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Blame Me

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Posts posted by Blame Me

  1. 21 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

    absolutely go for it straight ball from back to top


    So Fordyce, Watson and AT-S can gobble them up?

    It's moving the ball at pace and getting them turned that will hopefully get us back in the tie. 

    AT-S is slow but we played right into their hands isolating Burrell and pumping it long.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Tea and Busquets said:

    I hope those still going on Saturday can get behind them early doors. Being negative ain’t going to help anyone. It’s the only way we’ll have any chance of pulling off a miracle. 

    Yes but there has to be some semblance of competence and a plan to overturn the result on show.

    Knocking it around without intent and more harem-scare'm defending won't enthuse the Falkirk crowd!

  3. 2 minutes ago, SouthStander1876 said:

    Cup comps aside weve only been beating by 3 or more twice I believe. Could it be passed as a terrible day at the office?

    Said office was a raging fire and backed onto a hazardous materials compound surrounded by radioactive bees ... and someone had left their lunch in the fridge for 100 years. It was the worst day of any office! 🤣

  4. Having had a few days to vent, reflect and think calmly about the situation I would - hesitatingly - still stick with McGlynn.

    However, as has been suggested already his only remit for 2023/24 is to go up as champions.

    No more* and nothing less than that will do.

    Having now faced every scenario in L1 (bookies certainties, the upstarts and usual suspects) the management and players should be under no illusions what's required.

    Begrudgingly McGlynn needs to take a leaf out of Dunfermlines book and be single minded in getting us up.

    It hurts to say now but we may have played the derby occasion instead of, on reflection, the game at hand and since there are no derby bragging rights as big next season it should only ever be about the points and getting over the line as rapidly as we can.

    * Unless we get favourable draws into latter stages of comps

  5. 18 minutes ago, Bairnschild said:

    Get behind the team, we will overturn this deficit. Positive approach, not a negative hostile atmosphere

    That's all we've been missing and if only we'd backed them more last night ... or at East End ... or at Hampden 😒

    Perhaps we should all hold hands and align chakras too! 🤝

  6. 43 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

    Adding into this teams sussed how to play against us we need a plan b to counter that and a plan c

    That happened around November and although we had some results we weren't overly convincing at times.

    Last night highlighted how little variation we have in our play and how we've settled on a formation that favours "wingers" who can't cross trying to hit a lone striker - who's game isn't really being a target man 🤷‍♂️

    Yesterday, Airdrie (and others we've seen) were quicker, aggressive and direct with midfielders looking to break whereas we had Kucheriavyi, Nesbitt and McGinn happy to knock it around but not really go beyond. 

    It won't change Saturday and expect Airdrie to go for the jugular.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Numbers_One_To_Eleven said:

    Not necessarily if any of those points were taken off Dunfermline, who’d therefore be worse off, but I see your point. The Kelty 0-0 home game is one particular game where I really think we should’ve got a decision.

    All conjecture but various scenarios where a penalty may have led to further goals and the goal difference would have changed.

    As said, goals change games. As evidenced last night - another for us would have made our task on Saturday surmountable but as it is Airdries 6th leaves us with a mountain (and then some) to climb.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


    In the last 3 seasons in the 'Penalties received table' Falkirk ranked 5th, 5th and 2nd, which correlates almost perfectly with their league placings. So there's no evidence of being hard done to previously.

    No doubt this season seems a bit of an anomaly but there will always be that. For example Montrose got 14 penalties last season (7 more than us despite us finishing 13 points clear of them and scoring 15 more goals than them).

    Random chance plays a big part in it, but it's also having players who are able to win penalties. Sometimes that is code for 'cheating', but it can also be players who are intelligent and know how to get in positions to be fouled, or to highlight when they are being fouled (like Stanway last night).

    The average number of penalties this season is 4.8 per team, so whatever the reason, at most that's 3 or 4 penalties short of 'normal', it would have made zero difference. Even if those 3 or 4 penalties had been crucial goals (which is unlikely) and turned draws into wins you'd still have finished well short of Dunfermline.

