managers. 

    Your posts are somewhat different. I'm reading between the lines here and may be completely wrong, but it seems that your sights are set on the two media staff. You make a lot of assumptions about their work and the systems they use. Most of those assumptions are completely wrong. 

    Some are fair, such as the typos, which they admit to if you speak to them in person.  But you place so much focus on an issue that many would consider minor that it almost suggests a personal agenda. 

    As I say, I could be completely wrong but that's the inference I'm taking from your many posts on the subject. 


    Apologies to them if reading and to anyone who's inferred that.

    It's not personal at all and they are just my observations albeit from the outside looking in. 

    I don't want anyone sacked or dragged through the streets - I just want improvement.

  5. 1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:

    If it is that bad and you know what needs to be done to fix it why don’t you volunteer to do it? 

    We are sponsored by the company who produced it for us and it's been in operation since 2018 at least.

    I'd happily do an afternoon but we employ comms staff and have a managed service for that reason i.e. I shouldn't have to in an area of the club staffed accordingly!

    Some of the enhancements aside It's not unreasonable to expect that club staff would know how to operate it by now (not to mention proof read posts before publicising).

    I'll take at face value there may be some technical issues behind it but in the main I don't think it's a case of a major fix that's required - it's basics whether it's all-singing-and-dancing or not.

    Evolution not revolution!

    As always @Back Post Misses your keen to shoot the messenger(s) rather than see an opportunity for improvement. 

    What has become evident is there are a lot of fans on here who have a very top down or bottom up view of the club and can't see that the bits in-between are just as important.to getting us out the hole were in.

    I won't be posting on the matter again.

  6. 19 minutes ago, some_guy said:

    Fantastic. You've taken me to Google! 

    7 minutes ago, Bigbrbairn said:

    Easy as that! Thats what a normal punter would do. Even the SPFL website

    Now I want to buy a ticket. Show me where I find that directly or quickly and easily from any of those fixtures or on the SPFL site please.

    Let's agree to disagree that impending  improvements are necessary.

  7. 1 minute ago, MrDust said:

    The fixtures bit should be fixed and is a very quick fix but I can't say I use the official site for fixtures or much else.

    Perhaps official statements but they are usually linked via here or social media in that you don't even have to visit them on the official site.

    As per always, on the park is my concern that would make me write various posts about, not the official website.

    To be honest it's not you and core fans the site should be aimed at - Falkirk is a destination and we've got domestic and international visitors who might not know where else to get that info - P&B won't even register to them!

    Google, I hope, is going to present the club site as the top hit and maybe they check fixtures. They're going to go straight there and be presented with ... now't. 

    Opportunity missed.

    That's just one scenario.

  8. 1 minute ago, Back Post Misses said:

    People need to get it into their skull that on pitch performances drive income. It is the core business.

    At last, we agree! 🤗

    3 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    People come to games, they buy merchandise, the go to hospitality and business want to associate themselves with a successful organisation. The rest is fluff. 

    It's the facilitation of all that that some of us are suggesting could be improved to take advantage of the on-field successes - the fluff.

    I could rhyme off countless examples of why it's frustrating for some but some of the reasons behind it don't always wash.



  9. 10 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    No it’s just boring 

    Finances usually are. That's really what our gripes boil down to.

    While some post about how the existing budget *could* be spent some of us want to discuss how to maximise it without the need for on-pitch performances to hold up. Each to their own.

  10. What I, @Braes_Bairn and others point is - which is missed by a helluva lot of our fan base on here - is that the site/Twitter etc is our shop window beyond the core support.

    As I also said earlier in the week, it potentially drives people away from returning to the site and in-turn sponsors don't get some of the exposure they'd expect or worry that their brand marketing is accurate.

    Earlier this week it was ambiguous information, today it's a copy-paste issue where an older post (Bonnyrigg) is copied and links not updated -  Marketing budgets are tight and if the admins can miss glaring issues like these then it doesn't fill marketers with confidence to spend it on us!

    I really didn't want to get dragged back into this debate as I can see there is work going on to rectify some of the issues highlighted.

    From what I can tell the work has been sub-contracted out back to CC, surprisingly, but proof-reading for our journalism trained comms team shouldn't be.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

    Naw. I think the players are going to be gutted and demoralised because there was a line saying tickets sold out below another line saying tickets for sale on the website. All that coaching about the pressing game, accurate passing, crossing on the run, fake strikers and fluid defence just goes straight out the window when the fixture list isn't on the website.


    5-0 to Bonnyrigg and half a dozen players telling their agents to get them a move imo. 

    Quite funny how the chances of that result happening are higher due to the multitude of variables at play than any of the points discussed being resolved this side of Christmas. 

    It's a funny old game 🤪

  12. 12 minutes ago, Bigbri Bairn said:

    i really dont think we hire a large team of IT whizzkids. In real life it is exciting because nothing is perfect

    Sorry but it doesn't require "IT whizzkids" to operate this. The site and the software has been in place for a number of years now. The functionality should be understood by now and our comms team have been in place for a while now too. Also, see my earlier post re Crunchy Carrots - surely we can have our main sponsor fix bugs or tutor if necessary if that's the problem.

    13 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:

    Aye but like does it really matter? 

    See my earlier post regarding plugging the shortfall. The hard reality is the website and social media are shop-fronts and we should be using every opportunity to maximise selling to someone (neutral, visitor or die-hard). If it's neglected folk don't come back regularly and your missing those opportunities. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Jackie Myles said:

    Nope I'm  still not getting the issue here .  Post was up with details of how to get tickets. Tickets sold out so this was added to the original post to say tickets have sold out so that anyone going back to that post can see it. No idea what all this knicker wetting is about.

    Schroedingers tickets - simultaneously sold out yet phone the club shop to buy them. 

    If you can't see the error and potential for ambiguity in that then we can leave it be.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Kircer bairn said:

    Blame me seems an ironic user name for someone who spends most of their time casting aspersions 🤔

    What aspersions am I casting exactly?

    Surprised I've not been called out as an old BOD apologist (yet) this morning 🙄

    I could level my opinion on it at many of the previous regimes as I have no axe to grind with this one before it is said.

  15. Quote

    I can get the data elsewhere but it doesn’t feel like rocket science to have this up on our website.

    Your correct and the fact it's on the club site *should* make it authoritative.

    Not to mention the irony that our main sponsor is a web-design company. It's not a great advert for them when you scratch beyond the surface.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jackie Myles said:

    I'm still not getting what you're talking about though.  

    It's fairly simple - The tickets are sold out so why would I need to buy from or call the club shop! It is superflous in the *updated* article.

    I mentioned earlier that this ultimately has a cost somewhere. The myopic view is that it doesn't matter and it's mountains-out-of-mole-hills but the website and social media frankly isn't aimed at the die-hards as they will get their information from somewhere regardless.

    The content (if it even exists - see fixtures as an example) and accuracy is for the visiting, neutral or would-be fan as the website is likely their starting point. They're not going to hang around or come back and buy tickets and/or merchandise if they can't find what their looking for or rely on it being correct - just as we saw with Hibs PATG last week.

    We have to remember that we're not always preaching to the choir and that's why I call it out - not just to put the boot in!

    Our ST numbers and attendances can be lauded but I'm sure everyone wants to see that grow - that's surely part of how the shortfall gets plugged and not just by asking existing fans to contribute more.

    Hopefully this explains why this stuff is such a bugbear of mine.

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