    It seems to have been used as the basis of a 'woe is us' attitude by some fans. When really it's made no difference to your season.


    The focus has been on penalties but it's refereeing in general.

    Basic facts are goals change games and had some been awarded they could have changed defeats into draws/wins.

    Also again the opposite is true - we may have been closer had some stonewallers for other teams been waved away as we think some of ours have.

    Bottom line is refereeing standards in Scotland are terrible with no accountability.

  9. 2 minutes ago, CallumPar said:

    I dunno why you’re talking about 7 penalties over 9 months

    As you pointed out in your original post, penalties are meant to be hard to come by yet your team over 36 league games you got one in 25% of those games played over those months! 

    That statistically bucks the trend.


  10. 1 minute ago, CallumPar said:

    I think all teams could point to penalties they should have got, but didn’t. It’s definitely a more common occurrence than penalties being awarded that shouldn’t be.  Referees are trying to make sure they don’t make the mistake of awarding penalties wrongly, so will miss some that should have been, if their view isn’t great.

    Also worth noting that a lot of your attacking players are bad for diving/throwing themselves to the ground at every opportunity. Kennedy, Nesbitt, Morrison and Burrell are all examples of that. If they’re doing that all game, a referee is always going to have that in their mind when the players go down in the box.

    To your 1st point I think that's a perception when you have been awarded a reasonable amount. You don't really complain because you did get one or even two (and some you shouldn't) in games and numerically spread out it seems palatable. In your case, 7 over 9 months is pretty fair wouldn't you say? 

    However, when you get one over a season that is pretty poor luck as @bairn88 points out and you begin to question why similar awards in other games or against you haven't happened to you. 

    As for your 2nd point that is complete horsesh*t - our players sadly are much less "streetwise" than certain sides we've faced and some of the fouls against us are laughable. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    So what are you both saying? Is there a nationwide refereeing conspiracy against Falkirk? 

    Of course not!

    Honest enough to admit that it's the general standard of refereeing that is poor and put together with the data would suggest there is a mindset within the referees that blatant pens, as I think my example is, aren't given.

    Conversely, since the referees are that bad as acknowledged, I'd have expected at least a few more awards that weren't penalties or are you also arguing that bad refs always only make good decisions? 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Numbers_One_To_Eleven said:

    We can talk about numbers and populations etc til the cows come home,



    Whoever sets the clubs social media agenda might want to suggest that next year we tone down the supporter call-to-arms until we have the substance rather than veneer of a team who thrives on the turnout 😒

    The smaller supports seem to have enjoyed themselves a hell of a lot more than us!

  13. 13 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    When you're despite last night's performance one of the better sides in the league and have been given one penalty in the league all season despite highlights showing post game numerous stonewall penalty kicks then it's no surprise that you start thinking that the chances of that being given for us would be slim to zero. 

    Indeed. Both Dunfermline and Airdrie have missed more than we have been awarded this season.

    Here is a concrete example, if last night's the standard for awarding one, you might think we'd be given 🤷‍♂️

  14. 12 minutes ago, Numbers_One_To_Eleven said:

    If we do get rid or in the unlikely of McGlynn ditching MvGlynnball, I want tippy-tappy to go. Long diagonal balls or balls into channels would be the order of the day in this league and where necesssary, knocking about round the back only to take the sting out a game/take a breather. In other words, Nesbitt as a sub only.

    We can do neither very well. 

    I watched tippy-tappy between the back four and  diagonals used to no real effect last night as we didn't have players willing to attack or move at pace as a unit. 

    Burrell being so detached from Oliver, Nesbitt, McGinn and Henderson when we launched it just gives the opposition room to play off 2nd balls when it doesn't stick. 

    Airdrie attacks consisted of 3-4 passes to get to the edge of our box, at most and no real width.

    They just knew what they wanted to do and had a work-rate to match which I can't say we do. We have a collection of individuals and two "wingers" who can't cross. 


  15. 14 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Their pen the boy just fell down like a sack of tatties. Didn't appear in the highlights to be much more than two players tussling in the box like you see regularly. If that was us no way we'd have got it as we've seen from the long list of stonewallers we've been denied.  I'd love to bump into Charleston in the pub and ask him what the feck has been going on with the officials this season and us. Anyway all that did was put the tin lid on a shite night.

    Sadly disagree on this. On review McCann has a handful of his shirt as he turns and the award is correct. 

    Where I can agree with you is that happens to a Falkirk player and it's not a pen. 

    Realistically the refs ALL can't be against us - they are just so poor with no real recourse or consequences.

    Their decisions are baffling at times and one example for me was Kucheriavyi in possession and two Airdrie players chasing him down yet he managed to foul them and gave away a free-kick 🤨

  16. 49 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    If you want to feel really bad this morning, the current The Caley team is the worst in our history, a squad chock full of proven losers, pea-hearted shitebags, injury-prone jobbers, and a fat, useless Ayrshire *** b*****d in the dugout and we swatted you aside with ease last week.

    That's what McGlynn, Rennie, Sheerin, McKinnon, Hartley have done to you.

    Thanks for the summation. I did wonder where it had all gone wrong ... 🙄

  17. 40 minutes ago, scottsdad said:


    There is no way back, no point deluding ourselves that there is a miracle coming on Saturday. 


    Think the atmosphere will turn on Saturday as that interview from McGlynn was up there with some of those by Sheerin and Rennie recently. 

    We've not kept a clean sheet since 1st April in any competition (8 games) so to expect us to score 4 and not concede is pushing the bounds of credulity.


  18. 1 minute ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

    Yep. I think we'll sell more this summer than last even with McGlynn.

    Our fans are stupidly loyal.

    That's really what sticks in my craw tonight. 

    Every time we're asked to step up, we do. 

    Just seems like the players can't hack it and for all their warm words about our support would prefer to play in front of one man and a dog.


  19. 10 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Don’t get the Burrell love in. Poor again tonight

    Burrell did well when Alegria was holding up the play and Burrell could run in behind and score. We've seen flashes of that but he can't do both.

    Burrell causes panic with his pace, at times e.g. Setting up Morrison's cup semi miss and the sending off tonight but he needs someone to play him in not vice versa.

  20. 8 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    We're capable of scoring 4 goals but there's no chance we'll keep a clean sheet on Saturday. Losing Allan's a blow as it means the only option of a change up there is Matty Wright.

    Yeats Donaldson Mckay Mccann
    Morrison Max Lawal Kennedy

    Kinnear should help Williamson find his seat in the stands.

    Didn't make one save tonight and PJ can feel aggrieved he's been dropped now. I'd have hooked him, Oliver and Williamson well before half-time.

  21. Just now, ChoppeReid said:

    So a lot of people calling for McGlynn to go. But what do we think the chances of it happening are? Can’t see the board doing it to be honest. 

    From my point of view I just about was on board with keeping him on but not after tonight. 

    I defended him this morning but he got that completely wrong. There are ways to lose games and that was not it.

    Defensively we can be a shambles too often.

    We had our pants pulled down tonight by an Airdrie side who wanted it more and were streetwise.

    Same failings we've seen for a while all on show tonight and a massive disappointment that leaves us a mountain to climb.

    If it's L1 again next year as it looks to be then we need out the blocks quicker than this season. 

    Patience is wearing thin I'd think now.

  22. 13 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

    Of all the bad decisions McGlynn has made, starting Ryan Williamson in the last 2 games have been the worst

    Knew 5 mins before he went off he was going to pull-up. Looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than in the team.

    Yeats, a makeshift right-back, making a bigger contribution in the time given tonight than Williamson has since his Hampden.

  23. My earlier post was very much tongue-in-cheek 🎣

    In honesty, all I am hoping for is come the end of tonight Falkirk are still in the tie and Saturday's game still a competitive encounter. I think both side having something to play for over the two legs makes for better games overall than one team taking a huge advantage into a game.

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